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Show 1961 April. 7; BLINDING : OUTLOOK to attend Primary Conference : Up SDovnitheStreet : 31aok Kr. and Mrs a Kenneth-and family. were beret. for: the. Easter vacation dana-CT- -- iwre's hoping: that everyone with : his mother .d a very nice and. happy. Standiflrd. Mrs . Aliee r Arizona.. . 4 Enjoying themselves: on an Mrs,. Harris Shunray; has gone 11 day seeing: trip on to Salt Lake- - to- - spend were the Ellis Falmer with friends and rel-- .i J Lazenbys, family, the stives the Hanson Bevies family aecoir.p-aniMr end Mrs Les - Graves : and by. Clea - Palmer and s on family spent Easter- Sunday; in1 The group- - went by ; way l)on Cortez visiting with relatives Re old - oapturev rood .down: t c They returned 'home that evening Montezuma Canyon: and . baok by way Mr and Mrs. Crent.Bayles went of Aneth Field . The Bayles ear. to ' Salt . Lake. City this week, . to -- siit ed . - . of-th- e . i from-Flegstaff- - d -- . ; Slick end Mr, and. Mrs. rum Nazer. -- . Mr. andMrs i M(y- -' their parents, A visited., with They: Orson-- i triple held, att the home Stevens Monday members : was. party; of Krsv.Arton birthday-. evening for three of the group .whose occur., on- April' 4th, - hdays . . 1 -- birt- . lari QyJolineiHolt: Wedding; vows i wsrs repeated: at the .home of: Bishop ifsrwin: Shorn way for; Margaret : 11 on: She ppard and : Keith : Layns . , Page- - 3 MARGARET. SHEPPARD ROBERTS VEDS-KEITH- : Oth Mrs on: Jones, and 6 th; Mrs. Dora:. Krightj, and . Mrs .Ste teas . . Roberts . Monday, : April. 3rd. The new Mrs.. Roberts, last ; . is - the Robert Sheppard.', o f .. Blanding-- . Close friends., and, relatives: of: the couple- - attended:: the: wedding, daughter of Mr . .end Hrs -- after :vdiich a reoept ion. was, held brought a covered: for: them at :the . bride 's parents tachguest . a : Hovenwe o and a. iome... work, went on over: t ep attend Conference: dish, vrtiioh always '?dds up-to Joy Holliday,. Iva: Loo Perkins shor ' held. for direot or s' of the sunptious-- maria- - Visiting., end Poole and .her- - two: sisters and Dorothy Shumway spent ; a few coming'', event, ."Promised V.xlley" the- opening: of threo sets. of Ihry Also dropping in: on- Mrs- - Pools on this August added., days on & pleasure trlp.to:Salt which: will enjoyment gifts" on Easterito take her a . beaut ul Lake City this, past :week:: where by; the f.MIA. "Promised Vall ey" party. lilly plant?, were Mr. and Mr. Glen Holt " and. Mr. Eugene they visited : with their.slster; ie-- nusioal:play about the .Mrs Farley. Hurst and the Sunday.. Virginia Redd and family across' the plains .to Cummings. of Joseph City, Arizona School class Mrs Maggie liar-ve- y. -Salt? Winter were . overni; ht:: visitors at: the. Going to Hanti Friday and:S at ses- -. Quarters home of. Hr. iiolt's. son: Weldon; on: urday to attend Wanda - Laws , Margaret : Redd, Grandma :Lillion-Helquissions were: Glen hamway, Gartls; is in Tuesday. They were :on:.thc.ir. way Freda: n and . Guynron, I.rri to Salt Lake to Conferences. under obJones, Georgs Marion, and. Ronald the Garda. Hi els on wont. In: the: Redds: Hrs. Lilly Kunz.waa a guest-o- f: Harvey . servation: after? she hsd taken car. to attend the Primary ' CoMr and Mrs,. Glen: Shumway quite the Fifth.. Grade- - class: at: the. nvention:, at' home in Sf1 Lake., this, past Park Terrace School '. on Tuesday liome. efter spending the past onored.her mother' Mrs Glen; Black at : a : dinner given- at :their.-hom- six weeks taking oare . of h r jhe gave an interesting talk onr veek. last; week Mr, and Mrs. Burdette brazil.', after, which, last: Vfednes day - niit,,tha 'grandchildren in . Ogden is Mary iShumway pccompanied by his. occasion? being:;;her.- birthday. KJnes 1;. She - had gone to Ogden the class. was ; shown a very oeth'Shum-wav- : i . . 1 ., . -- - - - bc.-pu- t to-th- e : i-f- . . Mor-mon:t- rek e. : . -- . some-Templ- from - Lake-City.- - e, : . . . . t lyn-Lyra- . c 'ill . - e : . -- ner.-nativ- e in--teres- ting Those jarentsj I.r andslrs film on: brazil... care: forr her son's family went to St . George and .at here-- , from Gus Pendleton is..: to EngyMle:their mother-watended- somer.Terr.ple.. sessions . at land tb visit. her parents and St. George staying with. his; son: tJio: St -- George Temple They al-s- u He is helping him: out in: relatives- - She hadnH been, back ban. visited vitli Lrva's j .rents since coming over here during his rock, quarry pet tin? rock for.-thPresident: Liland . Redd is home new? library. the war.. She went, along with s.sraner months. - He. to. spend-the.- , Mr , and :Krs Calvin ; and Co- attending were : Glen Black , Hal , - : to- - lleen, Mr and Mrs. . Bruce Blaok and family, and .the ' Glen vShumway family John Boogsrt was here on . MonHe : nt -- attending: to. business - ; -- e - is the Singing Mothers now and is of: Blending formerly over on a tour day went ? who . Junot ion living in. Grand Dr. and Mrs. F..K Root' were Guests at- - the Carl ' Englehart here for a- few days this: week residence on: Saturday. was Mr visiting many of. their: friends Englehart fs cousin, Gordon CleThey were enrout e to their home ver and family: of Cortez -in Los Gatos, California, from Mr and Mrs Lee ; Guymon : and North-- . Carolina., where .they had daughter, Randy -went to White beentvisiting:: their, son David Cone, Arizona last- Thursday 'and They; were- - guests returned:, hone: on Sunday They of the .Les Graves family visited with their daughter.- and Erast us Burtenshaw i 3 home family, Mr and Mrs i Delynn from the hospital but is still Blaok who are :runnlng the trad- not feeling up:to: par Coming ; weekend Easter They over the ing post there. report to visit that the.Blaoks really like; it with the Burtenshaw' s were the! r there on the .reservation soh,.,Ferron : and... family from Lucille Weight has been" , quite Crand: Junction, ; a granddaughter - - - ; j-- and-family- -. . : - - ; . - j. . - t0' Going Mastering. out Lake --.his week lias gono:to and Clayhill Pass on Sat . to. attend .General Conference . v;ere Mr. and Mrs -- Guy i aimer.,. attend.. the Mrs.' Bert Palmer:: and children-- 'ilso' going up toand. will stay Conference Primary and Mr. and Hrs. Duane: Carlson-anwas Hr two children, .also .the Kenny for i eneral conference and Mrs . Burdetto Shumway- and Christensen's Monricello. Mr and Ilrs .ilurrdiard Slack . acoompanied them. Merlin Grover: was hfjr.e 4 days A Western-birthday party V was to. visit his parents,-- . the Jesse held Tuesday, evening .at the home: Grovers.. from Ft Lewis Coll ege of Timmy Palmer to celebrate his. .'.t - Ui i o LiuAnn' Laws rang The 6th birthday tie guests Merlin vjentto Grand Junction to aRoundup of attending enjoyed see a girl friend of Mss Laws, fun with games and refreshments .brown . of root beer and cup- - cakes... JosephineEaster Going ing on Sunday were Timmy s mother pinned . each child ir .and . Mrs Grant nelson, and with a westemfavor : Mr and :Hrs ,J T i atterson and Kiss: Jean Richards:- went: home1 Later that evening; the family over, last weekend to: s pend. Las had. as .their guests, Patters ons. - . n Red-Canyo- - - . . ? : - of . - . lit and -- . - 1 . little V . - . . for Jeanle and-horse -- shoes, . volley-ba- ll in Shumway, . Aubrey.. Patterson, others sports i. Be :s i d eisthe Lawrenee Tinsley David; Nick children'., of ' the . Burtenshaws, David Larson Babies, there-wer20 "grandchildren end OB;rake and . that -Donald werer day. lTgreat grandchild-. in; the group DeWayn Tinsley .son of. Mr; . and-- . They; came .baok : to. visit: their Mrs Don Tinsley, Ronda: Dean. parents before i Journeying b n . , -- . .. - . Shumway, daughter: of Mr .and Deloy Shumway and: Lonald: Clyde Thomps on, son of: Mr. and.;: Mrs ; . :Mra-.- Clyde Thompson ' to their :hon.9. Mr. and- Mrs, Conney - ohumway axd-two.: childreni , Stewart end - . Mittthir.accompaniedifcy Mrs and Mrs Vernon Young of. Nielson, went Jortez were here. Sunday; to: visit; Tuesday, morning Mr - . ; Laws, Mor-gen- to .Salt -- on-basi- . Richard berry and. Mrs Mr - . . 1 - - . . ; . . Jilt . ill with the : flu;. this: pas t week and. Family, Mrs- and Mrs. Jim ter with her parents: Hr, and. Algo a tiny tike, on the siok iarrison; from:; Mdntrose Colo; Hrs Pleasant Grove,, was in.; son: of: Riley, the infant, the the.: Mike : Camberlangs , and De on list He Phil Rollins spent 4 days Qurtenshaws:: frer?-- Mbntioello, while there she .was able t o. see in the San Juan Hospital with Joined by the :Frar tz Mont ella and "Ben.Hur" and; she. also.attended Pneumonia Dee.;Hanoooks here. They; all a conoert: given in. Nephi were held went. to. Cottonwood Wash. to have Guests sat .the home of Mr . and Baptismal, services.: Mrs. the o Albert :R1 layman for several, a pionic: Sunday and t early Sunday- morning in:, play Kev: Ward Third . . : Lake .is; end during, the . and Mr from-i.ontioell- . Mrs Lrnel. G lbraith and. family of the state. of Washington: came . Tuesday tor visit a couple . ofJ days with Mr Ga. . lbraith's parents, end Mr Mrs Easter weekend Ed Galbraith s Ljanan , Mrs. The. Norman i Lundell home was daughters Flandroof (Lida) Salt. George: the. soene. Wednesday morning for Like City .and: Mrs L, H... (Iris ) a birthday, for their little four H ,,rof- Montrose;.. Colo... Mrs.. The' little year, old Lorilie. three .children : Judy Ann 9 guests played games: after: which Mcwi with-herSue: and .Tom were -- days w3re-.Mr- s . . - - ; . also Kelly -- tha gifts were opened,-- , ana. refreshments of' ice ? cream cones and cup oakes were oerved Ihey were eaoh given a . pencil- and a and: Mrs.- - Harry ; House of Grand Junction',. Colo. . oameSat urday and.,.: left. Tuesday; after.- rainbow writing pad i .. s pending, the .time here, visiting Lola Mae Oliver, and v. children ! Mr . - - . - . .with Hrs Nous e s ; mother, Hrs ( TURN TO; PAGE : 7 COL. ,1 ) . o |