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Show Page 2 March 25, I960 BLANDING OUILOOK OiaagQng mry Friday at Blanding, t)Uh Publlahtd Subscription Rates: San Juan County, San Juan County, ! W. on a Cos 1 Elsewhere in U.S.A. 6 Second Claaa Postage Paid good many yacr year Date for ths aotivltiss 2.50 at Blanding, Utah the site for fish to Club public to Francis Joseph Nielson, oldest or- son of Joseph L, and M&rian Nielson, has received a call to serve as an LDS missionary in Northern Germany A testimonial will be held In his honor on April 3 in the Blanding 3rd Ward, and he y--: Date Per- take part in the musio festival to be held at Moab on April 22 Home in enter the Ml A representative from CSU in Lake City on ...nil 11 V j Cedar City will be in town Mon Francis is a graduate of Sen to speak to any students inter- - Juan High school and has studied (WHN TO PAGE 9, CCL. 3) at the University of Utah and at ' Snow College at the LDS recreation be and . hall. planted help; on prCf-rarr- benefit es- local Two pecially all sportsmen. cent dance i3 for the of the athletic banquet The Invites the general come an '-t- reservoir all day Saturday, liar 26 The work entails preparing The i that important occasion fect Idiot," has been changed from April 6 to April 21, Band and chorus students will is Blanding Sportsmen Club having a work day at the third later a From chestra can be contracted for the senior play, "The A. 50 months students is the is set for April 13, if Mewl Free 1 PUBLISHER ,14.00 six months .. 2.25 Elsewhere in U.S.A BLANDING All kinds of ' and, high school are popping up school the of from the looks calendar, will continue to keep coRMSpcwwanrs things buzzing from now until the end of the school year. BGrace Shumway, East Blanding esides the speech and band meets NW Mildred fttasoe, Blanding and the national assembly, meSW Blending Audrey Holliday, ntioned elsewhere in the paper, Joanne Pierce, filuff coming events include the first Kola June Pehre on, Mexican Hat baseball game of the season, to Cornelia Ferkins, Monti cello be played tomorrow afternoon at The San Juan Brontwo o'clook Dove Creek team cos meet the Uppermost in the minds of a I M CALLED TO MISSION High School Buzzes with Activities vrinners in the at left yesterday with speech meet held High School Band to Take Part at Cortez Eighteen members of the San Worth Juan High School band, together re- with their band director, C.D to compete in the Ratcliff, will take part in the the San Juan Board of Education state-wid- e forensic meet at the twelfth annual Montelcres Band passed a motion that If quali- University of Utah. George Bay-l- es Day in Cortez, next Friday, Afied teachers could be found anc will again enter the extem- pril 1 Scheduled tc make the physical facilities are avail- poraneous speaking division, and are Alan Nugent, Linda able, Blanding and Montioello Barbara Baldwin will try for top trip Dixie Harvey, Jessie would commence with nine month place in oratory. Carolyn Grover, Betty Black, kindergarten for the school Donna Loncar, Donnie Briley, 1, year, according tc Smith, Darler.e Davis, Sylvia Jo Assistant Supt Kenneth Kaugban, San kick-o- ff A Shunway, Carolyn Gyymcn, Jack banquet for :uan bounty uncart Association Montello, Jim Camberl&ng, KathDr Walter Fallon informed the board members and their partners leen Giymon, Sandra Graves, RoOUTLOOK that his office will be 1 planned for March 26, 7 30 bert Nielson, Fat Jones and Ruth -closed this ooming Saturday, p,m, at the Avalon Cafe, Monti Harris Members from all commuIn case of emergency, patrons cello There is to be a parade in the are advised to call the Monti-ce- ll nities of the County are urged to afternoon, and a concert that o telephone operator attend. Final plans will be. night by two massed bands, jundiscussed for the annual member- -J ior and senior high Participaship drive from March 26 to Apr ting in the activities are band3 At last regular the Emery meeting, Joe Nielson Mrs Tre-gell- Hurst s statement that the local schools oould absorb a large if the dormitories are built Supt, Black said that there is room for an additional 100 students in the number of Nava j os elementary schools of Blanding and that upon completion of the new high sohool building, 50 to 75 more highs ohool pupils oould be acoommodated, .He stated that the Bluff Sohool could use an additional pupils in grades 30 1 aa, 1P60-1P6- 9- x - . is sponsoring a 1 New members will be allowed from Dolores, Maneos, Dove Creek 9sC9 at Mr. Black stated that San Juan dance tonight, to begin admittance to the 4th concert of and Duragno, besides Blanding Schools weloome all pupils re- at the High School followirg the the current season cr. pril 9 and Cortez or of creed race, gardless through color A 6 spokesman for the Bureau of The 'Pep Club r Indian Affairs Education DepartBuck Benham, expressed his ment, HUNSAKER preference for bussing the students to and from school daily He suggested that the Commission study the feasibility of busses STtfK dormitory plan highway official had previously said that road construction on the reservation would A oost mile on the dormitory subjeot came up late in the meeting Earlier the meeting had been devoted to discussion between different governmental agenoles of projects by U1AC The being contemplated projects include a hospital or ollnlo for Navajo a water system for a Mountain, Seventh Day Adventist Hospital being built at Gouldlngs, road the hospiimprovements to tals more accessible and a bridge across Don AH May order of $30,000 per The MoElmo Creek at Aneth Ssdth participated in the meeting as a commissioner for hia first time having been notified of his appointment earlier in the day byra phono oall from Utah Governor Clyde AT FIRST kORTH A ftAIN, IKGA8 jfHO QjjjjM and improved roads on the reser- vation as an alternate to the TV SERVICE i & Thursday Service in BUMS Pf6M IMTJIE Take Your Ailing Appliance or Service Orders to PIONEER MONTICEUO Deliver Sets to Morritcollo Home olid Aul Store Mcndoys and Thursdays ' We're Equipped to Ssrvca radio AH Makes and Models I rmmm - smu appuahces Geiger Counter Repairs i&Ud - GmuUd Sam |