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Show o Outlook Published in the Interest of Blanding I 2 VOLUME BLAND NO, UTAH, POXCQ 103 tho Surrounding Oil and Mining ComnuniUto DECEMBER FRIDAY, 30, I960 53 MO. Cordon Bonen Dies 1969BoMag Permits Total $877,530.09 totalling permits Building $877,530,00 were issued by City of Blanding during 1960 the ac- at the City permit was for cording to records Of flee. The o biggest issued to $748,000 County Sohool District for of the new remaining $129,530 The eon-struot- lon high sohool building, . Juan San for was fifteen private construction projects including additions as well as extensions, Largeot was for $35,000 permit private the new post offloe, followed closely by a $30,000 pendt isCord Bowen, for their citizen of the four comers area passed away in the Monticello hospital, Friday, Ceoember 23 "He following a long illness well Lyman, ' Ptodncfioo Chaplin Oil A Refining Company has found pay dirt in Southern San Juan County eight miles fron born August 16, ,1875 in Great Bend, Kansas, When he was 3 years old, his father, and his John Carter Boren, mother, Susannah Colorado by their other children , to ox team and wagon. settled They moved City which Durango, is first in now Animas called North his life in Colorado, Off and on, he was in the trading post business and he spoke the Navajo and Spanish He much of spent fluently and languages friends among His younger as a oowboy He ness, 5 Bnmcs Dvcrdbka North Emeiy Nidi 2 TOTALS 25 11 0 0 12 was No, 1 Navajo on Creek Anldo at 1 a depth of 5367 of free oil on recovered 1800 8 NORTH EMERY The fir stem test. drill ahead and. test the drill a will deeper Nississlpplan formation before endeavoring to Yrodueo had many from were spent the stock busi- Marshall firms The days Town new line. do their Next 53671 discovery. for the Bronoos New Year Message Mayor Hurst Conveysthey will to their entire vaoatlon here, will tty Dear People of Blanding: end of another anew. we year is here. We The present lull in industrial and general busisurround us. ness aotivity has come to broaden our scope and to give us the time we need to gather our forces and prepare to receive the fine things that are in store for us Mid summer 1961 will bring to us for the first time a coFrom Los Angeles and Phoenix on the mplete through highway. south to Salt Lake City and Denver on the north. It will bring into our area in numbers that heretofore have been unThis is Just the beginning, If here is anything in this world that I am sure of it is the growth and development of San Juan County, I look forward people heard of. a few years to a time when there will be a fine highway from Verde west across Glen Canyon Lake to the parks and attra- Mesa ctions sister counties west of the Colorado River, Boating and recreational faoilities will be built around the Roads will be built to soenio wonders that will make it lake. possible for men to bring their families into this area without passing or our quickly through be and find attractions so magnetlo that be drawn boating and speotaoular scenery In of Navajo land ment national renown. space and spend fishing within the oonflnes of This have the prlviledge of done have while worth If things during 1960 starting we should be humbly grateful. If mistekes have been made, we need not perpetuate them into the New Year, Into our City has come again a condition of quiet tranquiSome There are those who have panicked and moved away. lity, others who remain look ahead with fear for our community, I would say to all, fear not) all will be well. The foundations our forbear ers have built are as sound as the mighty rooks that The a will here tonight, Friday Deo, 30, against South Beery, at flM (Column 2, Page 3) O o discovery is 4 miles north of the Arizona line and 10 miles west of the ColoraThe Mesa, these people, in nearest production at White the with Thomas 8 Milos from Nearest known Bowen was Mr, and Minnie Johnson new home, Ghampfin Finds in Blanding having lived here at various times Mrs, Lynn with his daughter, was to John sued well known elder We second to no other inland Thera area. of the most beautiful and the entire world, Thm lure and enchantand deer hunting' that has ooas to bs of could continue this list lndsflnatslyi Suffice to say, with the attractions we can oount on more than & million oaro some will not allow it. a highway to them a year coming through. We must not loss sixt of the faot that industrially we are in our infanoy. Oil and other minerals will bs developed that will out shins the already fabulous disoovsriss. Let us not let pessimists plant in our hearts the fear that our tax structure will fall. The great development in the Lisbon oil field and the potash of the Dead Horse Point area will give it further impetus , If ws allow our fears to stifle our development, we will bo derellot in our duty. It is our responsibility to those rugged pioneers who prsosdsd us and to the generations that will1 follow us to build on the foundations of the former for the benefit and seourity of the latter. shall oontlnus to build roads, to improve our parks end recreational areas so that every tourist will find an added inducement to remain a little longer in our midst. Again Folks 1st sis wish you a Happy New Year, Let bs reiterate ny statement of a year ago that we ars oosmenoing decade that shall bs known as the suooessful sixties, We Slnoertly, Mayor W, R, Hurst, |