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Show v January 15 9 1960 Francis May, Marians Black, Jos sorvlot station Guests at the Glen J Shustoy F lyman, Kenneth Broun, Peggy home reoently were their son, Bsyles, Merit Blaok, Clyde Wa- Sluunmay Bruce of oiling Friends of Richard Dwight Lama will be glad to know he is leaving toon for the North Central States Mission. Dwight is the son of Marie DuVall and the late Aaa Laws Testimonial was given in his honor at the North 21st in Salt Ward Lake City, Jan 10 Other members of the family taking part on the program besides the missionary were his sister Theda, and Blaln Bradford, a cousin Of . . interest to her friends is the engagement announoe Laws and went of Theda William Timmons. They are to be here Page 5 BLANDING OUTLOOK the seenery some swimming Sunday morning church services Bruce Palmer, the Gal Raymond, Canada , are attending the Dale Jonas, Dr Porter, and a 8 of chorus BYU and will both graduate next girls singers 3rd Ward the In ths Blanding spring wars the speakMr and Mrs Bill Sheppard Primary officers The were visiting in Ogden last week ers at Sunday's masting was Mrs Venice with Mrs Sheppard's sister, first speaker Mrs Olive Grow took lyssn, recently released Primary They their daughter Marilee to Salt Pres, followed by the new ofLake to enter the LDS Business ficers, Mrs Freda Guymon, Mrs Lei a Black, Mrs Barbara PatterCollege Miss Jacobs sunshine in Jacobs tkins, Rhea Laws, Barbara Castor Mike and dsn Patterson, Bruce Forter, and Miss Margeret if,, Ken They and to do returned in time for their who is stationed oalled his Palmers, last parents, week Just The LDS Church services Sunday to visit with them a few minutes and to tell them that he and his night were under the dlreotion wife (Mlokl Bayles) and small of .the Genealogioal Committee in The program was son are fine Bruoe hopes to be the 2nd Ward; oarried out released from the services in very beautifully time tc enter oollege next fall with the choir members singing He is taking some college work two special numbersMarie Others now and is also lyman. working in a taking part were son and Mrs Mrs and Presley Hard to Mesa, Arizona will spend the next DuVall where they two months working in the Temple Mrs. , Grace Hunt is very happy with the beautiful set of china sent her by her son Terry from Japan is stationed at Terry at the present, Yokosuka hopes to sake a visit but in home June Jan On . in Adelanto, Calif 2 the fifth ohild, 2nd girl, was in the Charles H&tten-do- rf welcomed The mother will be family remembered as Lillian lyman Mr and Mrs Fred Lyman are the happy grandparents Jack Tate and James Slavens went on Tuesday to Glen Canyon on .business Gordon May, Alena who Mr, son of is in pro ok and Tokyo, Jap- 1st Coun -an, recently selor in the LDS. Branch Presi -dency He is very mu oh Interest was made ed in his ohuroh work there and enjoys working with the Japanese people who are very humble and Gordon Is with the responsive Armed Forces and has about a more serve to year Next best to going around the world would be to see it through pictures This, several members of the Shumway families and some friends had the privilege of when doing at and Mr to in Rex Shu sway lnter-talnhis home reoently Mrs John Helqulst ed art for a few Mesa, Arlz where John will do some remodeling for his brother John bs weeks Martin Slpe spent a few days at the San Juan Hospital to an tar infection. due Georgann Burtenshaw Is at from the hospital but must remain in bed for some time and Mrs. Rex Harvey were , Mr Run Your 4 Tim Mrs home In Salt Rex Lake over went the in Interest week-e- nd of Mate- for the ellnlci They visited with Dorothy's folks and rials with Jim and Ila Harvey. Mrs Preston Redd drove to Lake Salt reoently to meet her husband and also who flew in from Kanaaj to visit her parents, Jim Wuhburn of Draper Enroute home they visited the B1 ending patients at the Utah Mrs RetU Vail ay Hospital and Mrs Woodward brother, earns back with lyim Thompaon her piloted the plans that took his brother Colvin and Jon Hunt to Mordlth and Milton fttrvey They Phoenix, Arizona on Sat went espoelally to eujjy the Ths of furnished the Blanding 1st Sunday evening were Phyrl Blaok, Kendall Young and George CONT. PAGE 6 COL 4 lovely new home on 40th S 10 E in Salt Lake City . Mr and. Mrs Harris Shu sway left on Thursday of. last week to go Agnes Hurst misio Speakers In the are moving into a (Marie Laws) Laws choir under the dlreotion Mrs married after she graduates in the spring Mr Vhnda And Gel Tho |