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Show arenb.r 70, 19S1 Up & Down the Street aaurter t . I. and Kra. Mr, . W tjannnaT .Julian and Mrs last going Cue Iris took a trip o tiixito daughter Enid Utah Pamela Utadell infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Um-d- ell whose on Mr, Biggs Thomas to Finland, s ms at the sohool Silver City New formerly principal Thomas 'was forest to visit with thair here and Mr,. a Senior Western College, who Piyje 3 BUNDING OUTLOOK if at ranger, REDD HONORED The open house honoring K r. was blessed in the Third end Mrs. Leland W. . Redd last Ward Sunday. Baptisms Friday night was a big suesess son of Mr,1 with Bruoe Palmer Baylesa crowd- of about three and Mrs, Hanson Bayles; hundred attending from Blanding Kelly Shusway son of Mr, and and Montioello, Calls from Moab Mrs, den A. Shunaay, wars received by friends that were and - Harrison and ohildren and Delois Lamb Robinson Mr. and Mri Thayne Janie (Hall)Hildtr visited in Aof Montioello Moab visited Saturday land son of ohildren spent from Thursday iHlanrilng Thursday with Glyda Bleak and other friends. She in Blending with their sister LQ Sunday in Fillmore visiting with Mr, Robinson's parents and lived in Blending several years .x. Lake to to Salt City .Going , Sgo with her parents and now o f pheasant hunting, servioes funeral the tend San Franeisso lives in Calif. She ease to Dove Creek to attend Nanoy Jane Marr- Kartohner last1 tRI-WA- RD DRAMA Mrs. Mr. were and Saturday the funeral of her grandmother! Mrs. Lelia Palmer ' also to go down to Bluff where and Mr, and NIGHT SUCCESS Mrs, Ardell Blaok ishe had lived. and The hXA Drama Night for all Postmaster Loren Hawkins and Mrs. Harvav John Kartohner three wards was held Aiesday his wife Maoy left last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Frost Blaok, Hall Salt went to Mrs. Kiby Bronson night at the LDS onRs creation evenon a three day down going trip and Monday lke City on Wednesday of this for Adults tp Page to- - visit the dasnite week children , on business, ing for the primary then over to Delta where they was Life11 presenAllen Palmer his wife and two Block of Hie attended to sobm business, Thqy ohar-aot- or with Jhrd Third the moved to Montioelted have by ohildren visited in Riverton with Ethel Palmer, taken by the New Mexico Peggy . - Bum-ard-Bl- ack who. OHangun Salt with Alia father of Loren, He is reported happy and looks good for his age, They stopped in Roosevelt to see the Lynn Haslen and returnsd to Blandlng M, Hawkins . ! tally Sunday evening, A . party at held was Monday even-li- ng Perkins for her Eva Lynn whore he Allen parte ls the Kristine Carroll. Honor Mrs . Palaver Patsy Shum-w- ay Donna Blaek Nadine Bayles Ida Palmer Lela Black and Ardell Blaok, Mr, and Mrs,. Howard Kartohner Claa-Palme- r Mae long time residents of landing are this moving Mexioo New Farmington weekend t by Going this day their to Salt son George, Lake week on' City Wednes and pleasure business were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunt, They also stopped in Man-- ti for temple purposes, Mr, and Mrs, Ed Galbraith and Mrs.Veva Blaok spent Wednesday in Cortez on. business, Mr,. and Mrs, Glen Shumway and ohildren Joella Shaun to ! Corry Kelly Bonnie Brookmeier went IXirangO) Colorado Saturday, Jimmy Tregallas spent several 'days I A in the hospital with pneu-;na- nia and was released Sunday, Saturday Riohard Perkins took iAllaA avother Ls released on Monday hospital. where Mrs. Kisten Perkins Monday for surgery, Erastus Burtenshaw spending about two weeks they will ooeupy an apartment owned Stevens was admitted on was o unable were to attend due benefit there. In the receiving line were Mr. Mrs. Redd Mr. and Mrs Frost Blaek and Mr. and Mrs, members of the Kenneth Summers and Stake Presideney; and Mr Ire, Ralph Burtenshaw Clerk were at the guest book. The program with Bishop Nerwin Shumway announcing oonsisted of "The Old Refrain" sung by the Singing Mothers ; a danoe b y young people from the MIA; a double piano duet by- - Mabel June Palmer end Carol Blaek; novelty numbers by Terri Lynn Holt and and Stake Lews Sandra in the Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Blaok Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Z, Black Wednesday to to go to visit after and left red Stevens. Karlens Davie Danny Palmer dire oted by Scoond Ward DeAim Halliday Johnny cJvay Bxaok and Kaye Velda Nielson. presented oharaotsrs "A Mad flower and girls were Shan Shusway Response from Nellie Lypan. Brother and Sister Redd given. w s r . Henderson David P. Blaok David brother of the two men. Nevada is quite ill, Mrs. Sylvan Johnson accompanied by Mrs Roy Mikesell and Ed-le- nna Specials for Blaok (who has been home to visit her parents) wont to Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Tho ladies will do scam shopping and bring Diana Johnson homo for a abort stay with her parents, Diana is attending n u r s 1 n g Nov. 10, 11, 13 fannvim Tall MACKEREL sohool in that oity, Mrs, Euva Kuykendall took Miss Mildred May Turner Bevoriy Darrell and Ann Kuykendall and Linda Tragedies to Dova Creek Colorado Jones Salt uLake Dorothy Cans nn y6 Tor 99 where they atMethodist Youth Fllow-shl- p Sunday ! - Alma-PaliM- t o going Earnest and Mae .'was Oyd Zealand f Biggs who were ' New 'seeing their son .Curtis off to the Central States; and Mr, and r, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Lundell and eon Steven visited Saturday and Sunday at the hone of their son and brother Norman Lundell, came from They Spanish Fork, . , FREE I mold liko to oxtond ay t banka for your roto in tho City o, I will do uj boot Eloe-tion- iilBJLSnOBV were Refreshments o f open face landwiohes different kinds of Dorthoa 'Laws Hazel Grover Lo- nut breads eookles and fancy retta Hunt Marilyn Watkins Lin- o&ndies with pinch were served da Shusmay Shirley Black Nor- -' by ladies of the Third Ward. Men Lyman Soott Bliokonataff The Third Ward was host for Kenneth and Jim Joe Harris the evening with Mag,-i- e Harvey Brown directed by Naney Redd, as shalrm&n. Breakfast"; tended a matting, to .her son Lindsey A going --away party was hfld at and then where visited. they .City tha horns of Mrs, Loren Hawkins on Monday saw Max Jones off' on Mrs Wednesday afternoon the pUne for New York on his Ida Bells Kartohner Honoring who will be was to France where h e will ( leaving soon for Farmington NJ1, his mission, 'serve The afternoon was spent I visiting There were two hundred and: and refreshments having light twenty ning missionaries in that served by Mrs, Hawkins and Mrs. group some being former rest -Gloss friends and dents of Blending They saw Kim neighbors were invited to attend and Carol Black whose son his sister to a -- Lelia Palmer who was and Milt ls leased on oelebrating her 71st birthday. expected toTuesday be released today. The evening was spent playing Other Bland lngites i n the rook and doing hand. work; with hospital this week are Phil light. refreshments. being served, Hurst for admitted on Sunday 'Those attending were Quest of medioal and Kathrynn purposes mother tyls - Ellis Palmer Kelly Shumway. a comical readsang "Because"; parts business, Shumway Mae Denny Palmer Kathleen Wanda Ida Shusmay son of LaVcll and. Blaek; and song ing by directed Montella by Jaok and was been have "Sweetheart" of Blending. They sang by anct Pat Lyman, Sips during which a wedding living in Barstow California. "Bab Goes Dramatic" was put on gift of a Silver tray was preTVro. young lads Milt Helquist sented to Mr. and Mrs .'Redd by son of Mr. and Mrs. Mauriee Heby the First Ward, characters Uo Carol were Nielson son a of Holt Sylvia wadding party madeup by childlquist and Gregory Tommy Hooking were ren Holt Neldon Colsen Blaek and Bruoe BayKarolyh and Kimaerle, Mrs. fe, URuc Helquist Juan Lylo San les Helquist admitted to Hospital being the bride and groom MildPfclmer Nod -was Corine Hurst re bridesmaid was Shirley Palmer last Friday. Gregory is a sister to Loreit lo Lake City ls training in NR. & MRS, LELAND. 1 Giant Tide oith $3 Purchase of Light Globes SHOES Children's 2&QFF YARD GOODS 20SS OFF |