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Show Thursday, October 18, lfft And They Worry About Long Hair? The Ute Bulletin Editor Maxine Editor Natohm Judy Cole Ute Indian Tribe Free to Ute Tribal ntnkn S&50 per year to ethers Mail The Ute Bulletia PA Bn 129 Part DMhMto Utah 84026 Member of the American Ittiian From Association What About What's Inside? EDITORS NOTE: Tlie following is an example of a chMren are once again being eat to ua from Wert Junior High School where Ute ia the It eybskm sf the Uto hair. suspended because of the lengto dthdr eaneonea anou t mere bo would achool board oditora if the edneatora and look, the than rather way they children are learning 1 nrAi. nrdlcni do exlatl iL U NEW PROGRAM A T WEST JUNIOR HIGH Students arriving at West Junior High, school this year have found that a few changes have taken place no longer are choices ofeumeubun week course scheduled offering limited but through the addition of a nine a to take of courses such as have an variety now students opportunity German, Gymnastics, Modal French, Spanish, Silversmithing, Taxidermy, Guitar, Weightlifting, Textile Cosmetology, Painttng, Rocketry, Photography, Home Ec. for boys and girls and many others. In order to accommodate this new tfhpJri the academic week has been shortened four days and on Tuesday these special momma and Thursday afternoons students are unrolled m interest courses. The courses available range length from 9 to 6 weeks. Most courses are taught once a week but some are scheduled twice. Included in the schedule are three curriculum programs in career education, one for each grade level The purpose of these programs is to help student to form goals. Know themselves better, work with others and understand those future opportunities open to them. All students scheduling problems have not been solved but for most part students have a much wider selection of choices than they have had in the past and most students seem quite enthusiastic about the changes that have been made. h EDITORIAL What is Issue-H- air or 3Rs? leaves are turning and children are It's Indian Summer again-t- he getting conditioned to the school day routine-- at least some of them-w- ho Uintah Basin student should look. conform to how a well-dress- ed Those who choose to follow the national trend in dross or their cultural not by their own choice. It seems background are again out of school-b- at to us, however, the Uintah School Board members ora the ones who are "out of it." It is time they took their heads oat the the sand, left the coonty, left the Basin and discovered haw the rest of the world Bves. They might discover the rest of the nation knows how to spell and speak. The example set in our schools is deplorable-o- ne only has to read the mimeographed memos sent home with the children, or better yet, the local papers, to realize how poor the educational system in the Basin really is. It is our opinion more emphasis must be placed on the quality of education in the Uintah School District rather than on the mode of dress and the length of hair. TKcUtfox Dear Miss Natchees. My name is Nadine Cuch Auld and I am a Tribal member. I am writing because I have not ever received my copy of the Ute Bulletin. Im sure you know how interested people who are tribal members like to hear going ons in and on the Reservation. If at all you were really wanting to keep in touch with those of us who are e Reservation could have living contacted easily my parents Mr. James N. Cuch who lives in Whiterocks. Instead of sitting down in your offices like forget it. Im sure I will not have to write any more about you losing track of some of your members am I right. - off-th- While officials are experiencing anxiety over the length of students' hair, the educators send home spejling lists which contain misspelled words. No, the students did not copy them wrong three or four would not make the same mistake-t- he word was simply spelled wrong by the educator when written on the blackboard. It is a sad note when parents have to correct spelling lists befote letting children study. It is a sad note when natives of the Uintah Basin are immediately identified by their manner of speech. The Basin has words and phrases unique to the area which cannot be found in the dictionary. One only has to leaf through the history books to find the great men, n, both Indian and of our country who had long tresses. Did the length of hair interfere with the thinking process of these men? According to the school officials of our area, it did interfere and it still does. non-India- Parents, take notice of the memos and notes sent home to you from teachers. Officials, divert your attention to what is being taught in the classrooms. We wonder if this condition exists only in the west-sid- e schools--o- r is it merely a cover-u- p for the lack of ability or refusal to recognize the real issues. Articles have appeared in the local newspapers relating the educational background of teachers new to the district. Although spelling errors may be found in other portions of the local papers, it is even more degrading to find them in articles mailed to the paper by the school district. Since "editing" is a word not yet introduced to the Basin, the errors are printed. Sincerely Mrs. Nadine C. Auld EDITORS NOTE: If there are any more tribal members who do not receive the paper, please contact us. We cannot keep track of the 1650 members of our tribe. When people move, we do not have the time to run from office to office trying to locate addresses. We try to reach every member who should receive the paper but we need your help. We thank those people who have notified us when they have moved and those who bring in addresses of relatives when they have Editor: Well! Maybe some people get tired of 'me writing in The Ute Bulletin. You may remember in the previous one I said. I would not drink any more. But I did anyway. This tune it was almost the end of me as I was bleeding internaly. But the doctors pulled me away from Hwtlii door, or else it would have opened for me to let me in. But it wasn't my time yet. I made it and now I am here in Slt TjIm staying at a center for Indians who are d alcoholics. It is said there are more Indian alcoholics as we cannot handle the drinks. Which seems to be true as I studied alcoholism more. But we can ehsnpn g of that. I know. Some of you will say. I am not an alcoholic. But you would be surprised as to find out that you are one or about to be one. If some of you went throught what I went through you would say that you would not take another drink. To take that one drink to me would be my .death. 1 hats how badly my liver was damadged by all that alcohol I drank. I still suffer from all that damadged. Yet still I emnt take any pain killer for that hurt thats inside of me. So I must suffer in as it is my fault. moved. nn AdiousforNow J. Taveapont Wilson F Editor J J j I I The Ute Bulletin Ute Indian Tribe Fort Duchesne, Utah 84026 Please change my address as follows: - Name: New Address: I A mimeographed news release is printed in' this issue of the Bulletin exactly as we received it in our office. We did not edit it because we wanted to emphasis the quality of the printed word being taught in the district. Wake up school board!!!!! Let's placo tho emphasis where it is needed. Let's have less fuss about the hair and more concentration on the quality of education. I . . I I I ! Zipe Code Old Address: I |