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Show THE NATIONAL ENTERPRISE, SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 6 Neighborhood zoning Cun l in tied from fHige one Johnson, director of advan-e- d planning activities for the planning department, these studies provide detailed analysis to complement a 1967 master plan of the entire city. Mathematical mix-u- p Although the East Central representatives had :omplained density in their area already exceeds the recommended goal of the Williams and Mocine study, Johnson explained their figures were based on a misunderstanding of the reports recommendation for the area. The plan calls denfor a sity of 1 .5 residential units per gross acre. That means half the area of streets surrounding a block plus right of ways and other land in the area must be low-mediu- m 1 included when figuring density. mathmatics are confusing because the plan uses gross density for some areas and net density for others. The latter would exclude the nonresidential land. As a result, according to Johnson, when figuring density approximately 14.4 acres must be considered in an average block, rather than the ten excluding The streets. Computed that way, Johnson said most of the area did not exceed the Williams and Mocine re- commendation. Funk admitted his group had used a 10 acre figure in making its calculations because a planning staff member had told them it was appropriate. But despite the mess, the other issues remain. Funk cited a series of concerns about the area. They included: a decrease in the number of math-matic- al families who are homeowners; an increase in transiency resulting in poor carre of property; a substantial increase in traffic; an increase in residential density; an increase in cars parked in the area making it difficult for homeowners to find spaces; and a general decrease in the percentage of residents who keep up their property. . although the And, implementing Local plan residents or changes. the community councils could also inititate such moves by petitioning the city commission, the body which holds with final density may not now exceed the Williams and Mocine goal (well try to clarify that point in our authority in these matters. further discussions), to no Johnson pointed out although the Williams and Mocine study was not legally binding in any way, it is being used as a guideline by city agencies in developing their policies. Developers refer to it to get an understanding of what the city expects of them, he said. The planning department monitors the citys theres stop program the growth at that level. Funk said. Current zoning would allow a net density of 80 units per acre. Funk said central city areas and neighborhoods near major universities in other cities had been allowed to become slums. He hopes a zoning change will prevent that from happening in Salt Lake. Although the Williams Candy factory in line for renovation Daniel C. and Margaret Hunter have purchased the Shupe-- W illiams Candy Factory in Ogden and expect to convert the structure, built in 1906, into a retail and office complex. The price was not disclosed. The Hunters exercised their option to buy the building last week, and expect to begin renovation of the brick and beam structure early next year. The factory, ary. the zoning ordinance could be slightly amended to conform to the plans goal, Johnson said. Ray Kingston, of the residents council told the Enterprise his group wants to work in harmony with the planning department and other government officials. Our whole goal is to not create problems, but to help solve them, and also to provide the kind of citizen input usually solicited by our public officials. Unmanageable boards and Mocine density goals are not being violated, Johnson conceded maybe this petition could be a signal from area residents that its time to change planning policy for the area. He explained that planning is an evolving process and that the planning department, merely making recommendations, was only one source of department beholder, it would be in zoning, a changein the requirement for a particular or other controls, Johnson said. Johnson said a change zone for the area to an is most popular with the department right now. That would allow a net density of 20 units per acre, a figure only slightly above the Williams & Mocine goal if the latter is converted from gross to net. If necess zone, to set guidelines, Johnson said, unless very specific criteria were advanced to begin with. Yet another problem might be the need to in- crease the planning staff in order to deal with all the situations being examined by the review boards, he said. But Johnson too, as a city resident, said hed like to have some say about building around his home. "I sympathize with the area resident. I know what hes up against. Some blame the mar- keting techniques, others the location or the merchandise. Its hard to say why this particular store was a failure, Hough says. He declined to estimate the losses sustained at the Salt Lake location. Hough says all merchandise will be removed from the store by Sept. 30, when Crawford and Day, another furniture store, expects to lease the space. gin shipping its inventory to Arizona stores this week. R-5- A Rich Hough, who together with Paul McLaws has managed the store for the past six months, says the company has been unable to determine why the Salt Lake store was as me you money We located at 2605 Wall St. south of the Union Pacific Depot, may house a bank and theater in addition to "N in 5 different sizes. office and retail space. 1977 1977 Pontiac Astro 1977 Olds Cutlass I1???. 13 1977 French Country Dining Nightly Brunch on Sunday Buick Skvlark 1977 Buick Now Open SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Pontiac Grand Pri Regal With low. low rates on all size cars, it s easy to understand hy so many people are stepping up to Budget. We save you money. Call us now for reservations and information. We feature GM and other line cars. No wonder our competition hates us. A Budget 1y" HiiJkiM Svstem Licensee Item 4 ( Jit ip.ll.ll dif- ficult RB Furniture, a national chain of more than 60 stores, is closing its Salt Lake City showroom at 2855 Highland Dr., and will be- could recommend a change five-stor- y Phone 9421751 for Reservations building. Johnson worried about the legal basis for aesthetic control. Since such things are in the eye of the RB Furniture unsuccessful in Salt Lake retailing regards to the progress study recommendations. If an area began to exceed, for example, the density in the could become unamanageable with perhaps hearings on every process Kingston said residents in all parts of the city were becoming aware of and willing to enter into dialougeon planning matters. He is hopeful a definite direction about planning and aesthetics will emerge. Both Johnson and F. David Stanley, vice chairman of the planning commission, expressed about neighborfeelings hood design review boards. As a lay citizen, Stanley said he too would like the opportunity to participate Not legally binding goals, such a board for his If more neighborhood. neighborhoods could have that input, wed have better quality building. But as vice chairman of the commission, Stanley said he was worried the in SLC Airport rnn U J 1f UU J'lfi'l m Budgets rentacar IV77 Budget Rent a A Budget System Licensee Car Corporation. Chicago. Illinois |