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Show Faye' Friday, July 12, 1957 THE UTAH STATESMAN 2 THE UTAH STATESMAN "1 CGianain's Fact Men Newspaper Dmtel ! Geed Gmuni" VMj HARRY B. MILLER, Publisher Phone Eli Entered ai 2nd Clau matter at the Pott Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1879. 121 Chuck Street . WASHINGTON Lowering fed- eral taxes to curb existing " Subscription rate $1.00 per. year Publithed weekly at 421 Church Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION, 1 in- flationary pressures is receiving fresh attention on Capitol HilL Among those now advocating this action is Sen. Goldwater a member of the Joint Economic' Cftnmtitteefc' '86001-mitte- e on fiscal policy, which has a study of the nacompleted just tion's fiscal The investiArizona left the Senator gation convinced that the high rates are actually a major source of inflation. They are, 'he explains, a limiting factor on personal and business savings, and thus result in excessive pressure on the banking system' for capital which should have come from current income. His recommendation: We should get started on reducing the high tax rates so as to relieve this source of inflation. Sen. Goldwater called for a full airing by the Ways and Means Committee of the Impact of present eax rates on the accumulation of savings, the beginning and growth of business, and the improvement of job opportunities and living standards. Taxpayers, he added, should have ample opportunity to present evidence of the harmful effect of high taxes as well as their recommendations for needed rate 956 (R-Ari- z.), Friday, July r i i' i . I I i .1 li Civil Rights Sell-OSix Northern Democrat liberals Kennedy, Magnuson, Hansfiettyl, Murray, OMahoney Joined their Southand Morse ern colleagues in voting to bury Civil Rights he Bill in the Senate Judiciary Committee headed by Eastland of Mississippi. Payoff for this, sellout came next day when the six liberals won support for the Dells Canyon Bill from more ;han a .dozen anti-civ- il rights democrats, 5 of whom, including Eastland, had voted against the project before. GOP Backs Civil Rights House Republicans overwhelm-ngl- y supported the Administrations Civil Rights Bill, with 168 voting for it only 19 against. Democrats lined up 118 for, 107 against. On the crucial test in the Senate, 34 Republicans and only 11 Democrats, voted to place Civil Rights he Sill on the calendar. Thirty-fou- r Democrats and 5 Republicans opposed the successful move. ut 49 12, 1957 I out-loo- k. from Washington House-approv- ed . . , Only 46 Democrats voted to jsave the program,while ,141 Republicans suppored it. , GOP Cuts Taxes From 1919 to date the Democrat Party has been responsible tor 14 increases and only in individual income taxes, while during the same period the Republican Party has irought about 9 tax reductions Source: and only 1 increase. Rep. Daniel A. Reed . 3re-ductio- ns (R-N.- Y.) U.S. Economy Booms In the first quarter of 1957 gross national production hit an ill time record rate of $427 billion or 24 per cent higher than in 1952. National Income Up lands near Glen Canyon for fedNational income in the first eral lands elsewhere. quarter of 1957 was at a record After the PRIVATE USE rate of $356.7 billion, or 23 percent higher than in 1952 and proposed federal reclamation area recommendations have been subabout 7 pe rcent higher than the first quarter of 195. mitted to Congress and the state, Record Employment it may be that private development of recreation facilities on Employment reached a record state lands would be desirable. April level of 64.3 million. For Douglas vs. Morse 1956, averag eemployment was a Certainly the Federal Governto ask the Senator record 65 million, 6 per cent highwant I ment should not go into the hotel rom Oregon (Morse) if he thinks er than in 1952. and motel business. These and the Committee system has worked other recreation facilities should Labor Prospers when the Committee has bottled be furnished by private developLabors share of national ers under proper regulation just up civil rights legislation for is higher; 69 per cent averas in other national park and recnearly 2 years. . . and gives every age under Eisenhower but only evidence of continuing to bottle 65 reation areas. But I feel the procent average under Trut up. I think what the Senator man; per posed report should be before 70 per cent in 1956 was it ::rom Oregon is doing tonight is us, before the Utah Land Board changes. to kill civil rights. Sen. and in first quarter 1957. takes final action. rying Budget Facts The Senator agreed with the Paul Douglas on June 20, Of our budget dollar, 59 cents subcommittee report that increas- 1957. national security, 10 will for go ed federal spending has contribSoil Bank cents on the debt, 7 interest for uted to current inflationary presSenate Republicans lined up cents for veterans, 7 cents for sures and that more must be done almost solidly and with the help 5 cents for labor and to bring federal spending under of 4 Democrats defeated 40 agriculture, only 10 cents for all other welfare, better control. However, he could ;o 38 a proposed limitation of activities including international not go along with the views ex- 17.50 per acre on payments under affairs James M. Kirkham, former pressed in the report as to what he long-ranand finance, commerce section of the Soil and assistant general manager of the should be done. housing, natural resources Bank. This ceiling would have at was and Desert News, eulogized general Government, and 2 I disagree, he explained, lopelessly crippled the program. cents funeral rites conducted Monday hat a start on tax-ra- te for debt retirement. reduc- The House had previously voted noon at the South i8th Ward, tions must await reductions in to Weapons Costs Up knock out the acreage reserve cost The 101 A Stree. of goods and services federal spending, or a budget sur- part of the program on 1958 crops second the Elder Kirkham, plus, of between three to five with the support of 154 Democrats. purchased by the Government SURVEY UNDERWAY In Central the has risen over 7 per cent from of Eqst jilllon dollars. anticipation of action on my legi- president died bomber cost "Friday Sen. Goldwater said: It is time fic grips with the pressing need 1954 to 1956. A B-slation, the National Park Service States Mission, in a Lake Salt tax $3,700,000 in in 1950; for hospital to morning existing todays B-has four experts in the Glen major changes give serious consideration to costs $17,500,000. A fighter plane of a heart ailment. use of the taxing power to con- policy. Canyon area surveying the recrewere service at the is the Mr. recipient cost $300,000 in 1950; a new type Speakers trol excessive spending. This does Humphrey ation needs. These men are John Smith An President his Joseph Fielding not suggest that I am in favor of of high praise for courageous fighter casts $1,500,000. S. Mosley and Fred Leissler, imof costs E. Peterson atomic submarine Mark Eldr $45 to reducing taxes at the expense of service. He is leaving a deep Landscape architects; James and council the of million Twelve of the now; 5 million a balanced budget. pression on Washington and the $60 Thomson, forest recreation ad- the Latter-da- y of the World War II type. A Christ of Jesus Church has The nation. bought I just Treasury However, am convinced that visor, and Edward F. Bullard, Afcosts 0; Gordon missile carrier Burt and second consecutive the announced Saints, Navy the earlier tax rates are reduced cartographic draftsman. I think Huma World War in Mr. Church since agent. balanced II, purchasing the greater will be the budget the state should wait until their fleck, said Elder restraint exercised Smith President office. A third is fore- shell cost $100. took considered on can phrey be federal expert report dia Mutual Security spending by those in charge of cast in the new fiscal year. before selling state land for Kirkham, for many years rector of the Genealogical Society planning subsequent budgets. It costs the United States $539 The nation has moved from a private development. was love that a to 1953 and one billion in had deficit of $9.4 great year to maintain one NATO The in on the govREVENUE EFFECT Having pressed "His advice ernment's were soldier abroad. It would cost postponement of sale of school his love for the dead. the propensity to use avail- its present position. Taxes with mixed a year to maintain an Ameriwas cut billion the spirit wise, $7.4 period. during able revenue for spending, such lands should not result in a lost the of salvation a can the soldier in a similar post. has Mr. been bent tax reductions would do much to upon Humphrey of revenue for the public schools. exmen. of assure accomplishment of further champion of reduced federal Military assistance is less today As the Glen Canyon reservoir children the how related Elder Peterson reduction in both spending and penditures. He has warned that than it was in 1953. A large prorises and travels in the area innew a business cannot indefinitely carry portion of military equipment is taxes in the future. creases the value of public lands Desert News acquired for made and plans A The Senator said the subcom- the present tax burden. He has being sold rather than delivered building in the area will increase also. the on a grant basis. further growth during mittee report was concerned pri- warred on inflation. reasonable delay also would perwho Elder of Kirkham, outmit the federal government to demarily with the short-ran10 years as assistant look and 'does not come to for served to should whether it try termine speci- g publishr-inthe of manager for needed general state lands public buy gave stimulation and leadership company. use. Also, the state might find it to a us. His philosophy was to do was Kirkham said Elder He reva more advantageous from enue standpoint to trade school hard driver, a great worker who a good job. Elder Affleck said that Elder Kirkham had a way of being patent and that every job was the important one at that time. Conducting the services was Bishop Earl L. Maw. Invocation was given by Elder Garrett L. Meyers, a director of the GeneaNut our from grade high and money collecting logical Socitey, and benediction; Refilling Machines in this area. No selling! To qualify for work you by Elder Archibald F. Bennett, mMLihtiiifa must have car, references, $400 cash, secured by inventory.. secretary of the Genealogical Society. hours a week to business, your end on Devoting Vocal solos were furnished by percentage of collections may net up to $200 monthly with the op Mrs. Jessie Evans Smith, wife good possibilities of taking over full time. Income increasing of President Smith, accompanies KENTUCKY BOURBON accordingly. by Elder Erroll W. Miller. Interment was in Lehl CemeFor Interview, include phone number tery with the grave dedication in application. Write P. O. Box 74 by Elder Oscar A. Kirkham of the First Council of the Sev- -. Salt Lake City, Utah 56 WATIRFILL AND FRAZIER DISTILIEIT COMPANY, IAKDSTOWN, KENTUCKY enty, a brother. While I favor eventual private recreation developments under proper regulation in the Glen Canyon area, I feel that Utah should not be In too great a hurry to dispose of school land near the reservoir. This would be particularly unwise until the National Park service has time to survey the area and determine just what lands should be reserved for the use of all the public. This survey is provided for in legislation I have sponsored to establish a Glen Canyon Recreation Area. PAST MISTAKE We in the Upper Basin. States can profit from oversights that have complicated public recreation development at Lake Mead. No one anticipated when Hoover Dam was approved that more than one million people would visit Lake Meead annually. As a result, the recreation deveopment was haphazard and spotty. Lands that should have been reserved for public use were used for other purposes. Legislation to correct this oversight at Lake Mead has finally been introduced. But correction is a much more difficult job than prevention. MO HURRY state-own- ed House-approv- ed in-com- (D-Il- be l.) Funeral Services Held for Kirkham ge 56 52 $60,-00- 5-i- nch $6,-2- admin-istratlo- nu ge $200 MONTHLY SPARE TIME INCOME BirQISI7DD.IL KB2DEE3 6-- 8 : . 73 |