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Show Blandin Outlook Published in the Interest of Blanding VOLUME 1 . BLANDING, the Surrounding Cil and Mining CGwiuniiies UTAH, mber of Commerce Expects 200 Tonight The Blanding Chamber of commerce will hold Its Annual Banquet at the L,DS Reoreatlon Hall tonight, Friday, June 12. The Club whieh will and serve the food has Pal-e- tt prepare told to expect 200 guests eharge is to be two dollars pr plate, with ehamber members been The and their wives passes The program getting free will feature some talent includ- of the ared's top ing Luey Harris, Gabby Young Helen Bayles, and Bobble Skelton XN .Porter will be Master of Ceremonies and a number of Dr the area's notables are ed for brief talks schedul- Among the names on the roster are i Francis Felt eh, Member State Highway Commission, Jim Little MO. 12, 1959 JUNE FRIDAY, CITIZENS COMMITTEE League 30 Beains w Schedule 22 TO PROMOTE HEALTH Game CLINIC BUILDING Blanding Little League teams went into action Wednesday with a team sponsored and of Director Tourist Cannon, by Nielson Cil ar.-Publicity for the State of Utah, L.P Gas taking the decision in F. Wayne Laws, manager of the the 4 pm game from a team sponFarmington Chamber of Commerce, sored by Iyman Service A Lyman and F E. Leuthl, President of Truck Line by a score of 13-In the 6 pm game the Northern the Navajo Trails Association The Chamber of Commeroe, the Electric team edged the "Texaco Chiefs" sponsored by W. R, Hurst City of Blanding and the Amerioo by a score of -5 can Legion have agreed to JointDuring the months of Jure . ly sponsor 2 boys to Boys State July there will be four of these this year the first gac-- ;.t The boys chosen for the honor games weekly; 4 and pm the seoond starting .t are Kermit Butt aurid James C 6 The pm. made was The Palmer publio is invited te in choice attend all games. There is no accordance with recommendations admission charge, by the School See schedule of games on page As r abers of Boyss State, ten boys from all parts of the state convene at the State Capitol set of State Officials from the where they organize and elect G ovemor down; and take over the helm of state government from among themselves, a complete The The baseball i ever City Council Monday went the Health of drawings for Clinic' Building proposed construction here. Redd-Lym- an recommendations of Mayor Hurst, the body decided that a eltlzsn's committee of seven members should be appointed to proceed with the promotion of the projest; and that the committee be r.aie up of two members from each of the following Following 12 8- organizations ; t.. CnAmber of the City Ceur.sil and Commerce, the Blanding Health Council the local medical doctor, Dr, waiter Fallon The I member named was seventh The Chamber of has ct selected Kill Clin Moultln as it's representatives, the City Council members are M F, Lyman and Guy Palmer. At Chan and ! the representatives not press time from the Health Council had been announced RECEIVE SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS One i : ; ; I I of the first duties cf the will be to select a site for the proposed building new coinnittee Governor Names Dr. E. N. Porter to VJhite House Youth Conference t E.N. Porter has been named by Governor Clyde to represent Grand and San Juan Counties on Utah's committee for implementing the work cf the white House Conference on Children and Youth. Hii first assignment will be Dr I I to attend a planning meeting at the University of Utah June 16. Every tan years during 'this Century the President of the United States has called a White House Conference on Children and Youth so that the people of this Nation might have a means ef de- termining how well ing and developing resource In through tleipate Juan High's top will leave for students selenee Provo to attend a 2 week selenee institute beginning Monday Left to right are Milton Harvey, James Palner, Kormlt Butt, k Jack Palmer, a fifth boy, Merlin Grover, received a similar scholarship but is unable to attend the institute because of other Four of employment San Science Teacher Richard Guymon says it is a compliment to SJH to have so many of its students Chosen when only 200 scholar- available to the entire lntermountaln area whieh lnoludes several states The awards were issued- on the basis of the pupils soholastlo reeord and his Interest in ships were - The program is sponsored by the National Selenee Foundation, it is limited to boys only At Provo the boys will receive and 2 hours more and instruction in 15 er different solenee courses be conducted on numerous 1960 March we are guard- our greatest the State committee will j'ar- -. In the Golden Anniver- this White House Conference, "What can we do to help them sary realize their full potential for creative life in freedom and dignity," Is the theme adopt, the by Presidents National Co- mmittee, The State has been divided infield trips 9 regions to The scholarship lnoludes food, fcr this program and Number 8 Region is the one lodging, tuition and to be represented by Dr, Porter, |