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Show f tuitl up tL clown with A Did you know that gas killed more people in this state last year than anything else? Goodness, no! Why, I . . . Yes, yes gas is dangerous. Two of the victims inhaled gas, five of them touched a match to it. and 7,762 stepped on it Ireel' MILDRED MSGOE Bob King and son 3obby lr-fOlen ;!rlt returned to his home Saturday on a trip to Yellow-ston- e in Joseph City, Arizona last t Park. hoped to They some fishing around Big and LaBarge, but rain hindered their plans the part of the week. I : do: weekend after visiting with his iney son, Neldon for tv:o weeks. Nel-enjons family and his mother re- - fir3t e,-- to moved orado. ines grandmother. Betty last Friday Lucas and Mrs, Clarence Tregel- Byrn who has las drove over last week to sented to Mrs. gifts were and Byrn, bring prere- served to the Jordan, following: Mrs. Wally Jeannerett, Mrs. J D Sheridan, Mrs. H. F. Cheatham, Mrs. Merle Foster, who has also freshments to 1959 If you missed a TV program last winter, cheer up; itll probably be rerun this summer. SeU them home. ( COLT. COL. ; j fyiciaU, ManjcuteA ; : LOOK YOUR BEST V ivukuu : $ ; i A M4AG44t&, Fh. 2272 BLOCK WEST OF GRADE SCHOOL PACE 12 were Mrs. Fddie moved July 3, d LeRoy Glertwood Springs, Col- Farewell PetoHGuenU t .rn.d I honoring Mrs. BLANDING OUTLOOK ow to landin Sunday. Gettlns almP after an Kr. Roy Higgs sru It. Mrs. J. dailies lie Crary, visitors operation Monday noon is Mrs. She is at the Utah in the P.oyce Higgs hoire, left Reva Rogers Valle; Hospital in Frovo, Monday morning for their hoir.es A vacation at Trout Lake in in Midland and Lubbock. Also Colorado was enjoyed by Jeanine departing were Mr3. Jack Irion Lucas and Linda Tregellas reand two daughters of Midland. Trie girl, visited Jean- An afternoon ccfff.e 'was given cently. Mrs. by Mrs. Ralph Noonan Page 5 Glenwood Springs, in iwiMii eeiifw Mrs. Jim Burkhalter, Mrs, Eugene Harrington, Mrs. Clarence Tregel Royce Higgs and Mrs. las, Mrs. George W. Rascce, The Byrn fain Blanding for mily has lived three and & half years. of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ventura, California are their and son-in-l- aw Mrs. Mr. and visiting daughter, Edwards Roy and family. The Civil Air Patrol is holdevery ing regular meetings o clock Thursday night at eight at the City Hall. All interes- ted persons are invited to tend. at- Monday night hv-reand Mrs. Roy Renfro of who Tuesday for Mr. Bumhard Black, who was severely burned in a trailer fire four months ago, is very thankful to be up and around again. Her sister', Mr 3. Con Tooley, and two children of Salt Lake City have been visiting her and other relatives in Blending. A farewell picnic at Davil1 Mrs. Canyon left looation in Powell, Cortez, their new Wyoming. Also enjoying the were Mr. and Mrs. Don Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edwards, the Buck Pollards and Mr, and Mrs. Ceoil Rhodes. Weekend guests or Mr. and Mrs. George W, Pascoe were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson, Luke and Diana get-toget- her of Farmington. Palmer Black, who recently completed a Pacific tour of dty with the navy, is enjoying a visit with ths Ed Black newfamily baay and getting to know his dependability delivery on time , when you want it, when you buy Texaco products from us. They are the finest you can get to operate and preserve your costly farm equipment. Advanced Custom-Mad- e H&voline Motor Oil for longer engine life . . . longer lasting Marfak lubricant . . . Texaco Fire Chief gasoline for lively power and low cost operation. You'll like our neighborly service -- and you'll save money! Phone us. YOU GET EXTRA MEASURE of daughter. Approximately forty members of the EtCetera Club and their husbands enjoyed a picnio at th Farm last Thursday Elders l&lph m Noonan was the Monticell tie o dismissed hospital a brief stay for after tests. rs-it- ly Mrs. Tracy Me Elroy of Lt Lake were in tov.n on lusl-i- s last weekend. They also lited with Dr. and Mr 3. Frank Ir. m. and JHurst Comipoimy PHONE 0R8 - 3861 J |