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Show Page 4 small son left last week t o spend about 10 days in Del Rio, Texas with his mother who has Up & Down Hie Street dblXIQI oil field thi With oslebratlon a few j of St Valentino1 Day! days ago when wo take the old Engliah oust on of exohanging sentimental tributes , it is hoped all Sweethearts were remembtred. Y o u know that Love is atill what makes the world go round. First off, we were sorry tc see Rev. Otis A. Edwards, his wife and two boys move away. They left this week for Hobbs, He was pastor of New Mexico. been quits on Monday. Speakers in the Third Hard , last were Nellis night Leila Falser, and Irene tyman who had been released recently from the Relief Society in the Indian Braneh and Albert Sunday Hurst, the R.. Lyman was speaker. concluding invited several oouples down Monday night to play games and have lot Mrs. Cochran Neldon ream and birthday eaksi the being Neldon 's birthday. Those attending were Carl and Jerri Osborn, Morris and Connie Swenson, Lynn and Carol Lee and oo-eas- ion the Baptist Chur oh here for almost a year and the family has lived In Blanding eight As of yet no replacemonths. for ment has been made at the Churoh The Boy Scout Troop Committee of the Third Ward met last Saturday night and planned the Banquet for the boys and their parents to be held on Thursday, Bryant and Deanna Jenson. Don Smith and Georgs Hurst went to Salt Lake City on Wednesday to attend a masting of the Utah Indian Affairs Comm- Slt ys time. ! ' Several fun is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nielson. There were a large number of musio lovers from Blanding that BYU Symphony Orc- in Montloallo last Saturday night. After leaving games and h e by hestra Conosrt t were served. Mr. and Mrs. Bruoe Blaok Sue attended the enjoyed which refreshments after Montleello the group wars going to Farmington, en- Albuquerque and having through Arizona and tertained his parents, hr. six ooneerts before returning to Mrs. Glen Black and family, hal, Provo. The Galvin and Coleen for dinner on Third Quorum of Elders down j will have a banquet and soolal Mrs. Farrell Lazenby.; this Saturday night at the LD5 were surprised last Saturday, Churoh. Ths 1st Ward will bs of Mr ' in charge of tho food and tire night when a cousin came down 3rd Ward in charge of making the Lazenby1 s. Grin Colby, .from Koab to visit with them. favors, invitations and planning A large number of Bland ingites the entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Parlay Hurst left attended the San Juan Community Concert held in liontioello last Wednesday morning for a vacSunday. Mr. and . I Olegna niit. was the star Fusehl, ation. Heading South they inof the tend to visit and sigh sss down pianist was terriflo. through APlzona and go into ths evening and.- she Western part of Mexioo to visit She has just returned from Polthe plaee where Mr. Hurst was and and other places in Europe. arid Black boys bom. They intend to bt gone Mrs. Carolyn Monday - of liontioello were down on Tues- until ths and of ths month. Tuesday night Mike Terrell, day to visit with her parents, alsc She son Terand Mr. of .James Mrs. Palmers. LaVell the re on a a piokvisited with the Marian Blaoks ll,raninto pipe and her 'grandmother, Mrs. Leila up and out a deep 0uh on his forehead. Dr. Fallon took sevPalmer. from eral stltohes in it. In a letter reoeived Bruoe Palmer took his mother, week; Mildred Roseoe' friends were advised that Georgs Mrs. Ken Palmer and brother Pas Coe's operation on his back Starling to Mesa, Arizona over was one of the most suoosssful last weekend. They visited with this mfieeHo ona to spend Saturday and SunDuane day were Mr. and Mrs. Jerilu.. Johnson and daughter, Sale of the muitimillioni-doi- l&r Montleello Uranium mill-- ' "just around the 'corner." They visited with his parents Allan E. Jones, general manag- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnson. er of the Gravid Junction Opera- -' Marilst Sheppard was honored tions Office of A L said at a farewell party Wednesday ssotions of the will j,probably1' night at the home of Ilene Pal- will b6 put up for bid in less ' mar, with Frances Peterson a s than 30 days " Instead of gifts Portions of the concentrator they had a "Kitty Pool" for used in processing fissionable refreshMar After eo-host- ess. ilea. game, souroe materials will be sold oookies, sherbert and only to the uranium industry. ginger ale were served to the Other branches of the government ten guests attending. Miss being oiroularized, but have after- are leave this will Sheppard shown no disposition to buy the noon for Salt IAke to enter ths or any part thereof. ment! of facility mission home before leaving on her mission to Guatemala. Mariles Sheppard was honored While the AEC itself is - pected to conduct the sealed bidding for the mill, the General Services Administration hop ore. Frost Blaok, and the mi- Mr. Jones Her sister, ssionary, Mariles. Arda played a piano solo. Edna Rogers and Mrs boys . - visited with her parents, . li-mill- ion Mr. Palmer on ValeThe Rogers now livs ntines Day. in Montioello having moved baok and Mrs. Joe there around the first of Fbw ruary. They had operated a meat plant here in Blanding. Trade With Ervin Palmer, aooompanied by Ilene Palmer and Arvid Blaok want to La Sal last Sunday where Mr. Palmer and Mr. Blaok were guest speakers at the Branoh and Miss Palmer Piano said circularizing the U. S. Bureau of Mines had aroused that agency's interest -in acquiring the dollar pilot concentrator built, and .. operated in the past by National Lead Co. at the Grand Junotion Operations Office. La Sal LDS Local Merchants To Build a Better Community" played a solo. Miss Christen Crous of Pleasant Grove, Utah was here this 'S to visit with Mariles Sheppard. The young ladies were roan mates in Salt Lake City past week when they attended Business Co- llege. Mrs. Phil Hurst took his mother, Mrs. Mary Hurst, to Salt Lake City last Friday where she will visit with her daugMr. and hter, Mrs. Silas (Beth) Kartohner and have her eyes oheoked while Phil Hursts earns down to Manti on Saturday where they did temple work and attend- thers. The ed ths wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Guyman. They also visited with friends in Orme Sunday. -- They returned home Monday-- . Mrs. Mar:' Stevens is hers visiting from Logan, Utah this week with friends and relatives and also to attend the wedding re-oept- ion this Saturday night of Ronnie and Merrillyn Guymon. Going to Salt Lake this week (TURN TO PAGE 7 COL. 4) Timo Saving Rubber Stamps fumishod quickly at lowest prices OUTLOOK . operations his. Boot or had preThe patient is getting formed. along a lot better than was ex-peo- ted. at all three nixt MlAs attended Vee and Shirlssn Palmer and faWes .is employed at Wilmily. liams. Air Foros Bass. They also visited with The San Juan Stake MIA Leadership meeting was held last Montleello. Members of over from Mrs. Palmer's bro-ith- sr, Iynn Helquist and her sister, fby Jonss, both of Mesa. .. Ths Adult Training Union of ths Baptist Churoh met Tuesday for a Valentins Social at tho Blanding. Reed and Dora Bayles went to Churoh. They enjoyed visiting Koab the latter part of last and having refreshments. Miss Libby Lyman earns by bus week to visit Mrs. Bstty Mason who is seriously in the Moab last Friday to spend tho weekThe Baylssts wars as-- 1 end hors visiting with Hospital. quaint sd with her when they used! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lyman Her parents took her baok as to live in Cortez. The Gordon Redds, Kent Redds far as Thompson early Monday rand Mrs. Ruth Redd wars dinner morning ' whore she took the 3i47 guests at', the horns of Vint end train baok to Salt Lake City. She is working at tho Graduate iRtva Redd last Sunday. the had School at ths University o f Eugene Blleksnstaff .mlsfortuns of breaking several Utah. ' down in the an aoeident Bonnie Petty and and In Georce jlbs ill her . ex- - . was 7,1 961 Hiamntv Ariz- Phoenix, 1 at a farewell testimonial in the 2nd Ward last Sunday night Two Navajo youths ware hurt Talks were given by her parents will probably sell off supplies and unrelated- t o early Sunday morning whan their Mr. and Mrs. William-0- . Sheppard actualequipment processing or uranium oar wont out of control and hit Bishop Grant L. Bayles and Bis- Glen and herein Shumway went a troo in front of tho Ken Palto Salt Lake a week ago today to mer homo. Tho boys were John bring Mewin' s wife, Shirley Tree and Ned Manhoimer. home. She has been in that City Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nielson for several weeks where she un- wore business oalloro in derwent surgery on her back. She; Lake City this past week. is getting along nicely now. , Sue Nielaon was hostess to a Glen made a trade on his car and St. Valentines Party held at her has a beautiful new blue Plyhome last Monday .night. T h t The Shum-wamouth Station Wagon. kids all reported a very good also got a new piokup tc use in their work at the mine. Under deoorations of hearts and cupids, all three wards held their Valentine party this past ill. Coming up from Saleef ission. February 23rd. After the banquet they will have their Court of Honor and program. week. dancing Ilutu&ls February BUNDING OUTLOOK Area1 Largest Stock of Residential and Comnercial Wiring Supplies Bus. PHO. 2676 Res. PHO. 2907 . |