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Show Friday, Sept. 8, 1972 The Ute Bulletin Page 5 LADIES BEHIND T1IE WHEELS In not a i unusual occupation these days. All set for another school year Is Maggie Natraees, bus driver for Uintah School District. She drives the children from West Uintah County to the New Life Training Center and works with the children there. COMPARING THEIR SUMMER VACATIONS Are (left) Richard Jenks, West Jr. High studentbody president, and (right) Floyd Mitchell, seventh grade student, on the first day of school 'll Of FRIGHTENING FIRST DAY school was experienced by many new students entering Todd Elementary. During the confusion of registering and mothers leaving, identification of the children was not obtained. SCHOOLS A WHIRL So far, for first graders at Todd Elementary. Rid- the first day of school are (from left) Lisa Todd Gardner, Cass Cole and Benny Serawop. Playground area has been rut down somewhat this year due to construction at the school ing the merry-go-rou- nd Six-kill- er, "RIGHT 2, LEFT 4, WHAT IS THE COMBINATION TO OPEN THE LOCK? Is the question students were asking the first day of school at West Jr. High. Ina Reed is practicing the combination to open her locker. Oran Murray Is trying to come up with the answer to Mrs. Halls question on the first day of school at Whlterocks. Other sixth grade students, sitting on the front row, are Gale Cuch, Philbert Tapoof and Emmett "LET ME THINK Manning. |