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Show 0 Published in the Interest of Blandtng 3 VOLUME the Surrounding Oil and Mining Constant ties FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER BLAMDIMQ, UTAH, 8, l$6l 36 MO. Broncos Bpen Season riilb Too Canos This Cfesb; Homo Cams Sat ZZ ZZ The Sam wlu Co-CaDtai- ns wvrwujMM e'W !?, ' Vb TO Af a ' ?CX t" v ' v . tha aaaaon . flr,t " rf at Klrtland tonight sohedulad Klrtland LE LT - L-GC- RC RT- RE 3B - to start tha game Coaches of Commaroe, Congressman Congress would soon pass Blaine Peterson that bill expressed introduced by ing at Chamber bridge oonst motion him M hops a authorisa high of near-Hit- e bill (HR 8832) as drum Paterson asks .that the be built as part of the bridge The by Mr Lewis Blaak Lyle Palmar Bobby Musselnan George Baylas Glen Canyon Project and up Congress appropriate Don Ross for its oonstruotlcn $2,000,000 Toney Haoklng that to The bill provides that the State Highway Department help pay te Jin Jos Harris Johnny Nlalson RH Tin Bradford or Harold Stevens the extend of the estimated east of a low bridge built as a Fede- PB Scott Baylas Bill is reported to have the basking of the entire Utah congressional fores. Republican and Democrats alike and also to IH ral-aid Certonio Coaeh Morris Swanson oomnsnts that exoept for Scott Baylas, . and Harold Star ana tha above line --up is oonposad entirely of Seniors Ha pointed out that every nan in tha line-- u p earned letters last year while only fourj Bob Musselnan, Baylas, Johnny Nlalson The Branoo squad, this weak, Gaorga eleoted Bobby Mussalman, left, and Tin Bradford ware members of last year1 s high ranking first and Gaorga Baylas, right, as for tha season (COL. 3 PG. 7) Installation Complete at New Radio Station ' Project. have the support of highway department. Bob Certonio oo-oapt- ains Highway The John Conway or Bob the Utah Qescrooh1 Hara are Enlarged two nighty important so far as tha Bronoo foot man IMctoqjj ball team is oonosrnedj Assist- ant Coaeh Neldon Cochran, and Coaoh Morris Swanson, (to H.S. left, right. BuBfig BsSeafow Tfevs. A A combination open house, P.T meeting and dedication pro- enlargement project at the city's upper reservoir is going The full blast. Dirt moving got underway Wednesday with James Reed Contractor, a Salt Lake City firm, on the Job to move dirt estimated by the engineer to total 44,000 yards The oity Is hiring the work tha new done with money furnished by the building Utah State Fish and Gum Oom--s Thursday, September 14, at 8 pm mission Zenos L Black, school SupeThe dirt moving, operation will eonduot tha be followed by an applieation rintendent, will of evening's program which is plan- rip-ra- p Bud Nielson at the ned according to tha following City Hall said looal men and sohadula equipment would probably do the gram will be held in San Juan High School 3 , 1. Musioal number, "Tomorrow's Road", by under Redd. 2 3 tha direction Mayor Hurst said he thought of Rava the whole Job would be oompleted Invocation Remarks by Kenneth Summers, 4 Remarks by Lee 5 radio broadcasting carried programs and news of station, KUTA, is all ready to Mutual and ABC ownnetworks in adprograms that go on the airs just waiting for dition to its new The from FCC, general inolude State news coverage. manager John Tobola said yesterManager Tobola, who has beam day. Ha said ha expected tha in radio business all his life in time to go an the is a baohelor and will reside in air not later then Tuesday ,maybe Mantioello. Born in Michigan, he lived for many years in a day or two earlier. on tha Georgia Ha came to Montloello Tha new station will go air with 1000 watts of power from New Mexico where ha wi with radio stations It will broadcast from 600 am associated and Sooorro. Grants sunset Septenibsr) in at to (630 BroadAdvertising manager for the Monday through Saturday. casts will start an hour later new enterprise is Dm Boston. Boston will live in Blending on Sundays. The' station will be affiliated with his wife and 5 ohildren, with Intermountain Network which who will move here from Big lake a . go-ahe- go-ahe- ad 6 Principal lym Musioal nusier. Dedicatory Merrill Stevens; 7 8 T.A prayer by Musioal number Talk by the high school P. president, Bnlly Redd tour, of the 9. Guided building by the studentboty new of-flo- ers ad Refreshments will be served following the tour of the building Texas in the near futqrej He was manager of the Big Like Chamber of Commaroe and at one time was owner of Big lake Radio, Station. within 10 days State Fish and Gane is paying the bill in order to- have a larger fishing lake for this area and a lake in which fish any be left from year to year SPECIAL DEER PERMITS AVAILABLE AT MONTICELLO The deer permit sale of floe in Montloello has advised that there is still a good supply of Speoial Deer permits available The announcement said. that as of yesterday there were .80 speoial permits left for deer in - Blue Mountain pioture Tobola shows Boston at right and 130 for Elk Ridge obtained oome, first served basis at the following rates $ 5002 deer special resident The on permits may be a-fir- 350--Rosid- The above at left, rip-rappi- ng the High Sohool chorus school board president D a latter to the X aftarnoon tha Bronoos "B11 taaa support ad by sow "A" stringers will play Doloras hara Tomorrow's game starts at 2 p.m. Hara ia tha varsity llns-u- p Tomorrow V Juan Branoo football 4000 800 ent Non-resid- ent Non-resid- ent license license permits. |