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Show t 1961 June 30 J J; Page 9 BLINDING OUTLOOK T MRS. POWELL HONORED ON 86th having spent almost a year in a rest horns in Salt Uke City after BIRTHRATE hsrs the family felt that shs better access to medieal atPowell enjoyed her tention. However, Mrs. Powell says sha. oould not shako that had by HILDA PERKINS May o Rates Want-- Ad 10c per 50c Bininun line with for first insertion. Sc per line with OPTOMETRIST Dr. B. A. Stoughton. Optometrist, is in Blanding every Thursday. For for subsequent consecutive runs of same copy with every 5th run free. Display advertising in Want-A- d columns 80c per column inch. Card of Thanks 10c a line with SI. minimum. .... 90 Trampoline lb. capacity. $15.00. See Keith Black or call 2541. Mrs. Sue SIGN PAINTING Ctywon will bs home 40c minimum FOR SALE. appointments oall Gnuces at 2491. Gary about July 6th. and available signs and truck First 3486 - oone first to paint lettering. OR served. 8 Blanding. Utah Ambitious HELP WANTED time to Pfaff sewing machines. full or part nan. - o omissions sell Top train this must week. If interested oall Ruby's Variety, Phone Or after 8 p.m. oall Or FOR REN- T- Modem Apartments in Bluff. $15.00 per week. All utilities paid. Inquire 6-3- 611 8-2- 346. .. . of W. W. Chevron Simpson. Station Bluff. Utah. 1951 Gadilao SALE. FOR SALE. in perfeot condition. May .Property in new be seen at school Iyman's Trailer district. Now Court baek of Blending Mero Orchard. 4 room Bam, modem house with basement and or Call 3236. AUTO GLASS and furaaoe. Reasonably priced at $4500. See LaFranoe Payne oi Installation. Used Glass 500 call 2407. off MURRAY SALES South of ARE YOU. town. bursting at the seams due to your expanding! BLADES SHARPENED...... make an. ap- If so, family? Rotary Mower Blades sharpened see this to pointment today and ballanoed. Small gasoline real bargain in an older, engines Expert repaired. 4 bedroom bri'ok home. Contaot GQRDEN'S wheel balancing. Sue Graves at 2491 or 2436 AMERICAN SERVICE. Call after 5:30 p.m. For Used SEE US ORB-25- 81. Furniture and Appllanoe bar- - gains. WesternORAuto. Associate Store. Phone FOR SALE. . . Dolores River 8-2- 422. sites. Cabin Twin ,E Spruce 10 miles northeast of Dolores. Colorado on Highway Ranch 145. Two with the rights. Private trout all-in-o- ne FAMILY PLAN Secluded. Restricted. miles guaranteed fishing Write THE MAH HERES E. HYRUM PORTER ponds owner Charles R. BuBox 435.' Durango for tler. information. Owner 6R Blanding FOR RENT is' an uncle to ilies hers. Alloe Mrs. m and Bikes f.-- V wagons. for Sals. Servios Station i... apartment. .Modem I j J - this summer. and Joe Julie Lake have been here their for POLICY ONE j new one I'm sure visiting with Mrs. will be named Jane. Nielson Preston left today to to will plok up his Salt Lake. and bring her Fhoada Jane sister home to visit for the summer. take Julia INSURANCE IS and Joa Bl&ok home He we all OR Jans has been in Munich, Germany the past two years teach ing school and she plans to return again to teach another year Wesley Barton, son of Mrs. Hattie Barton, oame over Saturday to take his mother to Moab to attend a wedding reoeptlon grand-daught- 16 SUPPLY AUTO Marilyn er, Barton, daughter of Harold and Lola Barton of Moab. Marilyn 23 was married June in the Salt Men of Gilbert to lake Temple Jersey. The newly weds will make their home in New Jersey. and daughters of The sons ilies il their Palmer, and met ing at the Dad, Mom, and Company 8-20- Rhoada Rebecca BENEFICIAL LIFE write kinds HU R ST agency New remarkable new plan Phone 2306 OUR BUSINESS Hoi a SiddUm Nielson and Grandpa Grandpa and Grandma (Glen) Blaek have enjoyed haying the youngsters hers. together BLANDING i fam- Sunday even- home of Ervin Palmer for a visit with Lawrenes and his family from Orem. met The 318th boy soout troop on Pinsnut Knoll Tuesday night future. Children, For further details a$out thi Phone 2016 Salt Black of grandmother, The present and .Insurance Joe Jos Nielson, for two weeks while their mother (Virginia Nielson) has been in the hospital with a new little girl, born a weak ago Vwi -1 Siuuuyi LK RIDGE CAFE Nielson family over the weekend. While here the family made an Outing to Mesa Verdt National Chris plans tb remain Park. h .- son from and Pirfeon visitors with the City were ADVERTISE lb Bed ... and 'lass Washington) Barker from Salt Lake Seattle, !-l'- - For - Mr. FI nl ins an the Iyman fam- daughter Heidi and Meridith I r,. Nicely furnished and oonvenlently loSee or oall Hurst cated. Agency. of Joe Flnllnson. - rrA'-- REPAIRS. .. also small OMcyoles bed-roo- Ellen Iyman, end Margaret Vint Jones have gone to Oak City, Utah to attend the funeral and and Chris rs, BE WISE HOMEDEW 8-2- 317. BICYCLE one grand-daughte- at ranch 3 Bedroom Home, FOR SALE 3 years old. FHA less than approved. Contact Dan Pendleton. Box 358. Blending. Utah. Ph. 86th birthday last when "homo sick feeling" and though a number of friendsftiesdiy oallsd to she had the best of oars and visit with her. She is bedfast kindness she' wanted to bs horns but is free of pain and her memory is as good as it ever was. with sops of her family. She enjoys are seeing family and Her family and friends friends and says, "It's like glad she's baek. One of har heaven to be home again." Mrs. LaVsrn She is being eared for by her Tata baked her a beautiful birth Fern Simpson day cake. daughter, Mrs. for her weekends. ; to try thsir luck at startingWxoa flint and steel. re ,firs with needs nsttohss anymore? They week. planning to meet out next A-- 1 DXULLina COMPACT WATER WELLS SHOTHOUS CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCIKW DHL 03 84221 : Mr. end Mrs. Errett are Boyd BOX 50 BUSTS, DIO vacation and art visiting friends and relatives in Coloon PLAY IT SAFE I CALL US... FOR rado and Kansu. Rve EVERY ELECTRIC SERVICE PlolMip & Daliv.lV on WHILE YOU WAIT ELECTRIC d and Photo Copies of Any Paper or Document up to 8 x 14 inches in Size GENERATORS (all sizes) REPAID . REWIND EMU - REBUILD 50e eaefi M ELECTRIC l PH. 2907 -- i U 4. rvr' |