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Show j Wardrobe Is Fitted and Lifted Easy, Quick to Knit Waistline Is Smart YOU want Psmart, to have the very look, and to look slimmer than you are, by aU means wear these two frocks, each with foe line that emphasizes foe slender, flattering silhouette. And if you want to wear really individual in fashclothes, ion, of superior fabrics and becoming colors of your own selection, then make your own, with these very designs, each of which is accompanied by detailed sew chart. tiny-waist- easy-to-follo- Fatten 1203. dolla wardrobe for a regulat14 and 18 inch doU ia easily Bade when foe little dress is just two identical pieces . , . coat and tarn mainly in stockinette stitch. wool! Pat-IsUse up your A ion left-ov- w IPanmfledl E2i? SEq yf Richard Exon, a poor man. betriende elderly Matthew Gertng. who at his death, five him a statement claim Inf ha, Gcrinf , 1iSSiiglg ? Aui IriVirflL Count of Brief, an nobiUty who waa before by Ida twin whose sentence for served. Ferdinand said Lady Elis- Gone empty away. "Whet do you mean empty? "They were to have taken you them I dont know where. Thete right the positions which they were to at the end of icupy the chauffeur ride to watch for my lady's and the woman to show his place as soon as he'd seen ier go by. And when Percy had to the i ted them, he went back ise. That's not guesswork. him. Two minutes after youd eft me, he whipped through the lelds below me, up to the house and n by the door at the foot of s stair Back to bed, of course --and there's his alibi. Nobody saw lim go out, and nobody saw him come in . . 'My lady must have appeared lust after I'd made up my mind to 'return to the Rolls. Anyway, I didn't see her. But I saw the closed car, as you did: and, as you did. I crawled up to have a good lode. Before I waa through, I heard (hat ap-isc- h, Sau5: g a Thinking Being Every man thinks, whether ha will or not; all he can do la to turn his thoughts tha best way. Aa impossible man la oua who hasnt n bit of foolishness ia his makeup. riff section is cut in one with Lions, four legged or two leg- skirt panel in front Tha fits beautifully, thanks to sc ged, roar too much. ly perceptible gathers above" Plea for Moderation waistline, and darts on tha an Suspiciousness is as great ders. The sleeves fit the onemy to wisdom as too much snugly, and are smartly, high credulity. Victorian at foe shoulders. In Calmness of desperation has so vet, satin, thin wool or silk crepe, gratification in it. this will be one of foe moat slenderizing, flattering frocks you ever put on! Man V & i . Workaday Dress. An unusually smart casual fashion is this one with foe princess skirt cut up to a high waistline and topped by gathers that give fullness over the bosom, accentuating foe slimness of foe skirt. Swirls of braid on foe pretty sleeves, and a row of braid edging the round collar trim it up just enough. Make this of gingham, calico or percale for hems work, and in wool crepe, flannel or flat crepe for runabout. The Pattens. No. 1585 is designed for sizes 38, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 82. With long sleeves, size 38 require 5 yards of Sfeinch material. With short sleeves, 4 yards; Ilk yards sun Drey a layer Table! Is water ia latafieta ia 2 seceeds hence Is reedy la ' te wert" rapidly if starts die-- If you suffer with headaches or tbs pains of rheumatism or neuritu; keep foe above picture shoot uino Bayer Aspirin in your Especially if quick relief is what you want. For the way sBayerTablct works in the glass is the way it works when yoni take It starts to dissolve almost at nice hence is ready te take hold of foe rheumatic pain or headache with astnnUhiwg ipoori Relief often comes in a few minutes. Always ask for ?SAYER Aspirin never ask for "upiriu alone. ride at Restrict Pleasures restriction on your pleasures be cautious that they hurt no creature that has life. only IroauTuix DOZEN Be Tha Daring Eye a daring eye, tells downright lies. Lavater. Who has CONSTIPATED? YOU BET! m Dont Let Gis, Nervi Pro sure Keep You Miserable pttebowtlaudj M 2JBG Tkia RervB pncn mmm diKUMM. SECOND: uu.ua f I load stsits tedMajr famine I " ; (tonieh, add iadiss Laden's, like hot lemonade, contain a factor that helps contribute to your alkaline reserve. Arthur Bartels, AMaic ZMrataHi Nra Ymi AUDEN'S 5 MENTHOL COUOH DROPS it is the pfSf SSEHst DOLLARS "Hr rim th bswtla ta ba Uu, tea ham Ki viiting fa, avniskl relid. Wd at aU dros Itou wd CLASSIFIED foa ADVERTISING Have yon anything amend tha house yon would like to trade or sell?Try e das Classified aficd ad. The cost is only and that are ADS probably slot offolks look- mm4 . Tvfor fust whatever Ills i longer have use for. 7 that circulate among ourselves, in our own community, that, in the end build our schools and churches, pave our streets, lay our sidewalks, increase our farm values, attract ore people to this section. Buying our merchandise in our local stores means keeping our dollars at home to work for aU of aa. I "hiJiJ 10. Mrs. Justice Thom?&jJ United States Supre , Washington was James Madison, and th? Phillip S. Washington 9. Has the President of foe United States unlimited use of the radio? 10. Who were foe first couple to be married in the White House? L NO ONE 1$ IMMUNE TO ACID indigestion The Answers 1. President Roosevelt speaks French and German and reads Spanish. 2. The Japanese trees do not bear fruit. 3. The population has thirty-fol- increased d. 6 4. The record is 8 feet 1923. in Grealheart set by inches, It has never been equalled. 5. The state has more than 200 of these picturesque bridges. 6. Yes, and also the first to cross in time of war. 7. It is about one-fift-h larger. 8. It was planted in 1775 and yielded more than 1,000 bunches of 13-1- But Why Suffer? For a moment I credit my eyes. Then I whipped to waa yet lying atlll as death, picking her up in my arms, ran out of the track and into the thick of the bracken unto I could run no more. CHAPTER 11 and Otherwise WHY SUFFER from gas," upsets" and due to Acid Indigestion vha i there is a way that rdieva acm stomach acid with inmHiMf boy tike two Phillips Simply Mifcg Magnesia Tablets at first aga d distress. Carry them with ke them unnoticed by mti- -y Results are amazing. Thm'i nausea or "bloated feeling. yot-ta- produces no gas to anbarraum and offend others. Add tion" gsbppears. You feel great Get a bottle of liquid "PkilBp for home use. And a box of PhiiL Milk of Magneoia Tablets to tan with you. But be aura any bom or box you accept ia clearly nurbi Milk of Magnoia. Phillip" PINUPS' friends pocket N EH down. "And Caesar? she cried, sitting Where's Caesar the horse I up. was riding? Unhurt said I. "He may be going spare, but he'i not going short And now will you please lie down and let me look round? After a steady stare, she did as I said. I got to my knees and peered through the tope of the bracken, but all was still As I sat back on mj heels Why did you want .to look round? "Because you' are still In danger. You were brought down on purpose. A wire was across tha ride." Lady Elizabeth looked at me very hard. How do you know? "I saw it taken away. 1 saw the whole thing. The fellow was thrashing the dug to draw you that way. There was a little silence. Then "Who arranged this . . . mpi. drama? the tferei how you can Alkali sf any tint easy Phillip? wayj A newspaper reacts the case of a "man who cycles to work at seventy. Some bicycle, by Hercules! Optimist: The woman who marries a night bird expecting to make him a homer. There's nothing like the spark of love for burning a hole in took his fa' Vire which had OLD FOLKS Put anmwta? cutoff. Long words like long dresses hide something frequently wrong with the understanding. There are three sides to every matrimonial row the husband's, the wifes, and the 35-in- Zimmerman. I FULL any time over the A I afterwards found I had run a quarter cf a mile, which allows, I thinit, that fear can lend a 'man strength which he does not possess. Be that as it may, I laid the girl down ns gently as I knew how end trimming. No. 1629 is designed for sizes then lay down beside her to get my 14, 16, 18, 20, 40 and 42. Size 16 breath. Of course I knew who she was marequires 4 yards of end I knew I had seen an attempt terial; 1 yards braid. carry her off. And I knew that Fall and Winter Fashion Book. to been sent to bring that atThe new Fall and Win- I had to that I ter Pattern Book which shows tempt naughtwithI preyed all succeeded heart had my photographa of foe dresses being From the way the had lain in my rn is now out. (One pattern end the Fall and Winter Patten arms I was sure that she was not Book 25 cents.) You can order dead, but I felt that she ought to the book separately for 15 cents. have water, to bring her to life. And . . Send your order to The Sewing then I heard the speech of a rill . Two minutes later, perhaps, a Circle Patten Dept, 149 New head. went Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, hand all up to her right said L lie still Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) Youirs took the deuce of a toss. each. Lady Elizabeth Virgil opened two Ban Syndicate. WNU Sanies. large, gray eyes. "The dog," she said. Who was it beating that dog in that merciless way? "It's an right, said L "He Herata Anserine Relief fee Cendltiene Dm te eiinaM (topped when he saw you come it Kg thP,rident. HeSy broadcasting sor? Wise 32-pa- Hus P Quick Dissolving Property is Why BAYER Aspirin Acta Sa Fast la ?Taka Hold of Musadar Aches and Pams od 9. Yes. This is ly ase-turr- PIOHES thrives. Court planted in mg bul-an- Uncle PkilQ THESE it was ... Afternoon Dress. Heres a lovely fashion that simply melts into your figure at thawaistline, because the lifted mld- it--is at Hampton 2. How do the Japanese cherry trees in Washington differ from eeld Herrick, our native cherry trees? Its very eeldom, her mind to make up S. The population of the United "that Fortune She almoet States has increased how much in well do a thing really two or three four generation!? always leaves you with to 4. What is the world record high little knots, and you hove to try But here ehee excut them by s horse? jump celled herself, for 1 came upon the 5. How many covered brldgea scene of the outrage as you went off. are there in Vermont? end so I can complete the astonish6. Was the Deutschland the first submarine to cross foe Atlantic ing tala you've luit told. "But before I do that, lets go for commercial purposes? back. Between ui, we saw the whole 7. How does a gallon by which d Canhie ting. We saw Percy meet gasoline and oil are sold in lead them off to the ride, ada compare with that by which it of course, he told them is sold in the United States? what they were to do, watched 8. How old is the famous grapethem fix the wire and placed them vine in the royal gardens at Wind- abeth. I nodded. directions for making coat, tam and dress shown; illustrations of them and sf an stitches used; material requirements. , Send 15 cents in coins for this pattern to The Sewing Circle, Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Please write your name, address and pattern number plainly. sioud grapes this year, The Questions President Roosevelt speak? 1203 contains J Offering on 1. What foreign languages does Was that them? SYNOPSIS 17 DODOTORDYATES A ftM oftouoohd m er ASK ME ANOTHER BANNER SERIAL FICTION- Doll's MILK OF MAGNESI LIQUID OR TAUET F0M I Had te Carry Her Over a Stream. o I picked you up and cleared out before they came back. A hand went up to her head. "So far as I can make out, Ive a great deal to thank you for. But I can't think as straight as I should. And when we get to your car, are you going to drive me to Brief? "I'd like to drive you to Raven. "To Raven? Do you know Ra- ven?" Thats said where we're staying, L AU right I don't care. Id like to see Brenda again. Ill lie down there for a while. When you've been knocked out youre never quite right till you've slept Though she seemed to have taken no hurt she was not fit to walk as far as the Rolls: yet I was afraid to offer to fetch the car, in case, before I got back, the hunt should be up. There was, therefore, nothing for it Fortune had laid on my anvil iron. If I did not strike it a red-hnow . . . When she had stumbled twice, without a word I took her right arm and set it about my neck: then I put my left arm about her and held her up. I am given to understand that she had her mothers looks, but I find it hard to believe that the Countess Rudolph had all of her daughter's charm. I have said before that her eyes were large and gray, but I despair of disclosing the exquisite light which made them so very rare. This was a very soft brilliance, which could leap into a flame, but once you had seen it you never could for-git because forever after all other eyes teemed dulL Her hair was soft and shining and black as night and the face which it framed waa and and strong proud fearless, but something sad. I think it waa the droop of her lips that gave her this wistful air, but you could not have wished it absent because that might have altered the shape of her faultless mouth. I had to carry her over a stream before I saw through the trees the flash of the Rolls. I never was so thankful for though she made no complaint I knew it waa all aha could do to stay up on her feet and I had a dreadful fear that to strive with the effects of concussion might do her some serious ill Winter saw us coining and had a door open, for her to get into the ear: this she did without speaking and at once lay back on tha cushions and closed her eyes. Herrick was not to be seen, but -- ince he was sure to return and the road. 1 Winter take the wheel and make for the spot at which he had set us down. If he was not In sight when we got there, I meant to go on to Raven and then return, but, aa luck would have it, we met him at the mouth of the track. He was plainly bursting with news, but 1 was down in the road before he could speak "I've gut her," I breathed. "Shes coming with us to Raven. But don't say a word in Ihe car slic'i iuo "Your cousin, Percy, said L "I saw him at work." After a long silence she let out a little laugh. "That rings true. she said shortly. And then, "Who are you?" "My name's Richard Exon, I said. A a friend of yours told me about you." I didn't know I had any friend." "You've Herrick and me, I said quickly. "Hia mother was a friend of your mothers, and I was a friend of of the friend 1 mentioned Just now. The girl regarded me, straightly. I can't remember my moth-"- I know, said L The Count.., Rudolph was killed before you were two years old. With that, I got again to my knees, to throw a look round. As I did so, I heard a car coming gathering speed. Till then I had no idea that we were so close to the drive, and for one distracting moment it seemed as though the closed ear were heading directly for us. Then it switched to its right short six paces away, and before ten seconds had pussed we could hear it no mure. well" et unfortunate dog, and without thinking what I waa doing, I started along the track. Then the dog stopped screaming, and I the bracken. Just about ten paces In rear of the car. 1 was wondering where you wefe and whether to follow the track Of go back to the BoDs, when I saw the woman approaching between tha tree. She waa blowzed and out of breath and went by at a shambling run, and when she got to the car, she swung the door wide open and then stood biting her nails and staring the way she had come. Presently along comes the chauffeur, sweating great drops, with a coil of rebellious wire, and going as fast as he knew. " 'Where is she? he cries. Have you got her? The woman lets out a gasp. Me? she bleats. 'Mix has got her. He sent me on. Max hasn't got her, cries the chauffeur, and the woman goes white as a sheet "The next moment up cornea Max, with his eyes bulging out of his head. "When they told him she wasn't there, he threw the best part of a fit befbra my eyes. Then they all ran back in a bunch, like so many frantic beasts, to where she ought to havo been. Less than two minute elapsed before they came stumbling ack aU thrc disputing hoarsely and, naturally, blaming each other for what had occurred. Bang opposite where I was lying foe woman fell upon Max and scratched hia face to glory before the chauffeur was able to pull her off. Then she fell down in a heap and bunt into tears, and Max did hia best to kick her till foe chauffeur landed a good one and knocked him down. But for him, they'd have been there now, for he waa the only one that wasnt beside himself. " D'you want to be taken? he hissed. That cursed horse is back in the stables by now, and in two minutes time the hue and cry will be raised. And if were to be found, were done. That Jew will show us no mercy he'll lead foe pack: and he'll hound us into prison for 20 Insure quick smooth starting, perfect lubrication, care-fre- e driving this Winter; Go to your favorite dealer now end change to Aeid-fr-ti Qtukrr State Winter OiL Quaker State's few sold tut will relieve you of cold weather starring trouble. Its pmity will free you from worry about sludge, carbon or corrosion. St to be carefree, make Quaker State your choice. Quaker State Oil Refining Corporation, Oil City, Fa. Quaker State Wnter Oil ft Ma&es Guts ACTIVITIES 4foul NEW HOUSE "That brought foe others up to their feet and into foe ear, and 20 seconds later the latter was out'of my sight Of course It would." said M,d "wrick. I might have rescued her: but after that I should have taken her home. I HE COTIl t:D) BUSINESS CENTER at SOCIAL and years.' "Well there you are. We know the whole truth of foe matter from first to last and, thanks to your we have in our hands tha enterprise, remarkably beautiful of their activities. As I saidsubject two days ago. you're one of Fortune's pets-bu- t you know how to use your luck-1 111 give you th.t It would never hav lrcd mj head to c.rry th. tadt ffiette&s In SAIT LAKE CITY ThA.r,rsSfs this fine hotel. 400 400 ROOMS Rafesi CAFETERIA $2.00 foSOOftJ DINING ROOM BUFFET AU Located off Main Lobby DINING DANCING EVERY FRIDAY and Entertainment SATURDAY NIGHT 4jotel Hrt. J. H. WATlti, MM BATHS CNAUNC2Y W. WIST, V ) C- |