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Show Thursday. Juna 14, ItTS Planners .Convene M Bottle Mellow Pesort EBA getting the business done" atmosphere is one of the attractions for conferences at Bottle Hollow Resort. The latest conference was hosted by the Washington Office of the Economic Development Administration June 6 at the Utah resort. The Rocky Mountain Region of EDA Planners met for the three-da- y session to discuss various aspects of economic development on Indian reservations. The fifty-tw- o participants representing 25 reservations were trained in subjects including administering and the basics of planning grants; tourism development; publicty, promotion and public relations; , and industrial development Expertise in the various fields of economic planning was provided by several qualified discussion leaders. The conference agenda included the review of economic development projects on the Ute Reservation. UteFab Manager Dick Jones presented a narrative and a tour of the plant. Jim Peltier, Bottle Hollow Mangier, contributed a segment on Indian operations during the resort and motel discussion. A quiet, no distractions 4-- RELATING THE HISTORY - Of the Oarajr Water Pisject at the dedication is Plroject Maaager Harvey Natchees. The exteatioaef Water Syrtem toOsray hmbee. the mndt ef many W drmuning by tribal officials aa weD aa community residents. The 13 - mile water line waa eonatrueted by force aeeeaat aad labled "the finest force aeceaat project hr Tam Price of the Dearer EDA office. yr. pSMd n participants from government agencies werq Neil Daniel, Washington EDA Office; Allen Pett, Bob Wilson, and Norman Nader, Denver EDA Office; and Dan McDonald, National Council on Indian opportunity. Newly appointed Economic Development Planner Clifford Duncan represented the Ute Tribe during the conference. Out-of-tow- Company President Meets with Tribe The oil boqm in the Basin has brought many people to the meeting tables of the Ute Tribal chambers. Last month, however, was the first time the national president of a major oil company has met with tribal officials. Fred Schwend, president of Gulf Ofi the Company of the United States, ted on wells party of oil officials which' toured tribal with the reservation, met briefly officials and BIA personnel. Included in the party with Mr. Schwend was E. L. Petree, vice president, Houston; T. W. Kidd, district manager, Oklahoma City, Okla.; P. A. Weirich, district exploration manager, Olkahoma City; and Buqk Horn, district land man, Salt Lake City. Need A Physical? Do It Disney Parade Treat For Fort 4-He- Now! FOR: Summer Camp BIA Boarding School Church Placement Program 8th Grade School Exams Head Start School Exams Day Care School Exams Employment Physicals High School Atheletes No Physicals can be given from July 4th SURVEYING THE FLOODING WATERS Of the Green River at tike dedication are members ef the dedication program and cttisens ef Ouray eommmdty. A small group celebrated the completion of the project which provides domestic water to the eommnaity. Visitfag by the Green River are back left to right, Superintendent WflUaai Streitx; Chariee Wsrthnun, Phoenix Area Office representative; through August 11th. The Doctor will be on vacation during this time. rs If a trip to Disneyland is not in your summer plans, the next best thing is Disney on Parade" which is presented periodically at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City. children from the Fort Thirty-fiv- e Duchesne community had the opportunity to view the Disney parade early in June when the USU Extension bus transported them to the city. Mrs. Catherine Jenks, Youth Development Aide with USU Extension, organized the excursion and was assisted on the trip by Marrietta Reed, Ina Lou Chapoose, Leah Appawoo and Jotene Jenks. Mrs. Jenks extends her appreciation on behalf of the children to the Ute Tribe Recreation Department for financial assistance with the trip. Their donation furnished tickets as well as meals at the Red Barn enroute to the show. According to Mrs. Jenks,' the children clubs in the involved are members of area. The program needs leaders and anyone wishing to volunteer may contact 1 or the USU Extension office, Mrs. Jenks at 4-- H Dennis Blower, BIA Programs Officer hidden behind Mrs. Phwwiaaee; Brace Perry, Director ef Indian AfWrs hr Utah; front, left to right, Blrs. Oariee Ipacie community representative; Mri. Efiae Pawwinnee, cemmmity Harvey Natcheea, Domestic Water Superintendent. 4-- H 722-245- 722-200- 0. Total Health Care Stressed at H.S. Overall health care was one of the important phases in the Head Start Program on the Uintah and Ouray Reservation this year. A recommendation was made by a California pediatrician consultant, for Head Start from the American Academy of Pedatricians to have a registered nurse make physical evaluations on the Head Start enrollees because of the heavy work load of doctors and the difficulty of obtaining examinations for the children. Several evaluation sessions have resulted in referrals to specialists. Pro-plactic doses of iron are given to 31 children who have a low hemoglobin count. Hearing evaluations revealed 18 children needed attention. Five referrals were made to eye specialists in Salt Lake City after screening for ambliopia (lazy eye). Dental work included clearing, fioridating, and reconstructive work for 155 children by the Public Health dentist and a private dentist h CEIBRATING THE COMPLETION - Of the Ouray Water IVoject are eon. Mis. Hise Pawwtaaee, and miaity residents, left to right Mrs. Mary Aakerpont, A concluded the day Margaret Eberty, former VISTA for the community. picnic lor Ouray. whkhincluded the. continuous praise It's a great day Registered Nurse Mrs. Mary Workman conducted the physical exams and expressed appreciation for the cooperation of those concerned with the 'medical program to meet the. childrens physical and dental needs. on-goi- Attention, Campers! A charge wfll be made for campers ea the reservation this summer. A one-yepermit may be purchased for $5. One-da- y permits will be odd for $1 per campers aad vehicles. The Recreation Department will be renting boats at the rate of $4.50 per boat. day for a Camper peradts aad boat permits may be purchaaed at Bottle Holew Resort. Additions! information may be obtained by rontartiag Ute Trails aad Rivers Enterprise, P.O. Bex 124, Fort Duchesne, Utah 84026. ar 14-fe-et |