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Show Friday, October 6. 1972 The Ute Bulletin Pag 8 INNERMOST RECREATION With REX Crazy, Lazy, Sick or Stupid ? By Dr. Lynn Little League Football The football program developed for the Recreation Department and the boys got off to a slow start and quickly stopped. One cause appears to be a conflict re- garding participation In the program at West Junior high as students playing for West were told not to play for the Ute Recreation program. It would appear that the Recreation football program would be far more beneficial as we are teaching tackle football opposed to flag. A player may develop skills which would lead to possible high school play if the fundamentals of tackle are taught at an earlier age than the sophomore year. Attempts to resolve the problem and enable the boys to participate are being made and hopefully the first game will be Saturday. Oct. 14. WANTED Volleyball Several of the members have Indicated volleyball Is a sissy game to them and they have not participated in the volleyball league to any extent this fall. If anyone had watched the physical activity of the volleyball teams In the recent at Munich they would be to surprised note how strenuous the game is and how much work Is Involved. We hope to have another volleyball program next spring and also hope many more Olympics people participate. Bingo The bingo games which will be played every two weeks in the communities began and a good turnout at Fort Duchesne and Whlterocks had a good time. The jackpot games have not been won and will begin accumulating into a large pot before too long. Watch for the game in your area. The next game will be at Randlett on Friday, Oct. 13. Pow Wow -- The recreation department is planning on sponsoring a Pow Wow for the Veterans Holiday weekend and hopes to have a dance on two nights. The decision as to the nights and the site for the dances have not been reached so watch for the posters which will tell where and when. We hope that many of our local dancers and singers will participate. We are planning on beginning a dance club which will be for younger boys who want to learn how to make their own costume and are asking anyone who is willing to donate some tlmfe' to help the boys to contact Rex LaRose, Recreation- Dlrc-tlo- n at the Tribal office.- u - Identity of Ute man herding cattle, believed to be in the Whlterocks area near Lake Fork around 1918. More pictu rc of nhltimers may be seen in Rex Curry's office at Fort Duchesne (Tribal Building)!. Sir. Curry received an envelope of old negatives several years ago when I .and Operations Branch of the BIA was cleaning out items to he sent to tl'c archives,. A1 Parriette is printing the pictures and it Is hoped identification may lie obtained for them. Watch for more of them in the Ute Bulletin and help Mr. Curry compile the hlstroy behind them. Two Air Pollution Grants Allow Monitoring Study Months of feasibility studies and confeColorado, New Mexico and Utah are exrences wlthWashlngton officials as well tremely concerned about the possibility as leaders of southwestern tribes sulmi-nate- d that new coal burning generating plants last month In two grants to the In the area will create pollution and adUte Tribe for air pollution monitoring. versely affect plant and animal life. Assistant Secretary of Labor Malcolm R. Lovell Jr., announced a grant of $192,284 has been made to the Tribe to create public service jobs for Indian workers In the monitoring project. (The grant from the Public Employment Program (PEP), Lovell said, "reflects the continuing emphasis President Nixon is giving to the problems of our Indian citizens. "It is part of a coordinated effort by the Federal government to help the Tribe meet what It has Identified as a major problem In the area, he said. The Ute Indians and other Indian tribes of the Four Corners area of Arizona, inter-agen- cy Green River Tours Generatelnterest Comments There are many people who support the Union High School football program and attend all the home games and also travel to watch them when they are on the road. This support Is given with only one Tribal member who is Doyle Jenks, junior linebacker for the Cougars. It would be Interesting to note the support Union would receive if there were 5, 10, or 20 Ute boys playing for the team. We hope to be able to provide the support and means for this type of Tribal participation in the high school in the future. If all parents would encourage the boys to play we could arrange to help with transportation, etc. We went to West Junior high for their game with Roosevelt in Flag football last week and were pleased to note the Tribal members who are playing and doing a fine job for West. Good players like Richard Jenks, Jr., Blaine Cuch, Ricky Tabet and all the others played well and contained the Roosevelt team well. Even though the final socre was the result of an officials error In judgement or lack of knowledge of the rules, The West team did play very well and deserved the tie of 0. 0-- Foreign tour" operators from Paris,. Toronto and Brussels were given a touch of Ute hospitality when they met In business conferences with the Utes during the recent Discover America Pow Wow and Travel Mart in San Diego, Calif. The show which is sponsored by DATO and the U. S. Travel Service brings foreign tour operators from all over the world to put together and purchase U. S. tours. On the first day of the show, Ute Trails and Rivers Enterprise marketed 24 Green-rivtours to "definitely interested wholesalers from France, Canada and Belgium. In the Indian Travel Newsletter, a publication of DATO and the BIA, Fred Cone-ta- h stated, "This meeting Is exactly the kind of marketing format weve been looking for. Here, Indian interests are represented on the same level as all In response to their concern, the Fede- ral government has provided funds through the Office of Economic Opportunity to establish the Ute Research Laboratories. SECOND GRANT Another grant came from the Environmental Protection Agency In the amount of $109,005 which Is only about half of the total amount. The remaining amount will be issued in six months. Last year the tribe was granted $93,708 in Manpower Development and Training Act funds to train 20 Indian technicians In chemistry, mathematics, physics and geology so that soil, water, air ' and other analysis can be made. The .program, on a local level, will be under the supervision of Dr. Dale Slade and Dr. Jack Ruck man of Ute Research Laboratories. Dr. Slade stated the grant constitutes a great savings to the taxpayer because the expense of the program would be much greater If a university or government agency were to Undo the monitoring and analysis. iversities overhead usually runs approxi- mately 40 percent. Analysis under the project will run about $2.00 per element versus cost exceeding abot 10 times that amount when done by a government laboratory. Dr. Slade states this Is the largest unified endeavor by Indians with eight southwestern tribes Involved in the project. He estimates 60 percent of the grant will turn over on the reservations among the Indian people. er Bottle Hollow Boosters member of the Tribal Business Committee, while having dinner at Bottle Hollow Resort, overheard a couple speaking of how they had read and heard so much about Bottle Hollow and were enjoying the menu they also had read about. The committee members children caught other major U. S. travel attractions. the eye of the tourists and began visiting Representing the Ute Tribe at the Pow with them, which gave the member a chance Wow were, Irene Cuch, Fred Conetah and to hear their comments on the Ute s resort. Wilbur Cuch, Tribal Business Committee; The couple from Scottsbluff, Neb., were Frank Arrowchis, manager, Ute Trails and enthusiastic about the resort and will, very Rivers; and Jim Peltier,' manager, Bottle no doubt, be excellent "Bottle Hollow Hollow Resort. Boosters. A Ravsten Sarah, a student, kicked her teacher yesterday, came home and bit her little brothfer, then hid in a dark closet. Is she crazy? Stupid? Marjorie , a housewife, cant sleep. Her dreams and thoughts frighten her. She Is sure something awful Is going to happen. The veins on her neck stand out. Her pulse is fast. A dry mouth and upset stomach tell her for sure she Is in trouble. Is she mentally sick? Danny, a drinker, quit his job to go for a trip. His old buddy is back from vocational training. They jumped in a pickup and headed east. Danny Is studying a trade. His buddy should be preparing for examinations. Are they lazy? None of these people are crazy, lazy, Those words do not sick or stupid: accurate or useful way an in describe three the in the examples acpeople why These words are too ted "different. too general, too broad to help d, us understand other peoples behavior. We need to look at these three people again. We need to look Inside of them, and we need to look at the world In which they live if we are going to create a full and proper understanding of their behavior. Using a single word, or even single ideas will not tell us enough about a person to understand him (or to help him if we choose to). Saying, "he is an Indian, "he is black, or "he Is white, doesnt give us personal, accurate, useful information. In fact it may lead to improper beliefs about a person, and worse than that improper action toward them. "He is a Saying, "she is a teacher, are alcoholics, or "they preacher, "he Is retarded, often takes away or hides everything else we know about a person. One word explanations and descriptions One word of people cause problems. explanations are not precise and clear enough to be of value. Making quick, early judgements then labeling others can lead to misunderstanding, prejudice, unrealistic expectations, rejection or For example, punishing a punishment. child for kicking an adult may be unfair because the adult person may have asked for the kick. The idea that an adult Is always right and a child is always wrong is not true. Some adults get kicked aloV because they start lots of fights with children, or consent to fighting with the young- sters. Or again, to assume that all frightened people whose hearts beat wildly, axe sick is an error. All' fears are.' logical; if you understand what a person believes and how they are treated, by others. You have to walk in. another persons shoes a mile, not a step to understand him. .:j.f So, when you try to explain another persons behavior - be sure you: 1. Have lots of good first hand knowledge; not gossip or hearsay. 2. Dont use single ideas and single word explanations, like lazy, crazy, sick over-worke- or stupid. Dont overwork one explanation. People change their behavior from place to place and from day to day. Be sure 3. you change your Ideas when they change their behavior. 4. Learn new explanations about human behavior. 5. Dont reject, punish, idolize, and reward others until you have carefully checked out what you think you see others doing. Indians arent lazy. People arent crazy. Children who with fears fight alot are not necessarily sick. White doesnt make right, and, Custer became an American folk hero too soon. Drastic Threat? A Tired Mother Whose boisterous Indian baby just wouldnt go to sleep, was overheard to say: Go to sleep or John Wayne will get you I |