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Show The Ute Bulletin Published by Ute Trite Fort Duchesne, Utah S4026 Thursday, July IS, 1972 Idaho Man Is Manager OH Bottle Hollow Resort t tribes and fourteen states were repREGISTRATION REVEALED Thirty-on- e A crowd resented in the dance contests during the Fourth of July concluded which finals dance hand for the on of tourists and Basin people were celebration. For complete listing of awards see Page A the four-da- y (MDTA Photo) Pow-Wo- w. Dancers Representing 14 States Pow-Ho- n in 4 Participate July : i . With an estimated crowd of 2,000 on Dakota, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana and Utah. A traveling trophy was presented Tuesday evening, the annual 4th of July to the Ken Funmaker family from WisconCelebration came to a close. The fessin Dells, Wls., for traveling the further est tivities climaxed with the finals of the distance. dance contests and the fireworks disAmong the registered 160 dance contesplay. five local (lancers placed as winners. tants, Ted "Great Lightening" Bison returned In war dance Mens the for his second year as emcee and delighted second Duncan Clifford contest, placed the audiences with his wit. Also attenboth are third and Albert placed Poowegup ding this years pow wow was Mr. Indian Mrs. Whiterock8 residents. Angel Johnny American, alias Jimmy Dann of Fort Hall, Ida. These two personalities made the (Anna) was awarded second place In the Ladies Cloth dance. Winning second place pow wow sure goot one." In the Girls contest was Emellne Natc-hee- s, tribes were represented by Thirty-on- e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey dancers from 14 states Including CaliLittle Cleveland of Randlett. Natchees fornia, Colorado, Oklahoma, Iowa, Wyo., (Continued on Page 2) Oregon, Nevada, Wisconsin, Idaho, South Slow-Straig- I -- ht Tribe Selects Lester Chapoose As Mew Administrative Head A member of the Ute Tribe 'i RESORT MANAGER Jim Peltier and family are welcomed to Bottle Hollow Mr. Peltier has a by Charles Redfoot, assistant manager. A native of Idaho, hotel-motin and Utah of management. experience degree from the University His wife, Diane (bidding daughter), is a native of Vernal. Not pictured Is their daughter who was visiting with friends In Salt Lake City. el six-year-- IDA Area Officials to Tour The new administrative offiis the new Tribal Administra- cer spent his grade school years tive Officer. Lester M. Cha- at the Uintah Boarding School, ra poose was chosen from six Whiterocks. He attended candidates by the personnel Junior High and Union high Tribal proposals and projections will be The northern portion of the reservation Incommittee to fill the vacancy school, Roosevelt. will be toured Aug. 10 and lunch will be presented to officials of the Bureau of left when Henry Cuch returned For his higher education, Mr. dian Affairs, Phoenix Area, during a Re- served picnic style at Big Springs to his position in the Bureau of Chapoose enrolled at Southern servation Management Conference and where the families will meet. Visiting slated for next month. wives and children will have toured the Indian Affairs accounting Utah State College three years. Tour The conference will open Aug. 7 at Bottle fish hatchery and points of Interest While employed by Grand CenHollow Resort with tribal business comto the picnic grounds. tral Stores, Salt Lake City, he mittee members, enterprise managers and Tours and entertainment for the visiting attended Steven Henniger Busidepartment heads relating their operawomen are being planned by Irene Cuch BIA and personprojections. tions, plans ness College in that city. of the Business Committee and the Public can where in will they explain turn, tour of nel, During his five-ye- ar lend assistance to the tribal programs and Relations personnel. Among Phoenix Area Office personnel duty with the U.S. Navy, Mr. departments. to attend are John Artlchoker conanticipated be on of will The board first served day meetings Chapoose Area Jr., Director, and Mel Schwartz, cluded with a dinner for the visiting offithe USS Hamner in the Pacific. cials at Bottle Hollow Restaurant hosted Assistant Area Director for Community He has been an accounting by the Business Committee. Services, who will be remembered here' as a former superintendent. A tour of the Hill Creek area is planned specialist in the Tribal AccounOthers the second day of the conference. attending include LaFollette Butting Office two and a half years. for to the Area Director; and Assistant e Twenty-fivmen will float the Green River ler, Rex Curry had been serving as from area assistant to mouth of Chandler the the directors: Charles Worth-maCanyon Economic Development; Ray Sorenacting administrative officer new Florence Creek Lodge where they will until the appointment of Mr. spend the night. The return trip will son, Education; Curtis Gelogamah, AdLester Chapoose bring the group by Ute Trails and Rivers ministration as well as various departChapoose on June 29. ment heads. Nu Administrative Officer Al-ter- 6 Clean mountain air and the His home is in northern Idaho. challenge of managing Utah's Mrs. Peltier, a native of Vermost unique resort prompted nal, is the daughter of Mr. and Jim Peltier to leave Missouri Mrs. Arron Wilkins. They have and return to Utah. two children, Cherlyn, 2, Mr. Peltier began his posi- and Mechelle, 6. tion as manager of Bottle Hollow The Peltiers make their home Resort July 1. With a degree at Fort Duchesne in a mobile in Recreation Administration, home located at the agency. he comes highly recommended Peltier believes Bottle Holhis former by employers. Royal low is a very good enterprise Inns of America, Provo; Holiand hopes to make it a very SouthInn and day Inns, with the help Quality successful one west, the franchise group he of the tribe and by utilizing served as general manager in the reservations resources to St. Louis. the fullest. Feliters interest in motel-hot- el Peltier fills the vacancy left management began when when Benton Hunter was rehe worked parttime as a desk leased of his duties at the end of clerk in Salt Lake City while April by the Tribal Business attending the University of Utah. Committee. Reservation, Meet with Tribe en-ro- ute s i n, tuveep Hunting Lodge. |