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Show Vge 4 Hunters Advised on Care of Gaae Meat "If it Is worth the chase it oare " This is worth the yearly reminder was issued by the Utah Department of Fish and Game today as the hunting seasons get underway. it Spokesmen again is illegal to that advised waste game meat of any kind. Arrests are made eaoh year for violations of this law. On the sensible side they noted that the end produot of every hunter's successful efforts a-fi- can, and should be, an ible, good tasting the table. meat is oare of game -- on produot information Muoh - eld ed- regarding available 1 t is well bled, thoroughly JOLINE HOLT Vows repeated kept Lake Phil Hurst Honored on Birthdate BY JXINE Elder Larry Sharp Lyman will at a Farewell Testi- monial HOLT family of Phil Hurst honored him Saturday night, October 6 with a birthday party celebrating his 61 Birthday. All of his ohildren were present with their partners grandchildren. hamburgers PLBl'SBffE and seventeen After enjoying cooked outside, the youngsters were taken home for bedtime vrhile the others spent the evening reminis o ing and Mr. I I any amount from $5,000 to $50,000. protects you wherever you go on land or water and while a passenger in any properly certificated aircraft anywhere in the world. It does not cover while engaging in professional athletics; nor loss caused by war. ACCIDENTAL DEATH Pays full amount of death benefit if within 90 days from date of accident injuries result in death; or the full amount or'portion thereof, according to a schedule in the policy, if such injuries result in LOSS OF SIGHT or DISMEMBERMENT. Only one amount, the largest to which you are entitled, is payable as a result of one accident. It Pays up to $500 for each $5,000 death benefit for . the actual cost of physician, trained nurse and hospital confinement, beginning within 26 weeks of date of accident and resulting from injuries MEDICAL EXPENSE sustained. The policy is not renewable, but subsequent policies piay be purchased to provide continuing coverage. premiums AMOUNT OF INSURANCE Accidental Death Benefits j be honored The DOQDKMItS MONTI CELLO MISSIONARY BY in the Salt cleaned and then dean. A ft on Porter The hide of big game animals shCity Temple united ould be removed and the complete of Provo, Utah, and President carcass washed and dried, and Leland H. Redd of Bland ing in the meat oooled out Just as soon marriage, Wednesday morning, as possible after the kill is Oetober 11. The new Mrs. Redd has been made. Cleanliness means keeping the widow for the past .fourteen meat covered from kill to stor years and was employed in the at age to prevent o o n tamination' audio visual aid department heat or any matter the Brigham Young University dirt, dust, ten days, the Redds foreign to making the end pro- After beabout at home in Blending. will duct a worthwhile table dish. An open house was held Monday More and more local ordinances are being passed and enforced evening at the home of Mr. lake denying the use of public plants Redd's son, Mark, in Salt and shops to those who improperCity, and a get acquainted party for all the Blanding people in ly oare for their wild game. meet the bride. Yes, it pays to take the best that area to of care of these field products or today for either the novice the regular hunter who will take from the moment you harvest thee a little time to look it up. "If it is worth the ohase it is Sources range from game depart- worth the care." ment offices and personnel t o READ THE WANT ADS In October 13 v 1961 BUNDING OUTLOOK PRESIDENT ISLAND REDD and sportsman's periodicals. Main points to remember when VEDS IN SAUT LAKE CITY the kill is made are to see that Hurst recorded some of his most choice experiences in his life on the tape re o order. His family there were Scott and Irma Sunday, at October 15, p.m., in the Montioello 2nd The son of Maxine Sharp Ward. tyman, Larry will report Oot. 23 to the mission home in Salt Lake City prior to his departure for the Southern Far East Mission with headquarters in Hong Kong. Larry will represent the L D S 5 Church. Speakers for the program include Atkins, Albert R. will Lyman, Floyd. Daryl e M. Redd, Bishop Bermion Redd, the missionary and hia mother. Lee Leonard and Helen Hurst, Howard and Corene Hurst, Ellis and Mabel June Palmer, Bob and Margie Holt, and his wife Mabel. Hurst, BAYLSS..... ed her hands under her looked heavenward, "Good-b- God, ye we Utah.!' Courtesy FRANK WRIGHT ohin, and said, are going to Commissioner Black Writes Open to Washington Officials Letter polioies oould never be oarrled'out successfully. Let that our charging and oounter charging each other at playing politios with this very important matter of Park designation. Let us serve the people who we represent regardless of politios. Let us be fair minded enough to sit down together, to recognize the good points in each proposal and be willing to put our honest efforts in one proposal which will continually serve our people in the - full and complete of our natural resources. I respectfully request that you, our congressional and appointed men in high offioe, carry this assignment thru to a suooessful conclusion that we may look upon the results now and me suggest we oease ,de-velope- in the future with pride and satisfaction. May I also respeotfully urge each of you to see. to ment , the Natural Bridges National Monument, so it that designated over fifty shall reosivs adeqdkts monies for aocess roads and touryears, ist facilities so this very unique and marvelous scenio area will be available to the people of America. Gentlemen, I assure ydu that you may take this oportunity now, without any fear of question or controversy to indioate to we people of San Juan County, your earnest desire to serve us. Sincerely Ityrum T. Black Vai mum S5CJ llaslit Mil'al Acc dental Death Bene! t One Pnrson ISO 000 IsdiiMitv ircMM with esc SSOOQ Acadaital Death Benefit LET US WRITE YOUR POLICY TODAY See the Bargains ABVEOinniSE! |