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Show d an up wvc ew down the street MMk Witnessing an Mw Page 7 OdlUPGJ accident between Creek and Monticello, Mrs Benefell stopped and was able to Dove BLANDING OUTLOOK i March 6 v 1959 offer help to an Injured woman, WITH MILDRED RASOOB one of four passengers in an Orthopedic Clinic Mrs Wilbur Laws, and daughters I a ' three-tiercake, decorated piokup Bay and Sandra drove to Salt in white and pink and topped Mrs Elam accompanied her Scheduled JD Lako last Friday to attend a with a of A pink pair frosting Mr and sister-in-laPrimary Children's Hospital bridal showar for Miss VeeAnnl bootees. Ioe cream and. coffee brother and Mrs John Goodner, and chilorthopedio clinic will be held Ismtf daughter of Mr and Mrs were also served Guests ed over-turn- ed I Q w, March 10, at 1000 am Hostesses! ded Waukesha wives and employees dren of Cortez on a flying trip Tuesday, Morris Laws of Ogden in the Blanding LDS Ward Mrs Amarillo last weekend for the event were Mrs Donna Mrs P. B Hart, Mrs A.A Brad to All new applicants must bring Goodner and the children plan to nt Hemingway and Mrs Mary Laws, berry, Mrs A1 Stocke, Mrs Wauri-ka, completed application, signed and grandmother of the hon-- 1 nest Heleo, 'Miss Myrna Tregel-or- ee 'visit with her parents in Mr and Oklahoma Goodner by their family dootor, to the Miss Laws will be married las, Mrs Dale Carter and Mrs. may be Mrs Elam returned Sunday night jolinio Applications March 28 in Ogden Mrs Mary George Rascoe obtained from Primary presidents Laws and Mrs Rettie Hurst re I Mrs Lowell Benefell and her or Rhea ' Vlges, publlo health WANT ADS turned to Blanding with Mrs daughter, Kim, went shopping in head nurse Laws and the Mrs Hurst girls had been in Salt Lake to attend Er-au- - the the funeral of James Carroll in Salt Remaining with her mother, is Lake City Mrs James Car-ro- ll, Earl Wright of Mrs Her Blanding brother, Lester, is winding up his business in Arizona and will then move to -- Salt Lake to stay with Mrs Car-r- oll pink and' blue shower, complete with stork, was given last A 'Ihurisday Roller . night to honor and Mrs Mrs CA Bob Jackson party was held at the home of Mrs. Chan Moulton with Mrs oo --host ess Leyton Loyall as The were Games after played, which the guests of honor opened their Refreshments of fruit gifts tiny punch, wiches sand- diaper-shap- ed cream puffs filled with pink whipped cream were Those attending were served and Charles Mrs ' Mrs Roy Prock May, Mrs Mrs Pat Morris Damron, Mrs Mlkesell, Glen Skinner, Fred Briggs Barstow, California visitors in, the LaVell Palmer home are Mr and Mrs and Alan Palmer ,and Mrs I I baby Friends of the Bob Reines fam--, sorry to hear fit .Bob's transfer to the Wllllston, ily will North be Dakota dlstrlot of Mageo-b- ar has gone on to make arrangements for living quarters and Mrs Reines and the ohildren He will follow later and Mrs Mr last ng their weekend Lynn Lyman spent in Salt Lake visitison and daughter who are attending school there Another daughter, Linda, at school in' Provo, drove to the capltol city with her husband to spend some time with her family the Accompanying trip were Johnson They Off Tflani bringing and Mrs the met Elnora Mrs on Lymans Mr Nlel-U- m. California, where she been oonfined.to a hospital from .following an auto accident Mrs Nielson will stay in Salt Leke at the home of her daughter iFlora A soenlo trip to the "Little ; Switzerland", was taAA Mrs and of America Sunday by Mr They .. drove from D- oBradberry lores . to Stoner, Telluride and Placervllle, and returned by way of Ouray, Silverton and IXirangoJ ken . residents,; at the Bayles frailer Court are Mr and Mrs New Jaek Baxter and daughter Pamela Baxters, formerly of Olney, Texas,- - have a son. Alee, alio This ; living in Blanding (0flehart Sunday (.Charles Pleasant visitors at the and Mrs of son home were Mr Bangs Carl and. . View Dale Bader was honored at a baby shower last Thursday Mrs Clyde Baxter afternoon v Mrs V assisted Mrs Charley iwith the oourtesies miedwith gifts was Francis bassinet presented to the Surprised guest of honor Foaturtd; in the refreshments was : . A |