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Show January 20, 1961 Pago 7 BLINDING OUTLOOK c lfainnl Rates per line with Want-- Ad 10c 50c mininum first for insertion 8c per minimum line with 40c for subsequent FOR SALE- Spinet piano to be repossessed in this area Take over small monthly payNo down payment. For ments. All of 5:00 p.m. FOR SALE. . Beautiful , . Officially at old loo&tion. open SHOP.. lor business Poor & Mrs. Sue 8-2- 422. Practically new. Titano make. See or oall Hilda Perkins at FOR SEWING or alterations contaot Colleen Harvey. Fhone Phona 2337 2617. RENT FOR Modem LOST 6 keys on a purple m one apartment. Nicely ribbon. If found please refurnished and conveniently loturn to Motel Blandlng. See or call Hurst cated. Agency. Phone 2016 .... bed-roo- G in extra Bring money with your tal- A ents. Register for a class at the Doris r o rates for clubs. Prices per course: cretary $25 Drawing. Watercoloring. $25 Oil Painting. $45 $10 Music $30 Writing. Olson, members. The Forest Supervisor, duties of sy Shumway, vice-pre- s., were Connie Swenson, seoretary Osborn as peuit week. Dolores also spoke for the cy management, ing and appraisal capability. r ri Pendleton rest of the and the was spent rest of playing Beta Chapter o f Beta meeSigma Phi held its regular Beta emergen- rediologic&l monitor- credit, e ok committee the con- production, information, eduoatlon, J olub members by giving the Presidency for 1960 a vote of thanks had done, the a s forA pot-lu- job they lunch was served evening include responsibilities games. table nected in an emergency with food BETA SIGMA PHI food Pat- Carolyn and historian. to the ladies this pres., Then new names were presented for new members and voted on. The new presidency were to call on these new girls during the Register Jan. 28th at Helen Ray COMMITTEE going officers Out Guymon, nt, Corrine Hurst as Seand Carmen Cochran as Historian. land ting, Tuesday night. The hostess s Mrs. Rose for the evening oontlnuing Wugent. The meeting was called of In addition to its essential funotlon, speolfio to order by Rresldent, Bobbie delegations of authority made Skelton with roll callwas and codecided mmittee reports. It to the Eepartmezxt inolude huswith the to have a meeting for: (1) the production, processing bands on February 4th at the storage and distribution of food home of Doris Karr. The soolal on a res-sponsib- ility committee was to deolde through the wholesale level (2) the prevention and control menu and notify each member vhat of fires of enemy caused by the effeots to attack in rural areas; bring. The program was turned over to (3) the protection of live- Mrs. Emma Kuykendall who gpve a "The stock, including poultry, end very interesting talk on produots therefrom, and orops Garden." The meeting was adjourned and against biologloal and chemical warfare j (4) the protection of agricultural resources from radio- active fallout. Sunday Woody Simpson;- - he's was a was me itmentioned above beautiful birthday. ?he erew had break- fast with us Trudells. Be fort dinner gong t he Musslemsns and Peters ins rushed over to the Nielsons to enjoy a sorumptious meal. Mrs. T., invited herself and family over to the Howells. Floyoe and Dick Walla came to visit the Then Howells that afternoon. sounded been the her sick papa bear. The LDS Relief Society for the past two weeks has been quilting like mad. These ladles do sueh lovely work. Have you seen the latest creation? day Hall lone with a over oeme cake for delioious angel And wa ladles had a good me. time eating cake and playing food oanasta. The Jack Wilson and fnily and TVresdy Joe Thursday afternoon Mrs. Paul- their friends, son from Utah State University Nikerson paid their friends here to see if Bluff would be interested to came ladies we visit in Bluff a surprise night. stayed Sunday GoForth and visMrs. They any of the extension courses the "night with mo3t everyone Monday University has to offer and of ited with of you leaving Monday afternoon course we were. Any Calif. ladies who could riot be present their home in Oroville, Shirand Monte Saturday night can see Mrs. Jack Brown for furley Day spent the evening with ther details. Howell. Thursday evening, Mr. Ted Bob and Opel Monday evening Hoy Pearson, Grand Junction Pouts the Nielsons, Mussle-ms- ns brouit movies of the Trek of lone Hall, and Trudells attended the the Four Winds down to Bluff. Recreation The very lovely films were shown San Juan in landing, "e at the Eugene Poushee residenoe Board meeting the and those in attendance were presented our petition to for from Black School of Fine Arts. The school is ET CETERA CLUB designed to earn Members of the Et Ceteraat Club of met last Thursday night the back the cost their 12 home of Carolyn Guymon for Presiyour tutition. annual business meeting. week courses offered dent Connie Swenson conducted, on the new presidency was in music, art and voting with Delores Pendleton drama. Qualified hsld, being put in as the new presi-- j and teachers special dent, Chloe Ann Shumway, Vice-preside- wee Hours hear oauss coming from the Simps on ranohero rush down and resoue Fern from gains. WesternORAuto Associate Store. Phone White . his filing Chamber sick for almost two weeks. I'm thinkin' we ought to send Fern a medal for servioes above, and beyond the oall of duty. Should any of you see smoke signals Appli&noe bar- and Pony and Ric- home and came we 8:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon? For Used Furniture at any of you get to Father Lie bier's radio broadeast ... SEE US evening meet Did 4th West 4th North. LaVell Palmer OPTOMETRIST. Dr. B. A. 3roughton, Optometrist, is in Blanding every Thursday. For after Friday will Commerce cabinet Chevron appointments oall Graves at 2491. of giving the Bluff, Utah. PALMERS' BODY Aoeordian. and Gold per week. paid. Inquire Simpson, Station to pent or buy. Call 4172 W. W. Chamber in, they at hard Peters inseedropped to North had to been Alaska, CXar the Dick Nielson Home. we tea the until drank end all thanks to Mr. Lee Turner for $15.00 utilities 1 . Modem Apartments in Bluff . runs of same copy with every 5th run free. Display advertising in Want-A- d columns 80c per column inch. Card of Thanks 10c a line with $1. minimum. Used Piano. that Liens went again to the show. We be sold at the Jail treated to a Shrirro dinner will plates by house Jamiary24th. Then The Board of Direotors of the Mr. T., bless his hsart. details write to Credit Mgr. Box 146 S.H. Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. FOR RENT KANCZE TRDDELLr Don't forget more consecutive WANTED. DY the hostess served refreshments of Tomto Asplo Salad with Rye bread sandwiohes with cheese County the Mussleman family, the Howell family, Granma Ann, Carol Nielson, Lynne Huber, JoAnna Picroe Roy and her daughter, Jackie, Dennis Pearson and Irwin, a guest of the Foushee's. A most enjoyable time was had by every. . one . They liked the idea gentlemen. of a Camping ground but there are still many things to be worked, out before the plan oan the County presented to final oners approval for Cemls si be Perhaps some of you feel that not much was aooomplished and ot are very glad that Marilyn maybe you're right but the has been started and nothWright is b&ok home with u s finished with out again, after having attended her ing oan be started even if all Our first being a grandmother's funeral. push. and it is, is just little sympathy to Marilyn we all went the much meeting After family as grandmothers, like a fine treasuredto antique, and saw Dark at the Top of the replaoa Stairs. when broken, are hard Doy what a round of pro-Je- We her movie going. evening up in BlandPTA whleh was the meeting Several folks in town have lng attHall Opel Howell and lone been 'raving trouble with frozen ended.- Did any of the rest of nater lines. The Youngs, lone After the meeting lone, Hall and the Andy Mussleman. you go? and Opel went and saw North to Did Carol Nielson tell you Thursday . that she received a Alaska. Doris singing a vegetable brush and was quite happy telegra8i, and visit a soggy oaks for hr birthday? awhile before returning to their She did. home in Mt. Pleasant. And have And have you tried bathing in her folks Young oould stop little little boy you seen the Young's so who slok? baen has CUrtia, Well he's a right pretty a wastebasket? day pink eheoked foxly loxy fellow. Gainaa, Ruth and Donn Simons, Disk and Dorothy Nielson, Enez Wilson, The Howells family, Granma Ann, Eugene and Roy Pearson and Mary Foushee, lone Hall, and the Trudells. was Carol Saturday night as birthday, Us Andy The for the week of Jan. 23 as follow: Monti o ell o lat v Blanding lot oollo Wed. Trodalls 7th. BE WISE . ADVERTISE Blanding 845 lino, vs Blandlng 1st Thurs .'at Blandlng 730 Terns . . at Montioello 2nd v Blanding 3rd Thun, at Montioello 830 Patrol Blandlng 3rd vs Highly Dura, at Blandlng 8i00 El Paso vs Montioello 1st Thurs. at Montioello 700 and spread, oof fee and tea. The next regular meeting will ba held at Doris Karr's horns oh February for today. 5Mltn basket ball mes to -be played at Blending and Monti Melvin Katy and Carol and good Schedule at Blanding for Week of January 23. - Nislsen's well M-- Men Friday night not quits everyone In town, but Just about, went to see North to Alaska. Oh, ho was it- ever a good show. Some that I saw were: .Betty and it Gh, REAP THE PANT ADS |