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Show COUNTY TENTATIVE- - REOWES T' ED - BUDGET SAN JUAN their ritb ; mistletoe, trimming ths trss, spending ths oash' you worked so hard to earn on presents for people to later returns Address lng and stamping the bards that you signf standing for hours in the post offioe line. After shopping and wrapping you're feeling quits beats and you sit . attending ths early Christmas wore Mr and Mrs Jos P&lner, Mr and Mrs Guy Palmer, Mr and Mrs Ken Palmer, Mrs Rsbeeoa Palmer and ths gst to-gst- her Charlis Sipes Another brother, John, was unable to get in from their ranoh because of the snow Going to Cortez last Saturday home at soaking your pocr aehing for shopping wars Glen and Betty But somehow we seen to Skinner, and thsir ohlldren feet A and then next big treat for ths kids because live through it all it towns we do over again lng, ladies to are Mrs. Rebseea Palmer and Mrs Gladys lyman for having thsir two waste' supply meeting ths D C requirements Any one who oan gst their two weeks supply or has it and can.. pass the requirements gst in touoh with Mrs . JOLEiE COLT Speakinr of Christens, Its ths tained Mrs Nielson's brothers same old routine eaoh year, and sisters and their partners don't you agree T Hanging ths at dinner last Sunday, Thosa . from Bland -reoelve awards Also award they got to alt Black gave their Ruth Palmer who Chairman of Defense ths-Women- Sam 's Adams, Eva Shmwfay and Ruth Palmer, Don Edwin Smith, Douglas Harvey, Alma Hawkins, Lyls Johnson, Palmer, Bill Redd, and Diok Butt were oalled Wednesday for Jury Santa's lap duty in Montioello and what are people whisper Mrs. Alios Standiflrd left they would like starting to put up thsir deaerations and for Christmas , Arlz week this for Flagstaff, make our tom pretty for the Ths granddaughters, Marilyn to spend a few days with her The John JohnThen holiday season Lyman, Carolyn, tenda and Qarol son Merrill and family year The -- son hone is very attractive with old Santa and the reindeer Others are getting the lights and trees up, and with the snow every thing is very Christaasy Ths Aasrieanj Legion is decorating the big 'Christmas tree down town and putting the lights Z also hear up on the streets that old. Santa Claus is coning on grandmother, Fllltrup a surprise birthday party last Friday, Doe This being 9 at tenda's home her 77th birthday, ssvsral of her. friends were invited in to Mrs Eva will to San Diego, Gallf to spend a couple of months with her daughter, Nadine Mendenhall and her family Word earns from Holtville, Cashe go Curtis and Barbara Ann Palmer and family have moved into thsir new home Mosley, son of ths Harold Mosleys wont into the Blooding Mere sad purchased for his Christmas present mother and registered for ths Six year old Whdo beautiful birthday oaks that on display colsbrating was ths is ths new Hero's 12th Anniversary teds Civil won at hold it, at ths drawing Mamie Butt, 1961 5 pm on Saturday Mr and Mrs Henry Hurst and family arrived Wednesday from their homo In Dts Iowa to visit hero with brothers and slstsrs Thsir Wayne has Just returned homo from his isission and before he loft was a member of ths BlendHe will report his ing Hard mission at that mooting Sunday his evening at 530 Ths thirst's oldest daughter, Joyos is atten- ding sohool at ths BYU in Provo her family hors On Saturday night ths terst family will have a big family lifornia of the birth of a daugparty, with ths children under have a delicioup supper with hter to lyman and LaVao Redd, on 12 meeting at the Curtis Palmar her, and spent the evening vis- Saturday the 10th They were horns, the teenagers will have Ths iting and playing games xpeeting their 5th son and were their party at the DsVon Hurst, favors wars little parosols fillall surprised when the stork horns and the adults will meet at Those brought then a lovely daughter to visit all good children in ed with sandy and nuts There was wars Alios Ths happy grandparents hers arc teldo Harvey's horns Blending on Friday ths 23rd at ladles attending suoh a large number in tho fam1)00 p n in the L0SChuroh Standiflrd, Nellie Harvey, Eller ths J Wiley Rsdds and Lswrsnso Johnson and Ellon. Lyman, and TVs Wrights. ily theyMIAhad to divide pinking lot Tho officers of the Mrs Chasber of FillOrups granddaughters President Myrtle Hunt who is now word would like to incite December 7th, Mr and Mrs, , Loren Hawkins and game living in Salt Uike City is ex- thsir Mutual ago groups Lawrence Ton Mr went Borrooks Mrs and to , Wright, pected hers tomorrow to spend annual Mr Palmer and and Mrs Don this week and Christos with her Monday night for thsir Pries Saturday-tattend a Stats (toy A pot-lu- sk Christmas Party Smith went to Montloollo to atFish and Qacs meeting daughter Wanda Black and her Supper will follow tho program Ik and Mrs- - Disk 0nynon and tend the Civil Defense After she Christens family nesting at 700 pm Children are going to Logan, and award night, Mr Leonard A. will go bask to Sslt Lake and boginning The 1st Quorum of Elders have Otah today to visit Mrs Quyccsa Higgins of Salt Lake City, who then go on a- tour of California Ths Minstrel Show was taken to a book storo at tho City Cenis ths Stats Civil Defense dirparents. Hr and Mrs- ftrl-tebter Motel for any of those people They;aloe are going to consult ector was ths guest speaker and Bluff Tuesday niit- where a wanting any of tho LOS Books for large orowd filled ths sohsol Christens a film was shewm en the fall-o- ut tSalr. Physician in that oily.-and will moot ' of-th- 0 e o - - b - -- 1 and FVirEd Nielson belter end hcae prepardntos. auditorium and enjoyed it very F51 mb giving - AwAa amJ |