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Show i Page 4 May BLANDING OUTLOOK 26, 1961 BLANDING ELEMENTARY 8TH GRADERS RECEIVE DIPLOMAS wg iwwwgwsaHw tnaw was y it&w'Ji '' a '' ? vj vt, r '.'J a ie2iPr,zsv': fc'si'?) 'iPSSLffiRSI wnlw a - , r v ,4 sa ? v .m?v: 3 ' - ' r 6th grade, at I ;3landing Elementary School are iheir teacher, Don Davis, were at a party Tuesday honored Mothers of the boys 'afternoon were hostesses for the and girls affair with.Verda Black as gen- eral chairman direoted by Audery Halliday and Louise Hurst, were Folenjoyed by. the children lowing the games, a. delicious luncheon .was served at tables decorated with fresh flowers Diplomas indicating that they had graduated from the 6th grade were used as place cards The luncheon of ham, salad, hot rolls, root beer, ice cream and cookies was prepared and served by Marian ones, Paula Jones, and Bernice Perkins games, . Glendora GaWright, Lorna Esklund, and Gene lbraith, Beth Hacking made the invitations and decorated the tables Class :v- of the ;Students The : are Gordon members Baxter riders went on to San Juan "ill to have the thrill of going up Winners Named in Elk it. up Otn. Riders Sbodeo The Elk Mountain Riders held annual amateur Shodeo-her- their last' week- Thompson and Jimmy Tree Donna Rae Wozniak, Jeep broke off a piece of a rock ledge and turned over completely two times landing on its wheels m mi Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holliday are the proud parents of a newt boy, born in the San Juan County WEDDING club Calf Roping, Platte .Bayles first first first Kid's Pory Race, James flom and Terry Hawkins seoond Mayor's Race, Blanding Mayor Blaine Black, Muriel Black, first Shari Black, Brenda Brow, Jill Esklund, Shauna Hawkins,' Eliza Hurst' first; Monticello second Trailer Race, Guy O'Dell first beth Hurst, Linda Hurst, Elaine Karr, Carolyn ' Jean Ledington, and Ken Helquist second Shetland Brono riding, Lyman Alma Jean Patterson, Sandra Perkins, Mary Ratcliff, Kathy Bayles first, Vance Seeley seoonc Sober, hill, other jeeps the Ellis Palmer He on the 18th of May Hospital Palmer Marba Mrs and the Lazenby, Spectators say weighed 7 lbs 3 ox and will be show was a good one despite the passengers in the Jeeps, sufferThe Hollidays have named Jason ed bad and bruises scratches wind blasted that through son strong one other Farrell Lazenby Jumped clear of out the performance READ THE WANT ADS 71 A feature attraction of the the Jeep and Ellis had fallen Shodeo was a quarter mile saddle under the jeep and injured his chest. He worked on the jeep Lee, Mr. and Mrs Don Davis, Mr horse race with area Mayors ridMrs Ida he Mayors from Moab and a little, got in and drove it and Mrs Bart Lyman and ing Dan PendleMonticello failed to show up but home. They were lucky that it Neilscn, Mr and Mrs ton, Mr. and Mrs Gu3 Pendleton, Others makboth sent horses with substitute wasn't a lot worse Lawing the trip were Mr and Mrs. the Edward Lymans and the riders Phil Rollins, Mr and Mrs Lynn rence Wrights Blanding Mayor Hurst won handily when he came in several seoond lengths ahead of the Monticello representative place Other winners at the show as secretary reported by Miriam Ws follow: , Thomas the two - Clover. Leaf,. Guy ODell Galbraith, James. Hacking, Mike Halliday, and James Flom second Ribbon Pull, Mark Bayles Roseoe Grant Hurst, Heyman, James Hurst, Sidney Hurst, Brent and Platte Bayles second Barrel Race, John Seely ''ones, Leonard Jones, David Darrel Kuykendall, and 'ames Flom second Kimnerle, Potato Race, Guy ODell Leslie Ledington, Ralph woonan, Beniially, Following Co- LOCAL PEOPLE ENJOY lleen Wright and Edra Lyman Grant Hurst, who was in the. SCENERY ON JEEP TRIP A group of hospital, and Baxter Bennally local people spent the picture last Saturday were absent when visiting points of Mrs Reva Redd, the was taken outhem part of in the interest other 6th grade . teacher, was the County; going to Muley Point; unable to attend the party Gardens of the Gods, eto Jeep . & GRADUATION Solve your problems quickly and economically TOASTERS - BLANKETS STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE TABLECLOTHS - APPLIANCES and many other Gift Items Welcome to the 1E.VEE . Cone in and meet the nev owners . C3r. i fi Mrs. John Buford, Betty v- - Jovd hobby supply |