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Show Match 2. 1956 The Utah Statesman Page 2 Counties Elect Officers for THE UTAH STATESMAN to Good Govennent" Publisher Gail Feltch, Editor Phone EM 421 Church Street Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1879. Single copy 10c Subscription 3.00 per year. Church Published weekly at 421 Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. A Weehly Newspapex Devoted Harry B. Miller, 1956 49 (Continued from Page 1) tion named Lorenzo E. Peterson, Ogden, as chairman. Other named to official posts were Mrs. Margaret Feeny, (reelected), vice chairman; Keith Duvall, secretary, and Kay A. Young, treasurer. Og-denit- March 2, 1156 Vol. 10; No. 8. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION, 1956 Editorial A Worthwhile Study . . . county week. ... m This bit of pointed rhetorio was recently written 'by Dr. George S. Benson, director of the National Education Program, Searcy, Ark. Dr. Benson was writing a preface to an appeal for more Americans to study the Hoover Commission Reports on the Reorganization of the Federal Government. In order to conduct this survey the Commission spent payers money to study ways and means of saving taxpayers lars in the future. taxdol- On April 27 the delegates will elect a state chairman and vice chairman. On the national level (Continued from Page 1) of Utahs national parks and monuments. $98,-00- WE HAVE GOOD AND COLD BEER Salt Utah Oil Building EM B 4-56- lake City, Iftak FOOD PANNIER INTERMOUNTAIN STAMP WORKS RUBBER STAMPS STENCILS . MACHINE ENGRAVED PLATES Phone" EL" 242 E. 2nd South " J - 4- at the Jim and Opal Fullerton V ROWLAND'S & D AG FOOD STORE Complete Line of Texaco Premium Oils Gas - Lubricants Insist on Marfak Lubrication - Our Specialty Phone EM 4' 14 3-09- 03 Utah's Food Leading 04 SAVE ON FUEL COSTS RANCH CAFE Phone AM 5-40- . 3573 South State 69 TEXACO SERVICE 1353 Indiana Ave. a national committeeman and woman will be named to represent Utah. Also 10 delegates and ten alternates - at - large will be ;akq vigorous action to get the bill through the Senate, and ex- named to attend the National pressed confidence that it would GOP convention in San Franlass in substantially its present cisco Aug. 20. form, with a possibility of inFour presidential electors will crease in some key items. This is an impressive beginning also be elected at the meeting. for the Mission 66 program, leaders across the state and is good news to the people areParty encouraging mass participaof Utah, who have been awaiting this long overdue development tion of Republican members in their individual county meetings. for decades, Sen. Bennett said. Bennett Fights for Porks -- SOEaiP&KlV next Rainbow. Now the survey has been completed and submitted to ConSen. Bennett received assuroutside of paying gress. Its the taxpayers turn to do his bit ances that road developments into taxes. Arches and Zion National MonuAny citizen can intelligently participate in government and ments will be undertaken in the' sanction or disapprove of charges in the governmental setup by near future. Dinosaur National Monument spending two cents on a post card to his Congressman. has been given a high priority for Before he writes, he must know what he is talking about. development. Sen. Bennett tex A special report has been prepared by the Commission for the plained. citiens. It can easily be obtained by writing to 441 Lexington He disclosed that an. additional Ave., New York 17, N. Y. $106,600 will be spent for roads Through intelligent use of this report the citizen can know in the Dinosaur quarry area as a the why of Hoover recommendations, and gain a prespective result of the Interior Appropriaon what the organizational end of the government is up against, tion Bill passed by the House week. The bill now includes the why of Hoover recommendations, and gain a perspective last a total of $615,899 for Dinosaur, Knowledge of governmental doings can aid in keeping the Fed- compared with the fiscal 1956 eral offices from damagogues. appropriation of $33,995. This will mean that there will be a new $275,000 visitors center, 0 $80,000 for employe housing, for water and sewers, and a road to service these facilities, all of which will be in the quarry area, Sen. Bennett exploined. The senator said he plans to OIL during Sevier county the meeting is set for Friday, March 9 at 8 pjn. Juab county members will meet Saturday, March 10 at 8 p.m. The county conventions precede the statewide Republican Organizational meeting to be held April 27 at the Rainbow Randevu. The State Nominating or primary convention is slated Augost 4 at the degrading to a whole nations morality. Wherever demagoguery prevails ignorance becomes froen and individual freedom ultimately is killed. Demagoguery has as its appeal to ignorance the We can get you something for nothing. The primary purpose of the Hoover recommendations is to promote improved efficiency and economy in all departments of the federal government. meeting Wayne county GOP members, will meet March 9 at 2 p.m. In is pipe-drea- es Elections, campaign organiz-tio- n and other business will top the agendas of three more Utah Political demagoguery It is native in character and the intelligent people of America, because of their apathy, have permitted it to grow up and spellbind millions. It Campaign , 4 Investigate Coal Heating Equipment for the most constant heat possible. - Stoker & Hopper Fed - - See at - Distributor 2454 So. 7th East Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone HU 5-31- 31 STOKERMATIC SALES CO. 125 East Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah |