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Show HoYonber 17, 1961 Pag 66 Phillips O Ratoe Want-- Ad Uat 10i: Stops. FOR SALE o J-- for all ator a W or. unusual 2 utilltisftpald 9AYLE- S- .All of Nat-urel- Blskat sail Mrs all For up Edna 4 $4500 ! -- r Ryrun , new pond J Courtesy ItPAYS HOUSES A- -l FOR SALE DXULLinG COUFAHT FRANK FRIGHT Free ' SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION WATER WELLS DIAL OB ;.m r Slaven Contact 01 84261 if writs BOX 504 'and MJRRAY SALES Advertising Doesn't Cost 845 miles . ojff ' Merle BUNDING, UTAH PHONE GtMfl Ptttj nene . ' t Also Body. Work & CLARENCE TRBGELLAS IS write all kinds OUR SCOP-- ft Iff HOB QVEHHAUL - - - . IS AUTO s f non AGENCY M 0384016. , &. ; iepm BUIXT OQuipPBBr :: FTOWT END ALIGNMENT - - - MS mi BLANDING, US FOR &oy QjsiiBopaTr . SOUTH OUR BUSINESS Not a AT SHIRTTAIL COMER se 4th - w REPAIB A insurance General Repair M " 3rd BETWEEN . town. Hot Cars Wasted at our RADIATOR SHOP 3896 ON THIRD WEST STREET 50 South ,fot MAJOR Basin Upper their share of had Hatehins sofn FOR SALS. bod A Chair sei, red & grey nylon frieze, igpod oenditon Ikir Mrs. Roy:ifikMell 2456 Usd; Glass be. received by using the water," It's really we aail'2407.' installation Guymon . lAJeath er See LaFrahoe Payne oi AUTO' GLASS. to traveler's, wants than eould at present." Porter and Morley local sportsmen to drive traveling to the room Mora hpuss.wl'th basement and ; furnab':. Reasonably' priced at - are living . you OS SALS. . . . ; . . Property district .senooi Barn, - . an improvement over what here this summer 3531 New(bchard, See wildlife - - Oea . appointments - - OPTOttfcrKlST . Dr B A 'Siiion, OptoMtrist, is in r t are living at the" Olson homel They visited Brienholt quitch is.Mr. Castor employed at. the. friends at Riohfiald, end Mr Edith Ouymon's daughter, Mrs Mount Pleasant at They Llpyd, and I'd like to encourage all went through Sanpete County on member behind these projeets They artheir way to Thistle home Wed like also to enoourage rived Wednesday nirfit after Camp, Montezuma creek .' Blandina syery1lhursday like a transcontinental highber that David Blaek married to Montes Rowley of Blending Huy way across the area along the the Hite road and than aeross have four daughter!, three ;K river and Over to Escalante He them are married Mr and Mrs. Platts D. Beyles said that "thii Road Commission and family visited with rela- for. the state said such a road tives in Blending over the week- would be feasible " "Some people feel that more Mr Baylea is employed at end Flagstaff Arizona whore, they money oould be made by attending -- . Faso Woodbury' would Dr the February ona and to Glen Canyon where Lee Castor has moved reeently to take pictures states eould get his family to Blinding frost they continued water They spent time at Garfield Couhome their in .Colorado They nty and spent that night at Pan Don . CL furnished rartlyMrs M N first 1955 jmp 6 cylinder, 4 Statiowagon shtil drive ;.Gbod condition. Sot $895 notor RsbuUt . ists" see -- W Bluff. Utah.- Riohard Bolton, older people will reme You -- Simpson, - ChevronStatiom, FOR SALS' N. Hadden da. to. g, Woodbury explained picture-takin- g Dr to do nor student enjoyed a. sight-seeinHe also said the. best thing trip two days last week teaehing. She will teash at the They left Blending Tuesday morn- ths Glen Canyon Dam would d o Bland ing Elementary Sehooi under bt to give the Upper Basin ing, and wont to Monument Valley would the' supervision of Rowona Win-, where to take states an opportunity to measure stopped tors, in the eeoend grade She slide ofthey the beautiful scenery and control the amount of water plans to be in Blending until that went down to the Lower Bmi to Pago Arizoontnued They ' the of asin Then Apart-stn- ts, Inquirt or Blandlnc . llnate is mild. Moder $1500. ptr.wp 4k mending elalmed, ,fthls region is praetl-eal- ly roadless and' hard for We need tourists to get roads to7 open it up for tour -- . bedroom home Gall Nanoy Rid .landing 652 A On progress See 2977 Hill soil See Mrs Madden. .... Sptmd jorHit mot winter in Bluffwhere ths 8-3- ew4n . Blending FOR RENT soin or ourreney.&dl: OR 82056 double tubs or eall the Glen Canyon Dsn Justin1 They visited with Mrs Mr Mrs and Black's nephew, and Wesley Hughes at Mssquite, Neva- Need trade for good used refrigar M uood used. VOR. washer 6 conventional Meytag ' ' yp- - deepfreeze minimum. SALBjDa For Geprge Merlon FOR SALE OR TRADE RCA 12 foot Terrell D. V 2107. .Leslie Harris, . money, . .1948 Christmas sowing done? . Old- - B-2-422 SEOIHG TOUTED" : . bar Condition information eall . TAHTED Usodf Appliance OR Good .'Jsep Ph Mr. and Mrs Justin Slash Mr1 shargdd He .then went onto point out and Mrs Hyrum Blask, sad Mr' and Mrs Ed Blask enjoyed a very that!, if the water Svas allowed to see. their bask up under the bridge ' the lovely hurried brother David Blask, and - his water wouL. not rise high enough family who live at Henderson, at aqy time to do any possible David recently under Nevada to Rainbow Bridge H e went a ysry serious operation used photographs to e)iow the and his folks wore happy to find stream bed and to illustrate ".some up would muoh not he water wap the that improved inwthat health when rthey arrived They to the abutment of 'the bridge traveled through' Zions Canyon, Pointing to ths lower end of the: Utah on a map. Dr Woodbury ex- Page, Arizona, and noted Wtstem Auto jtseooiats gains 50e .Dinidua: for firqt insert ion St per 1 ine with" 40e .pj.nimun for subsequent runs of; conseeut ivf same cdpy with every 5th run free,' : r,. Display 'advertising in Want-A- d colusns 8Gr per column inch, Card of Thanks 10c s' lineeithSi, For Fumltuw and. v Jth SCENERY..... ' tripto seeds--. 'a Station. MOTOR TUNE-U- P 7 |