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Show Ftbruary 5, 1960 Up & Down ' the Street i GRAND GIFT IDEA FOR YOUR , frith Pg BLAXDING OUTLOOK MILDRED RASCOE i Hr. Hr,and Kraut WiimI ofi in Gallup were town on; reoently lnoludlng a tour pf business, BEST VALENTINE GAL OR GUY! mines, They also visited with, tho Raymond TUylor and Roy so' : -- Higg families, Mrs, C, H, Thomas returned from Saturday Vlhitharral, Texas whero she was called by the j death of her grandmother , Mr, and children Mrs, Ellis Palmer and, - J a business made Moab Monday, reoent three A trip to --hour flight took Miss Natalie Nieleon, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Morgan Nielson, to Phoenix where she is ; Jon now working the plane to Arizona, J, Elan's D, Piloted: Hunt rig is Camay be- ing set up six miles northwest of Standing, The Elams are ex- in Blending, baek pected hawing lived in Nephi for the past eral months sev- Other Camay fami -lies who have moved into town include Mr, and Mrs, Ban Ander- son of Texas, and Odessa, and Mrs, Mr A,E, Lucius and child- ren They are living in Morgan Mr Nielson's apartments end Tom Everlnglm Mrs have also moved hero from Nephi, as have the Dewey Milners, now living at the on Homs held Jordan Trailer Court Range and "Come A at the last Coffee of Mrs Go" home was Eddfy for the Thursday benefit of the Mareh of Dines by Beta Sigma Phi so- Sponsored rority, the undertaking netted nut broads were served, along with oof fee, tea or oold drinks Mrs Jordan $23 Cookies was assisted by and . Mrs C Nugent number of people from Bland-in- g .drove to Dove Creek Sunday A to attend services at the Met- hodist ehuroh there and meet the new minister and his rife. Rev Mrs Ritohart The followaleo enjoyed dinner with the ing and Dove Creek congregations Mrs H Clarenee S, Jeannerett, Mrs 11 Trego as and daughters Myrna, and Linda, Mrs, J,D Sheridan Mrs Boyd Errett and Ruth, Sandra Graves and Terry Pollard Rsv Ritohart plans to hold ser- a month and Strong winds Tuesday vices ones vlslte weekly between highway Montieello, and Blending olosing hours. oovoral make night aeross tho snowdrifts piled to traffic for frozen drifts were finally epened, and care were ooaing through shortly after noon Output of the mail was delayed until about 3s30 Jay Harvey, first grade son of end Hr Mrs The Ronald Harvoy was injured tightly last afternoon when he darted to tho path of a motor being ridden by Harold Tho little bey received Priday out inoooetor Mooley a email out on his faoo and a bad bruioo his log on entered the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City Sunday afternoon for toots and obHe was taken there servation and Mrs, Hillard Guymon, by Hr, Kids Say the Demdeet Things by Art Llnkletter was tho book ohooon by Mrs, Tint Redd's and Eugene Don Guymon Davis' sixth grid room as & to prize. It tho for hawing highest parent was attendance at a recent PTA ting Mrs and Alan Claude drove thorn awarded Nugent mee- son to Salt lake last TURN TO PAGE 4 COL 1 GIVE A SWEET HEART to the one you love . . . creamy, rich chocolates in box. Both dark an exquisite heart-shape- d and light chocolates; variety of centers. 2-L- b. Box 4.50 to 5.25 ASSORTED DELICACIES in two layers ... a delightful surprise in every bite. Each piece fresh as fresh can be. Packaged to please both guys and gals. Mb. Box 1.35 to 2.00 Wide Assortment of Famous Gobelin Brand Chocolafcs in Heart Boxes 59c to 3.50 3 |