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Show tohions Bloom IMistr in Spring of Monterey Virginia Stivers Bartlett SYNOPSIS C Virginia Stivers Bartlett California of ITS! a con met between Church and State ie Pplah-tiverne- d hF tw friendly .rr,y JunPro Berra, enemies, Francis-ee- n mlselonary. end Don Pedro eivU governor. After telling SerraFazes. be la ending to Mexico tor hie wife and ion. whom he haa not seen for eight he refusei hli eld toward found-th- e Santa Barbara Minion. Dona Eulalia agrees to so to California, by her duenna. Anguatlaa. nda tor Serra. him that two prleata art on their teUing way tram McxIm with Eulalia and young Pedro andthat he Is leaving to meet them. Fagee engagee young Indian girt. In. dizuela, maid for Eulalia. Eulalia nils from Sen Blaa. It la a dentate trih From the port of Loreto, a large eavaleade loaded with Eulalta'i party out for the long overland trip. Bulalla. aeeuatomed to luxury and comfort. bitterly regreta having been to come. The two prleata. AUrtaiw and Fray Bartolomao. callFrey on her and.arouse her euipiclone as to their genulnenese. Aa the eavaleade atopa at vertoua mlaalona, Eulalia heart rumors the approach of her huaband. While Don Pedro plane a great fiesta to welcome his wife, Eulalia plan her e. Son Pedro welcome! hie beauti- -' wife and young son. Eulalia la toaat-i- i the Queen of the California. On the long Journey to Monterey, tha reunited couple are royally entertained at the Presidio at Ban Diego. Eulalia disapprove of tha democratic relations of Don Pedro and hla people. Pleading wsartnen In the midit ofthe feait aha goes to bed when Angusttae tells her she knows Eulalia is asaln to become a Don Pedro Is diiturbed by the that mother. development! in the character of the wool priests end dreads Berra's disappoint- y,,r' fdrJ make, and looks so smart, 11 want it now in sheer or flannel, and later in tub silk or linen. The Patterns. you light-weig- ht 1471 20 (30 er, 39-in- ht 1411 is designed for sizes 2, and wearing on 3, Yea, even if 4 and 5 years. Size 3 requires 1 ie summer. never done much aewing, yards of material, with Ik enjoy working from our yard of contrast for collar, and 1 , patterna, yards of edging to trim. Dolls iccompanied by a complete body is included in the pattern. doll requires Ik yard tailed sew chart. Hundreds Sixteen-inc- h inners are saving money, of material, with yard 'resting really individual for dolls dress, and yard of i, by making their own this edging. 1207 is designed for sizes 34 to 50. Size 36 lie Charming Basque. requires 4 yards of with short material, s a perfect design for slim, sleeves. With long sleeves, 4 ill figures. The snug basque nve a full, rippling skirt, is yards. Spring-SummPattern Book. tized by little puff sleeves, Send 15 cents for the Barbara will how delightful it look, Bell Spring and Summer Pattern up in a plain or printed one, but choose Book which is now ready. It conling colorful, because its tains 109 attractive, practical and becoming designs. The Barbara gay, young little dress. Bell patterns are well planned, I Girls Dress, With Doll, ' s this pattern brings you di--s accurately cut and easy to follow. Each pattern includes a for making the little girls N which enables even a beginner to the doll, and a dress for the cut and make her own clothes. ft it like her small mama's, Send order to The Sewing ft link how all that newness Circle your Pattern Dept., 149 New take your little daughter wL. Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, dc with joy. The childs dress Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) it arling, with its full skirt, each. I, puff sleeves and round pot e Bell Syndicate. WNU Servlet. call Make it up in printed per-- r Mir gingham. k braid would be pretty to iic now, 39-in- easy-to-follo- w 35-in- 39-in- er ma-eith- er sew-cha- & he Classic Shirtwaist, is distinctly a womans i of the indispensable shirt-Ires- li'A ok ot kk tr rt cm I 10 1 MW I Along the Kings Highway, where foot of king had never trod, nor royal hoof rung out, Fray Junipero limped slowly. He had been on a long journey, visiting each one of his beloved missions. Happy had been the journey, pleasant the visiting with his brothers, and gratifying the reports he had heard. The mission were flourishing; converts, crops and cattle increasing. He felt happy and satisfied. By his side trudged Pio, bearing a yellow umbrella, which shaded the father as well as himself. Pios arms ached, for the umbrella seemed mysteriously to gain weight as the hours passed. The father, beneath that moving spot of shade, was tracing in retrospection the first of all these many tepi that had led him through life on his apostolic Journeying. That had been over half a century ago in Mallorca, the jewel of the Balearic Isles in the Mediterranean usl M is a difficult one to SALT when there is some pound ek ingprbread, or plain butter that needs to be made mM ting to tempt the family, Mi R these two situations meet, ki II find that pineapple cream tt.l ie over slices of any one of V I tha ids of cake will be just the produce a lovely dessert. Jci Pineapple Cream. ft M eft A can emitted ) sea. pineapple Paalry cream marmalade, Jam or Jelly HOTEL Temple Square n the juice from the pine-an- d save it to use for some-tlsl or just drink it Whip B Team until stiff. Blend the with the drained pineapple ftt e marmalade, jam or Jelly. oft ying the kind of jam used l liole tone or flavor of the oar can be changed, and you nd any flavor blends well ie pineapple. Serve the over slices of the e. Nates 91.SO to 3.00 lo atmoa-phm.Y- 1IICIILY RECOMMENDED Yam eon aloe appreciate why t ft's a merit ef dfaffacffea Ie atop at tMe koootiful hostelry . ERNEST C ROSS1TER. Mgr. cake. 4 l e, pine-crea- 3 III MNGIBILL1NAV.Y1T0BACC0! i5l ft I atM Seventeen years old, Miguel Jose Serra had walked from his native village. Petra, to the capital city, Palma. His pious parents, amid their tearful farewells, begged him to ride the family burro, but the alyouthful pilgrim, in his heart San the to dedicated holy ready Francisco, set his shook his head. So he sandals hie on the road that stretched ahead of him, for half a century, across half a world. In Palma, doffing the dress of a Petran peasant for the Franciscan habit snd cowl, he doffed at the f.tn, time the name the peasants had called him. Miguel Jose Serra rope-sole- a Tha Ilotrl Tempi Stem highly dvoinhir, friendly Imoioe-ulatwill alwaya fled it annmnoly eemfaHahh, aad therowahly aproooblmYew con therefor nadmload why thlo hotel lot a l NEWEST HOSTELRY Onr lobby la delightfnlly air cooled dsrlsg the summer months Sidle fat Every Room Bathe 200 Hoeaie-2- 00 de-ipo- and there are other ft LAKE'S d was gone. Now there was Brother Serra. Juniper only. Fray Junipero folSen Francisco had a devoted who would steal Junipero. lower, from the altar itself, if by stealing No he could feed a hungry mouth. larder in Asis was safe from his celled plundering. The good seint : of the Jester brother, little the Had I but a whole forest of such Junipers!" So he who traveled from the called Mediterranean to the Pacific himself Junipero. Now his journey was nearly done. dazed a At he paced steadily on, the snd disregardsun, the little by beautl-ii-l ed emptiness ot hi body, up, before him, stretched road terminto the blue sky, where it in a city of bright mansions. Faint, sweet sounds of music drift choir. Froy ed from in angelic dust and rated Junipero fell In the down the shin-In- g his arms as one came frock like road, one in a brown of singmg cloud a with We own, birds about his head. "Mi Padre San Francisco! Lord,-saying- 00J SOCIAL and BUSINESS ACTIVITIES CENTER at the off ill fotel NEW HOUSE -- 4 erf In SALT LAKE CITY Thousands of repeat quests year after year attest the popularity of this fins hotel. 400 ROOMS 400 BATHS . Rates, fFETERlA AH 4 MING RY $2.00 to $4.00 Singh DINING ROOM BUFFET Located off Main Lobby DANCING Enterainmoni FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT W NEW MOUSE J. H. WATIRS, Prow (tail I ; CHAUNCIY W. WIST, Menegor "He does." "And you?" on hands, face. Be stirred and lift"My dear, he would do anything ed himself. The vision was gone. to get ma away from hero I beOnly a brown road stretched before lieve he would stop at nothing under him, while overhead a flock ot birds the sun to rid California of my percircled and cried. Pios dark face nicious influence. leaned over him in concern, and he "Ah. said Eulalia, deep In heard the young Indian's voice as thought "He did rid himself of me once, though from a great distance. I The "Little Father you are aweary I you remember. Humph met And He pulled himself erect on trem- charges he made against the terrible Journey he made, sick bling limbs end grasped his staff and suffering as he was, to preeent with its strong smooth shaft and them to the Viceroy. He nearly little cross at the top. died, with his crippled leg. But his "Yes. you are aweary, and hun- belief in what he was doing led him gry. Eat, Padre." on, successfully, that time. I adHe pulled from hli pouch some mire him. On my soul, I da The Governor laughed. young green onions he had carried from the Minion San Antonio de But I came back. Padua and held them out to the faEulalia's mind was working rapther, who crunched absently at the idly. So the Padre Presidents was that manner ot man! One strong in pungent, slightly withered roots. A vision a miracle!" he exult- belief in his duty but one who ed. Happy augury Soon will come would stop at nothing, as the Govmy friend, Don Pedro Pages, and ernor had said, to gain hla ends In two strong brothers of Saint Fran- regard to forwarding the Church in cis. Two men of God to help me California. found the Mission Santa Barbara. And he believed Pedro Pages God has heard me! My prayers stood In Hie way iff complete trihave not been in vain. Santa Bar- umph for the Church, therefor bara shall have her mission at last. Pedro Fagee must leave California; Prate God the Father, God the Son Serra had accomplished that once it might be and God the Holy Ghostl" "A strange man, aha said aloud. An along the flowery miles beside "But I have made up my mind that the sea, over mountain! and through we are going to be friends. Yes, canons, Eulalia wondered about tha good friends. He should be a comfamed missionary, Fray Junipero. fort to mo In this strange land. What manner of man was he? AcThe Governor frowned doubtfully, cording to the fathera at an the mis- then reached for his wifes hand sions they had visited, he was a again. sainted miracle worker. With these he cried heartily, "Splendid! opinions her husband concurred sin- squeezing her fingers. "Perhaps you cerely, and added other pralsea of ean change hla opinion of your hushis own. Not only was he a saint, band. Then we can all live here but he was a man among men, happily, you and L sod all the chilstrong, fearless, resourceful; un- dren, in California for the rest of complaining in the midst of suffer- our lives! She withdrew her fingers. ing. In short, the Governor gave him a soldiers merits in one phrase Perhaps, she said softly, "pera good campaigoer. haps I can. Pedro the Younger and Escabel-lit- o In spite of all this, Eulalia felt came dashing to tha Governor's that he withheld some opinion of the side. padre, and was puzzled to know "Father I shouted Pedro breathwhat it might be. Now that they lessly. "Look aheadl See, there is something strange moving down the road! What do you suppose it Is, wild Indians? "Ai. my child, I almost wish for your sake we would meet some wild Indiana. Where is this apparition? Young Pedro Jumped up in hla stirrups, "See down there at the turn. Something yellow The Governor leaned "Yellow? forward. "Ah, yes, I see. I know who It is. It's Fray Junipero, and Pio carrying hia yellow umbrella 1 An dale I We will overtake him. Fray Junipero lost in unearthly dreams, was startled at the sound of hoof-beaso near him, and moved off the royal road hastily as the gay party of riders dashed toward him. The Governor reined in his mount, which reared upright on quivering haunches, and faced the missionary. "Hail, Fatherl he cried, waving his hat Then he dismounted hast- inal Father Francis! breathed. voice hoard i Little Brother Juniper, ere you I am waiting ready to Mcome hornet for you Francis; yet "Not yet, Fatherwork-work. little while! I have mission for Santa Barbara! But eooo. "Good, little Brother. You are a wearied!" earUl the Fray Junipero felt An-oth-er Ruth Wyeth Spears 1 ts WITH PEP PWh notfry LYDIA E. PINKHAITS VEGETABLE COM FOUND? iple Cream for Plain Cake. IV times the dessert ques-o-n That night she sat long at tha lieutenant1 lavish table, laughing and chatting with tha company, complimenting the food, applauding the music. Now that I am leaving California ao soon, she thought, "I can enjoy things while I am here. It win be an experience to remember, and to ten about-- " Beneath her feet squirmed In his sleep. Eulalia prodded him, end he was (tiff. I am Yes," she whispered, leaving California soon. MEN LOVE GIRLS which women muot endure. Uaho a note NOW to get bottle ef wraid-ftmoPinkheiu'r Coni pound today WITHOUT FAIL from your druggiat more than a million women hart written in lectern ro-- 31 trained you to say those things to her." As gallant lieutenant Ortega rode beside La Goberaadara bo told her of the Preaidlo at Santa Barbara, a walled fortress like San Diego, with little whitewashed dwellings for the soldiers and their families, a store, a blacksmith shop, a chapel, and quarters for himself. As they drew near, Eulalia could ee flte presidio like a little walled city, its whitewashed walls pink in the sunset, Its tile roofs red. Again there were cannonade to greet her, the ringing of the chapel bells, and soldiers' women and children bringing her great armloads of wildfiow-ers- . CHAPTER XI K yon an peppy and full ef framm ufl Invite you to duea and pert lee. BUT, if you an crooo, Ilfrim and tired, uwu won't bo tatmated. Men don't Ilka quiet airfa. For thru feamtiona oaa wonua an told another how to go railing through" with Lydia E. Hakhaa'o Vegetable Compound. It haps Nature tone up the oyrtea, thui teaming tha dioeoiaforti from the fuectkioel gracious, slenderizing shoulders are and the skirt actly the correctly tailored, it effect. It's so easy to The gnified. tolly smooth br, CHAPTER X Continued is designed for sizes 12 to to 38 bust). Size 14 (32) The Governor put hli arms around smart new requires 41k yards of mathe other's shoulders. with and terial, of your to yourself contrast yard Well said, my old one. Well that youll enjoy mak-j- for collar. Belt not included. said. My wife will think I have OPTIONALLY ne ment in them. WNU Service "He wishes the soldiery away from tha province?" HCSP5SE ily. By Hie Side Trudged Pie. were approaching Monterey, and she would perhaps meet the Padre Preiidente before night the set herself to discover her husbands real opinion of him. Tell me, Pedro, che asked tentatively. "more about Padre Serra. I have heard much of him, even in Mexico City. He seems to be the most important person in California, apart from yourself, my dear. 1 hall have to associate with him, perhaps confess to him. What ie he like?" The Governor hesitated and plucked reflectively at hia beard. ordered the Stop doing that! lady. "When you do that I know you ere thinking what you win say Instead of saying it outright. WelL he said, but atill caressing his beard, I usually think before I speak. And doing this helps me to think. You have heard all 1 can say about Padre Serra. I like him, admire him. We are friends good friends. And we are enemies. Enemies hum," said Eulalia stroking an eyebrow with her little finger. The Governor leaned over his horse's neck and caught her hand. Dont do that!" he laughed. When you do that I know you are thinking what you are going to aay, and- -" Eulalia laughed. But It helps me think." she mocked. The Governor still held her hand. How dear, how charming she could be, thought he. , So you are enemlee. Why? "My dear. Church and State have ever been enemies. Their alms are too widely apart for them to work together sympathetically. That is especially true in California. The aim of the Crown the State in California is, frankly, the acquiring and holding of this country, and protecting it from other acquisitive nations England, Russia. Tha aims of tha Church arc tha conversion at tha heathen." He loosed her hand absently and pulled his beard. "And prompted Eulalia. "I, representing the State, must do my duty. I must see that the Church does nothing to jeopardize the Crown's holdings. Father Serra He is the church In California. would like to see all the soldiers sent out of the province, and be left here with the rest of the Franciscans, alone to work things out his own way. Eulalia pricked up her ears. Fray Junipero blinked, and said softly, "Ah, your Excellency I With an impulsive gesture Fagee put both hands on the monks shoulders. The face, though browned and weather-beaten- , gave the Impression of being pale end wan. The deep lines were deeper, the silver tonsure whiter. Beneath his hands he could feel the shoulders, in their hot coarse brown covering, so bent, so thin, trembling. But it was Junipero Serras eyes that startled him. Fiery with strange inner fires, they burned in his bony skull, not meeting the Governor's intent look, but darting avidly among the company of riders on the camonio. "My brothers . . . my men of God . . . he murmured, "O gracious Excellency, where are the answers to my prayer? Pedro Fagcs dropped hla hands. He half turned from the missionary, avoiding his searching look. For a brief second he stood tense, still, his hand on the hilt of his sword. Then he flung hia heed up abruptly. Tether Junipero ... he be- gan bravely. But Junipero Serra interrupted him. "Don Pedro! he cried In a trembling voice, holding out hie hand! but fearfully. "Don't tell me a promise! Ah. I had a vision praise to God on high! There they are! Ai. el, my Brother! Come here, closer! Let me see you . . . touch you! You are holy men, an answer to prayer! He stumbled toward Mariano Rubl and Bartolome Gill holding out his arms, tears streaming down hie cheeks. The two did not move, but atood as though stricken In their tracka. Serra threw hie arms about them, looked into their sullen faces and aw only good there. "Allelujal" he chanted, "Ave Marie Purlsimal The prayers of Junipero Serra are answered! Still the two stood dumbly. Rubls face wee red with a fuilty flush, while Gill grew pale; they too, like the Governor, avoided the fires of bis eyes. In his Joy, the fervid missionary noticed none of these things. He looked about him for the Governor. "Ah, forgive me, my son, tot not greeting jrou! he cried. "You and ... ... all your party have my blessing!" La Gobcmadora was staring at him. Then she slipped carefully from her horse and walked to the priest. For a moment she measured him with a look, then her eyes dropped. Here was a man, a little man, but he towered toward Heaven, and her eyes could not measure his stature. Her heart pounded. Her knees weakened, and almost against her will she found herself kneeling before him. 'It Is my wife, she heard her husband say. (TO BE COXTIMED ) Trim Your Conch Cover In Contrasting Cord f1 F SPRING is not in the air yet pleasingly proportioned lamp it soon will be. It is the season shades and dozens of other things when every room in the house that will give your rooms new seems to need a lift. If your charm and freshness. This book couch or day bed looks as though will save you many dollars. Readit has had a hard Winter now is ers wishing a copy may address Mrs. S Dears, 210 So. Desplaines the time to give it a thought. The couch of the type shown St., Chicago, HI., enclosing 25 here may be made to fit into al- cents (coins preferred) and a most any decorating scheme if it copy of the book will be sent posthas a smart and appropriate cov- paid, by return mail. er. The one shown here is ideal for a room with modern furniture or for one that follows no particular period. It would also give an interesting accent in a Colonial or The cushions provincial room. match the couch cover. A roughly woven navy blue cotton material is used and the seamlines are outlined with heavy cream colored cable cord. If you would like a gayer color scheme, use red cord with navy blue. Cream or yellow cord with brown material also makes an attractive cover. A curved candlewick tufting needle such aa is shown here at the lower right is good to use for sewing the cord in place. Thread about size 8 or 10 to match the cord should be used. The needle shown is really a medium size version of an upholsterers needle which is another piece of sewing equipment that you will find useful if you like to renovate old furniture. So often mystifying technical details stand in the way of making things that would add beauty and comfort to your home. It is with this in mind that Mrs. Spears wrote and illustrated her book, Sal? Lake City's Popular Mediesi Priced SEWING, for the Home Decorator. With clear sketches and text Hotel, Locate ? 4tfi Sostfc and Moia it explains the simplest and most professional methods of making new slipcovers, correctly styled Dr. Favorite Frcsrrlption Is a curtains, difficult dressing tables. tonicFierce's which hns been helping women of all ages for nearly 70 years. Adr. HEW GRAND Hold Ask Me Another A General Quiz Q 1. Is the North pole nearer to the center of the earth than the equator is? 2. Is it possible to expel a member of congress? 3. Have the Dionne quintuplets been fingerprinted? 4. The United States issued how many patents in 1938 and 1937? 5. Who was the Salmon for whom the navys new submarine is named? 6. Where is the widest street in the world? 7. Why do doctors write their prescriptions in Latin? Tlie Answers 1. The earth is flattened at the poles, which are therefore nearer the earths center than is the equator. 2. Yes, with the concurrence of s of the house. 3. All of the children have been fingerprinted. The prints are easily distinguished from each other. 4. In 1936 39.793 patents were issued; in 1937 37,695 patents were issued. 5. It is now the policy of the United States Navy department to name submarines for fish in the ocean. The submarine Salmon is named after the fish and not after an individual. 6. It is the Avenida Nueve de Julio in Buenos Aires. Five blocks have been completed and the avenue is 460 feet wide. It has five roedways. When finished the avenue will extend (or 33 blocks. 7. Chiefly because Latin has for centuries been the international language of medical science; it is also to some extent a protection for the patient against unqualified or ignorant sellers of drugs, requiring him to go to a qualified Pride Offends The proud are always most provoked by pride. Cowper. SmokeM Jmoui tUati LUDErsi Menthol Cough Drops 50 "...soothe a row throat instantly." Confesses Weakness Revenge is a confession ot pain. Seneca. two-third- c&tt' 1D& actio INSIST ON GENUINE NUJOL tenim.lhraa HOTEL BEN LOMOND pharmacist. THE CHEERFUL CHERUB I wonder whvt you tkinU oF tvve. And tXi true little. thugKt Ive yprvng. Ok, gentle reader, ple.e ke kind; 1 iyyw improve 4 ' Im very yovnG. AT, OCDEN, UTAH i Keen no Balks FmUr Iteraa tar 4 I1H te It.M penena - - L0S Air CmM Grill Lmii. aa4 UU, Mw Stop.. Tap Baa ef Im RTCT kiriunr-Opliai- Chwbcr f M ri!!n aad HOTEL AA Clah. IEN LOMOND Cm as m are T. K. FllaftralA Ks |