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Show December 25 t 1959 Hows from Md Gladys Mary Asbury were Lupe Hale Saturday night. Lupe was completely surprised. Guests present were Billie Mslansen, Kleepzlg, Kay Russell, Howell, ; ! Jtanaa Pieice Stele hosteseea for a combination baby howsr and birthday party for Ann Chamberlain, June Hall, Rose Simpson, Pony Slapson, Carol Nielson, orothy Nielson, Nancy Cornwell, Mary Pouch e, Chris Underwood, Gladys Opel that the Hospital intended school board advooatlng that to use for lands oaplng and pur- this oounty have the very finest obtainable, chase of miscellaneous equipment school facilities items, the need for whleh might but that the improvements not be flnanoed through a single year's show up later. check group of attorneys, representing all of the big operaon v Lynn Huber, Bobby and tions at Big Indian, advised Benny Mussleman, Jenneleln and against and budgeting policy Ronald Burnett , Billie Joe and that would leave surplus With the county's Tonqy Aroher, Steve Van. lassie , Larry Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon rapidly Increasing tax valuation Hollingsworth, Weslie Hollings-Bill- ie they oontended that it would not worth and Jimmlt Nielson. Every be aquitable to Is pose a tax one enjoyed dancing and gav.es. load on the relatively small Refreshments of ehill beans, 1960 valuation for funds to pay banana oake and Icecream. county expenses for the followBUDGET from pg. ing year, when the tax valuation tests from the Big Indian may be doubled. district was a $20,000 ltea In Henry Rugger i, one of the The ao-cou- 1" Asbury and Mary Asbury. Gifts were sent by several who were the Hospital budget. One in objecting attorneys, stated unable to attend. Mary Pouches fornant oalled the Hen a blank he had appeared before offered a most unusual gift -- to do the baby's laundry for after its birth. 3 week Games were played with the winners present- ing their prizes to Lupe. The oenterplece was a bassinet with pink and streamers and a blue large pink stork. Gifts were plaoed in the bassinet. Judy Hollingsworth was honored with a surprise birthday party last Sunday evening. Present and helping to keep it a complete surprise were Page 9 BLANDING OUTLOOK Jacklyn Pie roe, Judy Stelson Buddy and Charlene Black, Joe Black, Joyoe Black, Mr. and Mrs. fyron Blaok, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Stelson, Dona We wish for you a holiday filled with all the gay trimmins. We extend to you our thanks for your loyal patronage the past year. atsd Glass & Paint nts. budget. Expenditures for buildings suoh as ths district has been putting up should bs paid for over a period of 5 or 6 years, so that ths taxpayers scheduled to be on the rolls in the near future oan partislpate in the oosts. Another objeotor not associated with Big Indian was Hardy of Provo Redd, implied were and LaSal. that the giving out sponsored He oommlss loners money by to pro-Jeo- ts different press ire groups without giving that sufficient study to the need for the auch projects. |