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Show 6 Pag April 29, I960 BLANDING OUTLOOK cm PARK TERRACE Monday, May 2 Fiida), May RASCOE Ey MILDRED ior Junprsttisst drsssi timi is almost here Prom 6 for Friday, nine o'olock, this year's prom reportedly promises to be thea prettiest and best in many Scheduled . by oryear. Francis Lyman and his chestra will furnish the music BONNIE KAY DUTCHIE Heading mittee is Kathryn boy scout patrol has been formed with the help of Stanley Martineau, and Leonard Hurst of the neighboring children ught there was a new swinming The patrol fey T.ayj Dutohie; oonsists of Eddie Dutchie j 6 boys, Raymond pool being : I 1 built for them to their disappointment, a was built on'top the party will house Lang; ! Per Capita Checks were Issued out Monday, and some people were in town to pay their debts. Silly Mike got himself a nodl car from Cortez Monday. ! : is He Jean Dutohie went to Durango Wednesday to buy a headstone for their deceased daughter, Laverda. John and so he won't have to make any Ion,; distance oalla from his own telephone. Edward Dutchie and fandly are completely moved into their new house, after waiting for almost the house was first started, they naturally, started with the basement. Mary two months. - - . Milk Thursday, May 5 Maccaroni and cheese casserole Buttered tomatoes and greens beans Chilled fruit Whole wheat rolls with peanut butter, honey whip Friday, May 6 Eggs and fish casserole Garnished buttered spinach Fruit cocktail Hot cheejse rolls with butter yjr to this semi -- formal affair. Admission cost will be $1.50 per ed couple. Any into the be put BLANDING ; ension. 3 22 have Fork and Dressing Mashed Potatoes Buttered Carrots Plain Cake with Cherry topping Rolls with butter Milk are leaving the distriot or quitting. Beef Sandwiches on fresh Fruit Jello Salad Buttered A 11-- 2 ! DRIVE-IN- S - - TRUSSES STORE FRONTS lOOpereeit FINANCING win over the Moab De- at yesterday gave the San Juan Bronoo baseball team of the southern ohamplonshlp division of Region 8. Region ohamplonshlp will be. deoided in a game to be played with either East Carbon or Notre Dame in the vils i GARAGES 3 MAY TUESDAY, i retired. ELEMENTARY 2 MAY MONDAY, following information regarding teaohers in the County system. 91 teaohers in district during the 1959-- 60 school year. 69 have signed contr&ots for the 1960-6- 1 sohool year. 4 have asked for a week's ext- SUMMER COTTAGES 4 PATIOS AND CAR PORTS STORE BUILDINGS ss public is ccrdially invit- The j CABINS sponsors Tuesday, May 3 Spaghetti and meat balls Spring salad Peach cobbler Hot com meal rolls with butter Wednesday, May 4 Vegetable soup with meat Cheese wafers pie Cherry criss-croHot white rolls with butter and honey whip shown will profits ' class fund and girls about the number of men used for senior class expenses she was currently dating. "You know' she said coyly, a next year. When HOMES for the junior olass and Kennetn B,Maughan, assistant Supt. of Sohbols, has issued the in- stalled in John Dufer's house, which 22 Teacher Vacancies in School District Dufers birthday so she receive a double treat. radio dispatch is to be prom, cc Mrs. A be after the Milk lot of men are going to be misera- ble when I marry. "Really, commented one of the girls acidly, "how many men are you going to marry?" new traded in his older one Barbara Jean Morris and Anna I'Arie Xetchum are having a baby shower for Mrs. John Dufer Friday afternoon. This, however, may Clyde Mrs. Jim Terrell, Kendall Young John Oakes and the prom may be orCorsages for dered from Retta Ann Laws and Sharon Shumway Diana liar ion. has been working with the junr iors, practicing and rehearsing the promenade. its Mioh Marie Cantsee and her daughter Albert May j and Fred Collins They are ' Adoline were' in Cortez Tuesday, Also in Cortez were shopping making a fast and fine progress Cantsee, Their patrol leader is Eddie, Mary Dutchie, Meyers Welle and Pearl Whyte with his assistant, Raymond Nrs. Selle Posey Morris enterThe pretty blond steno was ra-- ! ed trie hospital in Cortez for an We all hope she ther conceited During lunch hour one day she boasted to the other e nas fast reoovery. Dewayne Lyman. com- is in charge of plans for Palmer tho- A the decorations 0 Brown beef gravy Whipped potatoes Carrot curls Cherry com muffins with butter Polish up your show and gat out your lesb S&cd Arior Pnm Set for Moab near future Air Attack Lord St. Elevan, of St. Michaels Mount, England, reported that a giant seagull has been attacking his castle, snatching hats off himself and his friends. ob Bun Corn Milk, Cookies and 4 MAY WEDNESDAY, Beef Stew Cold Slaw fruit . Chocolate Pudding WW Rolls, Butter and Milk THURSDAY, MAY 5 Pork and Noodles. Buttered Spinaeh Whipped Potatoes Hot Com Meal Rolls Fruit aril Milk FRIDAY, MAY 6 Tuna Pie Stuffed Celery with Cheese Powier Bisouit with Baking Honeybutter Milk and Cookies Stoner Cottages TI Kl ( H Offices of the MIDLAND TELEPHONE GO. and OESTEBN UNION will be located in the BLANDING OUTLOOK Effective - April 25th Q Also Pickup & Delivery Station For Watches to Be Repaired By Sprouse' 'Jewelers in Monticello v FHfl & conmmwiALnufluctiG ; i .''foatoiB-l'lui.-ib- V v |