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Show May 6, I960 PaSe 11 BLANDING OUTLOOK SeM MONTICELLO PLANTS ; 10c per 50c ninimum insertion line with for first FUR- - SALE Wilt Resistant Mosoow, Ma- rJune Pink and Beefsteak globe. Also Chili peppers. Bell peppers and Cabbage. Contact Neldon Holt Ph. 3727. ( 8$ per line with 40c minimum for subsequent RENT--- -- Trailer Spaces consecutive runs of jFDR with large garden plot ready for. planting. Call 2861. same copy with every FOR KBIT- Modern Apartments 5th run free. In 'Bluff. $15.00 per week, Display advertising all utilities paid. Inquire i columns 80 d in per column inch. Card of Thanks 10c a line with SI. minimum. Want-A- FOR S4LE---Lar- ge size iversal Electric Range with of - L. Porters. quick sale-- TOR de-sep-- T.D. and Hy 18-An- Blade. gle Ralls. Box New Pump 702. Moab. Ph. AL FDR A COMPLETE Lint of MoNess Produots see Helen Englohart behind Englehart Cabinet Shop or oall OR fully guarentood ' Everything or your money back. 3-3- 412. FOR RENT unfurnished house in Bluff. Phone Blandlng FDR HIRE Have Bulldozer. Truck and Compressor for hire. Call OR or write Box 233. Blandlng. Utah. FOR SALETypewriter ribbons for all popular makes Standard and Fortable. Outlook . OR8-38- Sales. Murry Un- Condition. Also-- 2 -- wheel horse trailer with good at Cheveron Simpson, Station Bluff, Utah. FDR SALE g- lore Lot with fruit trees. Choice building location. Ph. 4141. Good horse rack. See W. W. 72. 8-3- 966 6-4- 126 - . Office. FDR SALE 1 frailer, clean and in condition. DANCE from page 1 the Whirls and' Twirls Club of Dolores won a trophy for having the most members present. Mr. and Mrs Bill Oakes of Max loan A Hat were Great Lakes the prize for being the oldest oouple participating and Jaok and Pat Vhalen of Monti oello were singled out as the couple who had been square dancing longest. good reaj'buy., Call Trailer 'Sales -- 2861. , NEV SUPPLY. . . and oolored poster paper. Large and small .sizes. At Blandlng El Rancho awarded mu. interested in learning to square dance Is urged to atAnyone . session tend the beginners being held each Wednesday night 1 Outlook at the City Hall. PARK TERRACE By Mm. H. E. Malm Plants Tomatoes I Early Canner Moscow. i - mu News Items I Rates Want-- Ad Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brandt and boys spent the weekend at the George Slavin home from the mine. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slavin and son have moved to Phoenix, Ariz. at the eohool Mrs. Milthat oafeterla reports The head oook dred Miller, tts. Ruth Crowley, and Marcia, Mrs. Bernice Barry and Stephanie and Marcia Johnson ate at the sohool lunch one day last week, which was the first time since she has been there that any parent has eaten there. Boy Scout Troop 313 enjoyed a trip to Devil's oamplng Canyon Friday night and Saturday. Mrs. Pearl Blaok returned homo Tuesday from a long weekend with her daughter Mrs. Richard Coleman and family at Dove Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Richey have been in town from Apple Valley, California. Mrs. Betty Has on has returned to her after a home in Salt several-day- s Lake City visit with relatives in ontloello. Bluff are the proud parents of Iha CoBB&mlty May 2 at the Chur oh & San Mission ladles served a banquet at the reoreation hall for the Cirola Monday, May 9 Beef stew Cheese and celery sticks Chilled plums Whole wheat rolls, butter Milk Tuesday, May 10 Pork and gravy Whipped potatoes Diced beets Fruit cup Hot rolls, butter Milk . Wednesday, May 11 Chicken and noodles Tossed salad Jello dessert Raisin cake Cheese rolls, butter, milk Thursday, May 12 Barbecued beef sandwiches Buttered spinach with vinegar Spiced applesauce Buns Cheese squares Milk Mr. and Mrs. Boyd 'Anderson of fine son, born Juan Hospital. Loncb Friday, May 13 Tuna Macaroni salad Celery sticks Creamed peas Cherry cobbler oounty officers monday night. Mrs. Robert Christensen and oello from Bluff on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blake and Mrs. Kenneth Christensen went to Salt Lake City TViesday on busin- daughters, Sally and Susan were ess and visiting, fray plan to shopping in Cortez, Saturday. Court of Honor for the Combe home Saturday. were Mrs . Gene Thayer munity Church Loy Scouts was held Mr.'&nd oalled to Iowa last week, due to at the Church Sunday morning. the death of Mr. Thayer's father Sally Blake has as- Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Anderson dinner guests on Sunday, Claudia were business oallers in Monti- - Martin and Nell Mizor. A Most Practical Gift for the Graduate Smithi mfisffemA-t- e Corona i Superb In style, superior in performance, truly the world's most wanted portable typewriter. All the features of the office typewriter with portable convenience. Look at these features that e keyservice. . . . assure typing ease and trouble-fre- e MarQuick-set and . 4!, characters: extra 1, board with 4 Tabulation, Page Gage, and steel frame construcgins, Key-sTouch Selector tion. adjusts keys to the most comfortable typing e Carriage Return Lever with single double or pressure. triple line spacing. Holiday carrying case and Instruction booklet Included. Specify pica or elite type. Full-siz- et Full-siz- Easy Terns - |