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Show 1 ctober 27 y 1961 Rates FOR SALE. Stationwagon. wheel, drive; same copy with in Want-A- .of GLASS. AUTO Installation. . Qoff RENT r r 1952 Cosy Coach finances. Free. . ........ For information call through June of 1962) will Company';' Or 8-2- 972; Fletcher past few years where he has been elections. the remedial reading teacher at iamie , -- Among the otrt-ofrto- de- pend largely upon economio conditions and the effect that re- - .... Monttcfllo. and himself on the gutai Bronson ...sang Used Glass 50$ SALES South of aocompaniedby.Vlrs'. ... MURRAY ' -- minimum.1 $1 parently cylinder, 4 condition. The Foundation report notes Good condition Housetrailer. of welfare 42 feet. long. Has "full size that the adequaoy during the last six months tub. LLpcated behind Hurst Oil funds o f the fiscal year (January Card of Thanks 10c. a ' 6 FOR SALE. . per column inch line with ap- . columns 80c d , ... advertising; Display observe analysts accurate forecast of that welfare finances can be made at this1 time for the second year of the biennium (flsoal 1963), be- no ' laws which provided increased.. .This was the conclusion reachFOR SsALE. Matching sofa ed by- Utah Foundation, the prir Federal 'welfare funds for Utah bed & Chair set, red & grey vate governmental re s e a r o h this year are scheduled to . ternylon frieze, goodcondit on. organization .in en extensive-analys- is minate ,on June 30, .. 1962,' but 00.1 Mrs. Roy Mikesell 2456 of welfare department. could be extended. every 5th run free. Utahs welfare .oepar.int .. year'-(JUly-BScefabe- . runs -- ' insert ion. 8c" per line with: 40c minimum for subsequent consecutive . 1955 Jeep Foundation will We sufficient through the funds to .opert , cause Of the uncertainty sur of months the. 1961-6- 2 six first Rebuilt'-- ;j motor.". $895.. See 1961) rounding future actions of the Richard - Bolton, El Faso. Kat- - fiscal 0. S. Congress.. Several Federal, ural Gas Camp,Montezuma Creek. withc&t grant' dr service cuts. line with for first 10c per 50c winiBun cent Federal Social Security (old-ag- e a survivors Insurance ) changes will have on public as- -, slst&noe trends in Utah. Utah Welfare Funds to Hold-Ou- t Next 6. Months f Want-- Ad Page 9 ISLANDING OUTLOOK Adams, Mont ifi ell o High has county School. guests also been active in the wn He Guests at the j. George Petty Mr. Willises-- . "'daughter and recreation. program. Mr, and o resident from last Friday and son, Jerry;' are ths winter in Bluff where the her husband, Pi., and Mrs. Roy Thursday of this, week, were Mr. olimate is .mild. Modem. Apart- Bond, Mesa. today 'for northern Utah and Mrs. ames H. Carter and son leaving ments, $15.00 per week. A 11 .Mrs. Nona Jones Cowan of Provo where Mrs. Hunsaker arid Jerry of Chula Vista, California. Mrs. been visiting here with1 Mrs. will parents in Carter is a sister to Mr.Fetty. utilities paid. Inquire of W; had stay, with her ' Inez and Young 4ther Relatives. W. Chevron for the were Spend Station, Simpson, Bluff,. Utah. Deer Darroll 4 OPTOMETRIST... a-- , b. a. at th hunting guests Young Young s were home brother, ' Mrs. Rex' G. Whitmore, present Honeyville, from Los Malcolm Laid law oafle Angeles t r Mra-Hunsake- her : with to; huntLaidlaiw. The : his two brother, Allen brpther-in-laher Broughton, Optometrist, is in Ralph Boyce, left Monday for California t o and thiree Ken da 11 Blanding every Thursday. nephews, For see their father who is very appointsients oall Mrs. Edna Boyce,:. Leroy Whitmore, and Leill. wis Hooker'.- - After a successful seriously AI farewell testimonial Sunday Blaok.at 3531. hunt, .they returned- Sunday 30 p.m; will honor Elder FOR SALE. . . .Property their home, in Midvale and Sandy.'1 at 6 West eott who has been', calljWinn in nsw school , district. Paul HunsAker:'; .has called the Ceed to fill. a mission-iNew Orchard, 4 room by his reserve ariiy ' unit to re- -, Bam, ntral' States. with headquarters at modern house. with basement and port October 30 to L&vis , He will Ftr furnabs. Reasonably priced at Washington for a term of cni 'Independence, Missouri. Ward. of Montioello represent-thSee LaFrance Payne oi year. $4500. The Hunsakers have made Churdh of Jesus Christ of call 2407. their home in lionticello the. jthe .Saints . jLatt INSURANCE w, IS . 4 tf - . : 1 Hot a Sideline all write kinds U R we H -- e FOR SALE. Jersey Cow, now 0R8-21- 66 Win, milking. E, Palmer, Blsnd Ike Kuykendall 199, Bland ing o r call OR after 5?00 p.m. FOR SALE Almost newBox 8-3- PRONE - used SUPPLY upright Eleotrio $140.00. Inquire at 3rd BETWEEN e AWNINGS e STORM DOORS STREET ft 4 th . ; SOUTH BLAND! NG Blending Lumber Company. o STORM Hot Cars Wanted dfalfejtel ... m S&Csltcdt " 1 at our- DRILLING COMPANY REPAIR CLARENCE TREGELLAS - BOX . 8-42- . ' 61 or write 504 BUNDING, SwiWPetlj BUILDERS PH. 2081 UTAH ! ... ; AT SKIRTTAIL COFSIER direct; from Manufacturer through HARVEY . DIAL OR A--l Buy " WATER .TOLLS SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW . PRODUCTION & General Repair: Ibitusao LK FUD GE CAFE oROOFING A- -l RADIATOR SHOP JL&nckaoa WINDOWS o SIDING - Also Body Work SEE US FOR amimekitOUR SHOP MAJOR & mtwop OVERHAUL ' T" - W ALucaiNuea 3896 ON THIRD WEST G. E. freezer. AUTO Contact Merle Slavena 561 HARVEY t RENT ..... add to the, Comfort, Appearance and Value of Your Home with dii ing. FOR SALE Internationa! 1 ton stake bed, Exceltruek, lent condition. 'flu FOR SALE T S 8-2- 16 houses Young Phone 4 AGENCY er-d- av 8-2- 422. IS '. . . For Used SEE US- -Furniture and Appliance bargains. Western Auto. .Associate Store. Phone OR ; OUR BUSINESS - & osEiMoys FULLY EQUIPPED A FRONT END ALIGNMENT - , MOTOR :.- -f - TUNE-U- P r.. . ; |