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Show December 23 f I960 set by the Church for December 25th. 'Official' Date So it is 354 A.D., that since the year this date has been observed as the date of the Saviours birth. December Gth is the day of Christmas Set In 4th Century The history of the Christmas observance is one that has intrigued clerical and lay scholars for countless years. Researchers have found that1 as fair back as the. fourth century, the Christmas, festival was already an established custom dating back to earlier eras. The word Christmas began as Christs Mass or as in old English Christes Masse or Paso 19. BLANDING OUTLOOK when Christmas is observed in most Western European countries and marks the beginning of a long, happy holiday sea- Speolal guest was M Argyle are expeoted to arrive Friday Dougherty, wife of the new r of for a Christmas holiday with Mr. supervisor Next meeting home and Mrs Frank1 Fullmer, Carol s group will be at the Jensen parents, and with Mr and Mrs Lafema Mr and Mrs Johnny Jones Frost Blaok, Blanding, Parents Also Jolngin the Ful family left early thid week.: of Ramon lmer family party will be Clark a trip to Louisiana whore tl Fullmer, a student at Utah State will spend a Christmas vaeat: mer) Blaok and daughter, Cynthia i with friends and relatives University in Logan Charles Mayne visited brie: Exeeutives of, the Montieello 2nd Ward Relief Society sponsor in Mont ioello Friday and Sati A ed a delightful Christmas social day graduate of KostleeJ for their members Monday After High Sohool, he was enroutl son! Grants, N M. for a holiday s Plan to make His day, a fam- a morning work meeting a meal was served from with his parents, Mr and Mi1 the Christmas Story gaily deoorated tables A Christ Steven L Mayne Charles is ily day begins with " once upon a time mas program was presented, under freshman student a the Univs there was a Father, a Mother the direotion of Ivalou Redd, sity of Utah de-llei- ous sang a solo, and . . Maxine Frost played a piano solo Marge Jackson read a Christmas MONTICELLO story, and frith Mickelsen and Hansen sang a duet, He is not attending Lorraine years. Wonderland" "Winter sohool in Blanding, but will The Rebus Rota Club members spend the holidays here with the enjoyed their annual Christmas Bloomfields. Carol and a CHILD Chapman the Mass of Christ, Following the custom of the church in Mrs party Saturday afternoon at the Kenneth Sunirers and Mrs observing the anniversaries of Mrs Redd, home of Lovlna Redd Ann Shepherds on were in Grand deaths, rather than births. Junotion Wednesday for some last Lily Argyle, and Nettie Redd not was It until St. Cyril, minute Christinas shopping were in charge of the afternoons The ladies sang Christof came program Miss Virginia Fullmer Bishop Jerusalem, set out to affirm one day for a universal from Carbon College at Prloe to mas carols, played games, and eaoh of whioh - a observance that Christ's Mass was changed from its previous celebration in the spring (as we now observe Easter). The good Bishop was granted permission by Pope Junius I to appoint a group of theologians to determine as accurately as possible, the exact date of Christs nativity. Too many years had elapsed for absolute accuracy, and after discovering various contradictions of calendars, astrological and astronomical calculations, the date for the celebration of Christ's Mass was Christmas spend her parents, Mr exchanged gifts, vacation with was handmade and Mrs by Frank the giver A . A chill evening Quorum members, supper last given by the of Elders for one of was Gerard Norton, Mr cello Elementary sohool with large orowd in attendanoe F the program Pat Hamilton gave and DeWi Christmas reading, Lee sang two songs, accompaflyi himself on Norton spoke the guitar. briefly, expressl J. stopped Montieello from Sunday to We- of last week to see his wife, Sheree Lyman Garrett, and A member of their young son the U S Arny, he has been in Missouri attending a radar sohool and was enroute to an assignment in Reno, Nevada. He will be Joined by his family after Christmas. dnesday A birthday party surprise helped Mrs evening Mickelsen celebrate her 29th birthday. Arranging the Thursday Vaun -- surprise were the hostesses, Holt Continued for a Mrs Cories s Joe Jackson and and Mr Harold Muhle-ste- in Miokelsen was pre- Mrs few days visit Others attending the Chapman Coming today to spend Christparty at the Jaokson home were mas iwith their daughter Coleen Mr Mickelsen, Mr Jackson, Mr Black and her family will be her Chapman, Mr and Mrs Juan Hanparents Hr and Mrs Bey Harris sen, Mr and Mrs Doyle Rowley, and son Val from Provo Some of the students the home from and Mrs Mrs different oolleges are, sented with a pretty blouse, and Merrilee Shumway, Ronnie (Xiymcn refreshments of birthday cake Merrillyn and Ed Stevens, Hel- and ioe cream were served after en Brown, Julene Laws, Johnny an evening of games Mr and Mrs, Roy lhaoker and Neils on, Kal Black, Area Sheppard, Jimi Foster, Claire Sheri- family left Thursday for Heber and City and Midway where they will spend the Christmas vacation would like to They were in Green River Thurswish all the readers a Very day evening where MontiiJo Merry Christmas and a. Happy New played basketball and continued Year filled with happiness for their Journey from there. dan and Dorothy Ruth Errett This reporter Shumway Mr each one and Mrs Ramon( Carol Full. ll i IMi Sincerely hoping your Moliday i as cheerful aS chevron gateway SERVICE Q1.BM CHMSTMS WISHES Loads and toads of our very best wishes that Christmas brings you a Christmas candle! & KLINE everything you've hoped for! the Eld his appreciation to the gre and his desire to represent tk li Garrett Ed w . With her University of Utah. 5 1 leaves soon for a mission to t American Mlsslo LDS Central The party was held in the Mont His. father, for a short Christmas wasstory, "Tie Llttlest. well. also spoke presented by Lily Norton, visit was her friend, Boyd Po- Angel," well, of Prioe, a student at the Fullmer Wednosd nmm teupim go. Wesl |