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Show Page Four The XationaJ Enterprise , April 21, 1976 -- Corporate Earnings Alta Industries Year ending Dec. 31, 1975 JUST PUBLISHED "INVESTING IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST. ... 48,862,564 802,904 Net Income 50,830,197 1,254,897 EarningsShare (loss) 1.51 .93 Canadaigua Wine Co. Six mos ending Feb. 29, 1976 1976 1975 Sales-Revenu- es NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME. A DEFINITIVE BOOK THAT ANALYZES EXCITING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN THE DYNAMIC. RESOURCE-RICSEVEN STATE REGION OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST (INCLUDING ALASKA). 1975 1975 H ABOUT THE AUTHORS. INVESTING IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST" is a new approach to Investment guidance, bringing together In 320 entertaining and readable pages information indispensible to any businessman interested in this region. Discusses over 200 public companies With over 2 billion shares of stock Over $30 billion annual sales Paying over $1 billion annual dividends and interest HANNON F. PRATT Is Editor af NnAwn! k.AitoNnl R.mmi .nd Nerthwaal Bod Guhta, a yndlcmd eohmnist on Norlfmmat Invading and racogntxad aipsrt an ooiporaM valuation. Ha holds a doctoraia In tram Indiana UNvaralty. la a Chaitatod Financial Analyst and a Carl mad Financial Pknnsr, and ana director af ths ImoaUnanl Analysis Comer at Portland Slats U. ah "Ths airthora ass many masons why thaNorthawsl should csnflnua to baa sound and growing rnglon tor tovsstmsfd funds. Thato's no maaon to dtaagraa.- - Oan Coughlin, SaaMo. $6.95 Soft Cover AVAILABLE AT MOST BOOK ORDER TODAY STORES $9.95 mailing aach. LAWRENCE R. NOBS Is a naNondly-hnow- n aacurtly analyal and financial anttar and area Director of Raaaarch tor a North el atoch hmharaga tom tor a nan bar of yaara. He la a mem bar af fha Pamar taclaty af lacurdy Analysis and has had Myaaraaapart anea In Ihs tavaaUnard buainsas. Rasa la author df ths baoh,Tnvasting In loa Rlah Oraadh Companlss." IN . plua 50c In soft eovar $9.95 plus 50c mailing aach. Nama Addmaa Stata City Zip f 1975 1976 1976 Sales-Revenu- es Net Income 8,831,351 384,238 EarningsShare (loss) .19 .14 1975 1974 10,309,813 266,112 I THE GREAT NORTHWEST: In hard eovar .37 Erickson Corporation OR ORDER FROM: Wlllamatte Managamant Aaaoclataa, Inc. 220 S. W. Aldar Straat Portland, OR 97204 Plaaaa aand ma coplaa of INVESTING Eamingsshare (loss) 18,392,653 394,922 .20 Canandaigua Wine Co. Three mos ending Feb. 29, "A moal unusual booh. A sflorl Important malarial tor soananilc anphlallcalaa aa Mad aa amaaaur In reel are." Hebert land-auaThe OREOONIAN. $9.95 Hard Cover Net Income 18,134,008 744,629 Sales-Revenu- es ' l I I I Magma Power Company year I NOT SATISFCO. RETURN BOOK WITHIN 30 DAVS FOR A REFUND. Sales-Revenu- es Net Income Earningsshare (loss) 3,412,029 .36 876,745 .09 Overseas National Airways, Inc. Year ending Dec. 31, 1975 Sales-Revenu- es Net Income EamingsShare (loss) 1975 97.007.000 1.528.000 .66 1974 87,096,000 2,298,000 1.00 Acrotron Inc. Three mos ending Feb. 28, 1976 Sales-Revenu- 1976 EamingsShare (loss) 2,170,902 73,049 .05 Acrotron, Inc. Nine mos ending Feb 28 1976 es Net Income Sales Net Income Earningsshare (loss) Going public is tough. Keeping your seat is even tougher. Going public can be a great opportunity for growth (stock can often facilitate acquisitions) . . . but if s not much consolation if you're left on the outside looking in. We can make your company public and keep you in control. No need to worry about months of delays, either. We move quickly and precisely. Talk to us before you give your company away to a board of directors. You built it; you should keep it. - v (dlptlpiin $miritire (Eorpondimt 25 SOUTH 500 EAST SALT LAKE CITV. UTAH 54102 (801) 7 Contact Richard L. Chatham, President 7 Salt Lake City (801) 531-033- 6,421,086 258,510 .18 1975 1,814,161 . 13,551 .01 1975 5,707,785 161,772 .11 Theres something good for everyone at |