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Show March 18, 1960 Pas BLINDING OUTLOOK where Up &HithDown the Street had they after suffering an appointment Tuesday 3 from ai ailment reported to be a oombin A quilting bee was held at Mrs ation of measles and allerfy HIIDRED RASCOE Devonza Club members were ser Seth Shumways home last week - ...... A was held Sunday pull taffy ed "chicked in the garden" lime! drove to Provo Wednesday to! and numerous friends and relatinlht by girls and boys of the 'who ves dropped in to oontribute last night in keeping with thi Methodist Youth Fellowship. The see the Broncos play were Mr The finished program toplo on "Lands capita Richard Perkins Dor, their stitches Boyd Errett home was the scene and Mrs is to b.e a gift for Mrs and Spring Gardening," given b; of a sticky good time thy Jones and son Richard Mrs quilt John Mrs Phil Hurst Hostesses wer Vint Redd Mrs A1 Stoeke Ca- Shumway's sister Mrs re-with an eye 1 specialist j I and Mrs. Mr turned visit Kelton J.E. Nielson Monday from a three 1 weeks ! lvin Perkins with their daughter Mrs! Helcuist Na Karen, and the return in St trip of Page. Despite the brave way George. was made by and Mr their da ghter Lily Parents and little grandda ghter Sheila sisters Perkir.s Mr. and Mrs Glen Black chance to see and Calvin The latter took Mrs gram in operation j Rs-che- l Mrs Black on to Ogden Les Graves was hostess for the evening the Itethod-i- st their r.eeting at (or would that be croci? Mrs cactus cacti) blossoming around the church Monday night Ben Stevens the town and the many kites flying gave thought for in the air spring seems in no the day, and the program tople given by Mrs Royce Higgs hurry to get to Blanding. Ac- was As a special feature, members cording to the calendar, it is brought favorite recipes which supposed to arrive officially! were made available to others this Sunday It appeared that winter just couldn't depart with for a snail sum The money will out one last sneaky snowfall go into the building fund. went to Mrs. A.C. Prichard which blew in Tuesday night Saturday Among the many basketball fans Grand Junction last little croo-us- es Mrs Klsten brothers and home this George townspeople had a Mrs the hot lunch pro- ely enough John Palmer Mrs women when held this week ing green the pupils traditional Perkins at whosi was held ai meeting Hurst Appropriate the subject of growJ things came upon the green day, St Pate Favors of small that visitors would be welcome rick's Day to come and eat at the lunch potted plants were given to each rooms in both of the elementary of approximately wenty guests Kermlt Butt, candidate for adschools Monday and Tuesday mission to Annapolis Naval AcadKenneth Maughn, assistant intendent was heard to comment emy will go to Denver Monday on the excellent behavior of the for his physical examination He his sohool children in spite of the will be accompanied by Mrs Harold Butt and The visit- mother crowded conditions Mrs Bob Felmuth ors seemed impressed not only sister, Mrs Tom Everlngim was hostess was food servthe that by tasty ed but also by the size and for Tuesday afternoon's meeting efficiency of the kitchen equip- of the Oil Wives, which was held Word sent was home by ment TORN TO PAGE .Eugene Guymon was backat work tu T - rnr - 11, COL. - Specials Friday, Saturday & Sunday leio A Hi-La- Fresh nd Grade AA JUICE Dozen Large ORANGES TEXAS AIL FLAVORS 12 L Apple CARROTS J1 Frost 'n Flame Frozen A FOR - Berry - Cherry CELLO ASPIRIN All Grinds 1-- Lb. Cans Me per bottle HAMBURGER UM FRESH POUND GROUND $ Shop at the WESTSIDE where actions speak louder than words $ BLANDING'S ORIGINAL STORE . $ $ 4 |