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Show Oc tober 20, 1961 Page 11 OIL men TAX wsre H Davis, Superior) RK. Malone and Edwin Gee, Texaeot 0 Rates Want-- Ad line with for first ihoertOttiV';: ..'.40 Vj per line 'with minivpn for subsequent consecutive runs of same Vctfpy rwitb every 10 per 5pc minimum FXMTSALE . Statlonwagon whisl drive Rebuilt . . spending by and "frills" condition. keep and $895. Bolton, El' Paso oostly reduced publie dropping oonstruotion theof edifieec upon'whleh be crease of valuations in the bon area and said that the Lis- pio-tu- re - Oot-ob- utilities vW paid Simpson, Bluff, Utah - Inquire Chevron W Station, signed and constructed herself A large number of ladies attended both Open houses in whioh were, given the new Refreshments of pink gifts lovely brides Bland ing as a losa-ti- on fcmplqyoss1 said man Malone Cardof line All of the Industry why for of floss or the ments, $1500 per week building William R Hurst was He asked for an expla- had shunned could ohange entirely i n event of a hot war or dethe Mrs Marion Nells on, Mrs Jes.. pressed orude prioes ruiC.frfeb;; se Mae MoDonald a n d Miss Lea Bud' Nielson oonduotsd Display ; advertising Hannaman were!, hostesses for two in the absence of Presiin WarttfAd columns 80-pe- r bridal, .showers honoring Mrs meeting dent Sylvan Johnson .. Nielson v Gordon May, ;t h e former Janet commended the visitors on the colunuij inch. Whitmans and Mrs.LaMoyne Jones, general purpose of their visit Thanks lOc a the former Nelene defended the past polioies Parry; at the with $1,: minimum.1 Neils on. home.. Both new brides but of the oounty and school disare bn the faculty - at San Juan trict. He said that many of the AUTO GljASS. . and i High programs referred to by the oil .Used Glass 50 Installation Janet hm honored on Friday MURRAY, .SALE? , . South 0 of evening, September 29 and Nelene Col orado last Saturday, October 14 Mission President Christiansen town er was honored Monday evening, the meeting conducted R HENT Spend 2, Both. ladies displayed B attending from landing the winter in Bluff where the their trousseaus) Nelene modeled climate is mild. Modern Apart- her bridal gown that she had de- were Elder the he upheld policy sohool the being practised by prsssnt nation as to FOR NEW BRIDES Those And --you -- go Mayor took into account a possible in- GIVEN pay as -- as most economical from the standpoint of avoiding bond and interest expense. up- eould maintenance carried other areas oommonly projects in on as publlo district burdensome in leaner years Mr Davis said their prophecy of tax income, for the future See Na- tural Gas Camp, Montezuma Creek. SHOWERS urged 1955 jetp4 6'oyllnder; Good motor The men were frills as Texaco' s homos his company established district headquarters at Farmington be- He fore the advent of Aneth said that such districts were Aneth always large and that oould be conveniently served Edwin from Farmington Gee, man said his Texaco Produotion employs es had centered in Cortez as a result of the early location there in 1956 of a major oilfield supply course and that wanted close communication with employees. his company all Superior's Davis said his com- aort sits and expensive building in pany bought a 40 built an Colorado and "high-taxin- g" Mon- Robert Gardner and tezuma County without consulting Elder Rodney Poooek, full time the oompany's tax department hers missionaries Otherwise he implied that the laboring Sandra Also Jesse Kay Lyman, oompany would have located in Calvin Linda Shumway, the Blinding area because of a Stevens, Halli-;day, more favorable tax rate Hunt, Burdens Brown, Mike w, Norman Johnson, Terri READ THE VAST ADS ue Dannalsne . OPTOMETRIST... Dr. A. punoh, several kinds of homemade Brourton, Optometrist, is in cookies, mints and .nuts were Sterling, Blending every Thursday,Helquist, Carolyn Laws, iBASEBALL AWARDS For served from a beautiful., table, appointments call 3 deoorated with a white l a o e Susie M&rtlneau and Mary Kay Ithe coach. Black .at 35 31 tCloth with pink candles '.and Lyman, who are all members of Softball Blanding First Committee. the Youth Burt-;ensha- La-R- - . - Ward . FDR SALE in new v school- New , Property .' district - ' Orchard, ;Barn, modem house. with basement and fumade. Reasonably priced at See L&Franoe Payne oi $4500. ' " call 2407... ' ; For Used SEE US----- --'; Furniture, and Appliance bargains. Western. Auto. Associate -- . 4 room , ' Store. Phone OR FDR SALE . . 8-2- 422 automatic washer ndition See Glenn or call 3251 FDR SALE. tub.' MISSION CONFERENCE HELD Good ; Has JQLINE HOLT The Western held their Corif erenoe Company. v.:For Or and Lyle Johnson reoeived trophy for States Mission III Zone in Grand as trophy f 2- -3 teams All Missionary Junotion, represented and at the Ward - first in County Invitational meet plaot sponsors were program around 100 boys attending parents ot RENT condition Contact Merle Slavena PHONE information oall 3899 ' ON THIRD WEST STREET SOUTH BETWEEN 3rd ft 4th m n.mi aluminum o AWNINGS o STORM DOORS BLANDING oSTORM WINDOWS Hot Can Wanted at our RADIATOR SHOP Jit&teUaoa i. I Ibuu&t JC RIDGE CAFE Also Body Work General Repair A--l " o SIDING oROOFING A- -l Buy DRILLING COMPANY WATER WELLS & , SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION DIAL OR REPAIR CLARENCE TRBGELLAS or BOX 84261 mitt direct BUILDERS 504 BUNDING, UTAH Cewxi Prtij fh. AT SHIRTTAIL COFNER AUTOMATOC TCAMSM . AIBJMSTilEIKIT & DSElMDCa OUR SHOP MAJOR It MINOR OVERHAUL - - - IS FULLY EQUIPPED FRONT END ALIGNMENT from Manufacturer through HARVEY SEE US FOR if with and , JIM HARVEY add to the Comfort, .'Appearance and Value of Tour Home with FOR SALE coSkinner 8-2- 972. Mrs first HOUSES Good full sits J. Joe Hunt, many Maytag Located 'behind Hurst Oil IN G Mrs ; reeeived place oars were League Champions Fred Halli-da- y, Softball Blanding BY. 1952 Gosy Coach Housetrailer 42 feat long. Missionary Adults taking their flowers MOTOR IE--UP mi |