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Show Blandin o Published in the Interest of Bland ngienui the Surrounding Oil oud dining Ccsszotttco 2 YOUJNB BUNDING, UTAH, FRIDAY, Deb Brans Death Claims Ida Mae Peterson lee Wins; No Uses Road-Tri- Du-ehe- trip at oonpleted a 3 game Duohesno night The Bronoos, Sip Gpaofcg fcSssl Tcfefe mo sne hoops tors were taken down that order by San Juan Bron-o- os who BO. 1 D. Montgomery road Wednesday which according , City Council as Dean C to Coaoh Coehran performed poor- pointedJifstlce or Montgomery hoe and Peace City ly at all 3 games, barely eked asked the County Commissioners out a win from Altamont by a to appoint hln to sorts at the 44-Also too oloso for soore level ssore Frcolnet oomfort was tho 56-areas The need for a now JP Du ehesne tho in &jmm registered with the reslffiaticn sf Begems Things were some easier for Bllekenetaff who resigns rethe Bronoos at Tablona where the cently because the Job coso ore was 55-nflicted with his other business Reed Stevens was high score j in the Altamont and Tablona aetlvltiee The City Is also eneeurartdS 39 - .. v. Ida? Hat Peterson, 59, died at Murray, Utah Sunday afternoon with games 15 and 16 ra- points Johnny Nielson was sps otlvely high with 16 point ehesne contest la tho Du -- Mr Hontomery, ticed law for who hao prac over 20 years In held neetiv regular Monday ap- 52 v of Blooding will $107,972 during fiscal I960 oooordlng te the m&x proved by the council at Named Cily JP me 1958 City opemd 42 s.F. to $167,972; e? $17,697 Tablona, and Altamont, in 1SS9 p I960 JAN. 1, ap- its Monday Hie amount exceeds the 1959 expenditure of $70,095 by Ihe $37,597 adopted tho budget ganlmely on a m- might smell -- elton fey H F. All lymmn meebere mere present li,xr Irgrorominl A Street and Highway frfgraa is reapers i-- ble fer abeul $15,000 of the lne reass IMs program which totals $25,942 Includes lnbtal-latis- m sf a street marking ayston. Installation of naln otreot typo lifting from the earner at Hein and Center the high Streets north t oehool, and extensive pavement, walk Imopt, gutter tied olds provements to be construe ted miith county eeeperatlar. . Illinois, te apply for authority to practise in Vtch, to as te The Bronoos made 5 of 18 free She was bom February 18, 1900 become eligible te serve ao City 4 to of Tablona shots the game, la Mexico, Colonla Garola, at Judge 11 at Altamont and 16 of 24 at Bell Ida and Albert me City le losing substantial George Her father Duohesno Farnsworth Itorley revenue by not lavlip a City Aaother big inoraooo ($37,769) a died when she was 8 years old, tno for spokesman Judge, City lo, reprooev.ted in a $59,735 airand her nother later married told tho Aitleok, but State law port ieprevemeat pregran The Fred Haiday Heads John Howard Kartehner. requires that a City Judge met act east of thosa laprmrmti me family moved to Blending be eligible to practise lorn Ir. to Blending taxpayers will be when Miss Turley was a young the State and for this reason much .loos than tho amount budgMarch of Dimes Here net Lorenzo S after a lingering illness. Ilk she lady Fetereon and they were married Lake City Nov 1, 1917 Later the marriage was solemnized in the LDS Temple To this union was born 12 children, two of whom died in in Salt (TURN TO PAGE Or. 2, COL 1) flan Distributes County Blending Mrs Fred Halllday has been named County Chairmen of the 1960 March of Dimes drive which opens in San Juan County today Ihe appointment was made by TURN TO PAGE 6 CXI Treats te 508 ISds to talk to Santa while he tho was swimming pool Mayor Hurst Conveys New Years Message ... Page 3 eted olvso ether agencies of stantial portion or JP time spent cm Phblte Health and go to the County and State in 1959, tho nw iadget Montgomery was oonelder-- 4 fer provided no nancy ror either Rea-reali- sm position a year age but at $U00 of toe above expense was that tiae had not been o resl-ie- nt land for the new acquisition of Utah as they vBlanding children turned out oited Navajo children In big . numbers to greet Santa stood at the doors of their hogans during his. visit here Qirlstnas me picture shows Andrea and 500 with Eve Santa began is and had 60 left when the Gail Perkins left front, with child In the long wait-lin- o Polly Palmer, Beverly luymon and had been aoeonodated Curtis Mahon awaiting their turn 0 treats and personally handed stopped near then, sack by soak, to the ex- - Christmas Eve is fer the govern mil mill contribute meet Job of, the soot Total proceeds frer rlnes asare Substantial decreases sessed by a City Judge f Into retted la oovwrsl categories the City treasury whs roes e subthile a total of $9,359 was smn the O then took the remaining been unable eltsin a qualified eligible Santa has long onmi to bo dints which amount the city (n to ria t col 4) |