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Show Page 2 August 14, 1959 BLANDING OUTLOOK Whee . . . Published uvery Friday at Blanding, Uteh I. .TTI W, Cox PUBLISHER Chan Boulton PHOTOGRAPHER CORRESPONDENTS Mildred R&scoe, NW Blanding Seotlon Hilda Perkins, S. W. Blanding Opel Howell, Bluff Sue Graves . I1 - -1- 1 Donna Brown, Mexican Hat Anna Brown, 1 Paso Mrs. H. E. Blake, Monticello ' p Downtown Subscription Rates: San Juan County, one y ear ....$4.00 San Juan County, six months 2.25 Elsewhere in U.S.A. 1 year 4,50 Elsewhere in U.S.A. 6 months .2.50 Second Class Postage Paid at Blanding, Utah S EDITORIALS 8 Tuesday was the second Cumber of Comnerce directors plished because of not enough weekly meeting of the which nothing oould be accom- conseoutive at directors in attendance to constitute a quorum. It only' takes 5. During the a $10,000,000.00 plant at El Paso has started oonstruetion of same 2 weeks 200 workmen brought no more than a dozen and new Bland ing. it the City reports that utility connections for During the same two weeks Colorado and reservation authorities have agreed on a system of roads that completely Isolates Blending, Bluff, Mexican Hat from a tremendous tourist business that everybody hoped would be coming through when the road to Tuh City was completed. Right in the middle of tourist season and with scenic values second to none, our motels were going along half or two thirds empty while other areas with less to look at were setting touri- sm records. iwjor supply houses for one reason or another concluded that they oould better serve Aneth from the remotely located town of Farmington. Tw During the same two weeks, drilling erews were regularly wading across ths hip deep San Juan to get tc their Jobs south of Bluff in order to get a pay check to spend in Blanding. (Xir neglect of Chamber of Commerce work is serving only that Is the building of nearby towns . cause and the 'line one believe that local merchants have a Along tendency to oonslder competition that is across the street or maybe two blooks away and forget that competition from merchants In other towns Is a far more serious problem, mail order houses not excluded. same we Four Corners competition within a city We Itself. believe that to some is far greater community-wid- e between oltles than program should be or banking. left Blanding will never get over. far if it is content to take what's believe that as a rule Blanding merchants are sound merchandisers with wide selections of goods and with prices that ere In line with other communities. Their attitude of friendliness o&nnot be surpassed anywhere but somehow or other large numbers of shoppers are being drawn to other towns. We need participation by every merchant in over-a- ll oom- -. nuntty wide promotions designed to draw shoppers from the surWe rounding trade area to Blanding.' Quunber of Commerce would need to meet on 145 and have per cent attendance to handle the job The a daily basis it has. If this editorial serves no other purpose it will at least entitle Chamber officials and business men tc tell us how to run this newspaper. I 'd. is our it veloped approximately 70,000 gel. per day. intention to penetrate deeper sands whereThiswe have hope hopes of getting a great amount, of water. the finest geoligists in is based on the opinion of the land. Our decision to purchase the rig has saved lowest $4,000.00 cn the hole made thus far over the bid submitted by contractors. the contract and are now in the process of installing additional water mains that will of the different areas equalize water pressures inhave water flows. the city so that all will equal We have let bids cn sewer lines and open lagoon sewage disposal facilities but were unable to award the contract because of interference from the Water We have let pollution Board. on hearing was held with the boardwith preliminary mayor together July 30 in Salt Lake City. Your and Anderson your engineers, DurCity Attorney Robert Evham and Bredar were in attendance at his meeting. idence was submitted by the engineers to substantiate the fact that open lagoon sewage treatment is very different states of efficient and is recommendedsomein 19 our Utah Board reason Union. the However, for will not approve this type of treatment and are attempting to force us to Install the conventional of type of which will mean a greater cost to the city A $70,000.00 installation and several thousand dollars ma in ta inane e annually thereafter. some In fairness we should state that if we bow we can to get there is possibility that the amount of 13 of the cost of the an installation. However, this will not effect be several nual expense of maintainance which will We are aware also that a thousand dollars. fully federal grant is certainly no gift. their mandate a a federal grant in lved sales attractions and other efforts of adjacent cities whether It be merchandising, tourism. Industrialization combat MAYORS LETTER Cont dear people, after deliberating this question for acting under advice of competent we have decided to protest the decision legal council of the water pollution board and make a test case of this problem. If it can be proven by expertr that the conventional type plant is a step of progress and betterment we will submit to the mandate. If not I feel it iscertainly our. duty, to fight with everything within our reach the ever increasing tendency to surrender cur freedom to those Bureaus and Government Agencies that assume the common man no longer has individual right and is but a puppet of the State. Now my weeks and developed ungreat nation we have lived and der was created because cur forebears were willing to risk their very lives to protest injustices that were being forced on them by those in authority over them. It has been nearly 200 years since that yoke was broLet us not surrender that ken and cur freedom won. fieedom because it is easier to accept an act that is wrerg than it is to fight. This Respectfully yours, R. Hurst, Mayor Wm. |