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Show June 16 1961 v BLINDING OUTLOOK MONTICELLO NEWS MARILYN ROWLEY Elder Kenneth Kelly Summers son. Dean Robinson. will be honored at a. missionary Miss Ardith Nielson spent the farewell testimonial, Son,, June weekend here with her parents, in the Monticello Ward Chapel Mr. end Mrs. Clyde Nielson. She 'der Summers will serve in. the ill graduate June 23 from the States Mission of the LDS Business School in Salt Lake LDS Church. City and will then spend a few Mrs Clyda Carpenter and baby weeks here before beginning emspent a week here ployment in Salt Lake City. boy, Kirk, Mr. and Mrs Don Barton enterHr and visiting her parents, Mrs. Clyde Nielson. She return- tained members of their families ed Thursday to her home in Salt at a mountain hamburger fry and Enmelon. bust Monday evening Lake City accompanied by Mrs Lawrence Blaok who visited Mr joying the festivities were Mr Fay Gage and family, Black at the Veterans1 Hospital and Mrs Mr and Mrs. Pat Butler and famthere Pauline Yardley and two ily, Mrs. Kay Johnson a id family Mrs children of Ogden are spending Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton and Mr. and Mrs. Francis two weeks here with her parents, family, Mr. and Mrs Sam Parry, before Barton and family, Mrs Marie by 1 Q . Rodney, of Calif. While the Long Beach, visitors were here Mr. and Mrs. Robert and sons, Pehrson and family Richard their from home to join the family in Mr. and FRANK VRIGHT Courtesy for his Jack Burr and spending the summer Mrs family are at Burrvllle caring for Jack's father's farm. Elder John fyron Lewis will depart soon for the Southwest Trade With Indian Mission of the LDS Church A farewell was held in his honor Local Merchants Sunday ev- ning. Thirteen members of the Rebus Rota Club met Saturday afternoon HOLT..... jat the home of Mrs. E.H. Fran- Mr. and Mrs. William Black want klin for a regular meeting. The to Ogden the first part of this program consisted of installa- week to attend a program similar I tion of the originazation's new to "This Is Your Life" for their officers The They are Ruth Mickel-se- n, mother, Mrs. Rachel Black. Helen Redd, one of the president Relief Society in. Jana Milner, wards in Ogden was honoring her. secretary treasurer; Isabelle Postmaster, Loren Hawkins left and Sarabeth Sunday for St. George, Utah to Redd, historian Black and Lily Aryle, program attend a - Convention, for all t.t.ftd Postmasters through the stats It's good to sf.e some of the Mrs. Hawkins accompanied him on home students summer for college the trip. A few who are here vacation. Lynn Nielson of Bluff are Larry lyman. Lei Momi Young, wasOarol the guest Sunday night of Sue Ann - b. Palmer and family, and hr, and Parrys begin a session of Mrs Karl Barton. summer school at BYU Mr. and Vs. Lloyd Barton have Mrs Julia Bailey and family and Mrs Beulah Black came from received word of the birth of a Mrs and Mr to spend a few days here new grandchild Ariz King Barton are parents of a ith friends and relatives daughter born Monday in The Cooper Jones family has baby been on vacation the past ten Logan. A farewell Sunday evening They first went to Denver days Don Mark Barton Elder Kansas honored Colorado then to Wiohita, to his departure for the for a visit with Mrs Jones's prior LDS Lakes Mission. Great Adams, Wilson, relatives They also planned to Pehrson Mrs. and . Mr. Rodney Gresko, Tonya Redd, David spend some time with friends in from week's a visit Dave Somerville. and enjoyed Texas. the fJJeatlier came ven Pehrson- remained here a more extensive visit with grandparents . T Loma, Colo Young Ste- - Page 5 - vice-preside- nt; o - Lovina Robinson of Magna their daughter and her husband, Raymond Munson , spent from Tuesday to Saturday Mrs. and twin here visiting the family of her and their Mrs. . two-years-- old Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hansen and Craig Yoing and Dixie Ann and Frost Alfred Barton, children Valeena and lynn are Jack Young Jr. and here visiting with Mrs. Hansen's Halllday, Jerry and Jack Young Sr Young, and Annette Jamfson. USERS USE OF HATES FOB SPtUffltLUC IRWCflTWM THE INDUS tS FORBIDDEN BETWEEN UtiO O'CLOCK MOOH left last Maughan NIB o UNTO. FUDTQEB NOTICE. Jso n USERS AtEAEQUESTED TO SHOT OFF ALL HOSE USE EKKUATELY WHEtlFKE AIM 4 Please not: This restriction was not ordered as a water saving measure It appears thai; there will be plenty of water for the summer s use This restriction is necessary because the inflow line at the City tank cannot keep up during this period of extra heavy usagem 1 O to Salt a week's tend to at- school. summer Also going up was Mrs. Anne Butt to visit her dangers, Hurst and Barbara Hoag. Dorothy Mrs. Louise . Hurst and her Carroll Fuller mother, Mrs. Dell Sorenson, a recently returned from a trip grandmother Mrs. Stella Brown to Gering, Nebraska where they and a uncle Roy Brown here for a Mrs and Mr. . Mr. Fuller's grandparfew days this last week. They and Mrs. U.T. Snook were on their way home to Calif, .and Mrs, F. Bennion5Redd from Kentucky where they had and visited Mr Mr and children, Scott, Vernon, been' Jana, left Wednesday for a four-d- ay and visiting. took Linda Calif, with They Jinny Hurst to to Salt Lake City for a them for a vacation. combined business and pleasure Gall Perkins suffered a slashexcursion. ed thumb Tuesday at the swimming Miss Ruth. Randall, daughterof pool that required six stitches Mr. and Mrs. Harry Randall, is by her physician. enjoying a vacation trip to the trip She went east 'coast. Udall Trip to Denver with Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Jones, where she Joined her aunt, Mrs and her children, Melba Lehn, Ethel Randall. They and Mrs a journey whioh will take begin meals serve at $2.50 each but making anyone the trip meal and ex- service pecting to use the Wilson at Moab must notify Bates the Niagara r.ot later than June 24. the eastern U.S. Party will be picked up by the New to Canada, and down They plan to be in Coast, San Juan Jeep Posse at Chesler York City to see Ruth's brother, and taken to Cave Springs and Harry, board his plane for the from there by automobile to Holland LDS Mission. Mrs. Mary M. Bronson enjoyed a visit from her granddaughter and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Bud recentPilling. The family has Mob and moved to from Price ly . came here to show off their six weeks old baby daughter They also have two older children i b ? He Lak. City SdV by Don and Orayaon eonqpanled tl with the final get togetRanoh her being a dinner at Moab, M- -4 at ( 7:30 p.m. San Juan officials are with the some enoour&gement, from M- -4 trying, to have final dinner location Ranch moved to Monticello girls spent a week traveling to St. Gaorga, and JSalt Poan, M cl eor(.e th., of their par att.ndad the graduation brother, Don&ld, from nts there later in the week, Doyles Dixie Jr. College, Also grad- Redd went to get his grandMr was Leon Webb of Monti Redd who were to children, Freya, Smith, WATER DEPARTMENT gone Guymon Lake training in Phoenix. Falls, . Mrs. Reva Redd and Dick Ariz. for a visit of four days Mrs. Aft on Stevens is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. with relatives in the Capital Bill Gresko, She is in Nurses' city. them IS HARD Thurs- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob lyman. They live in Eurloa , Nevada. attended a have day for. Lo;an. one week's workshop, and then en rolled in the summer school of Utah State University. came from Phonix, Gresko Myma ents, fcSOP.H to attend the Farewell ial of Clyde Palmer. large crowd of local people Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis, were in S it Lake City for the and family have gone to Texas Monti and Louisiana to spend a three annual MIA Conference was the weeks vacation in cello represented visiting with dance festival by the following friends and relatives. He M cams Testimon- .She A Dale TIE Cathie Blickenstaff . danoers: NOtIC io CITY WATER Myrna Adams, lUatlng Homer, and Hedd cello In Parowan the Rowleys will spend part of visited with Doyle's- parents, in Monticello Mr and Mrs, W. Clair Rowley Mrs, Doyle Rowley and and his brothers and sisters who the sumner Mr end meet - J |