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Show TEST RUN, Friday, May 3, 1968 College Juniors Can Find Out About WAC Officer Program The WAC College Junior Program ii an exciting opportunto find out what the life of a WAC officer ii really You muit successfully complete' THIS PROGRAM is open die WAC College Junior Course, tf girls who have completed their apply and be selected for the year of college' and it in- - dent Officer Program by the four weeks of active duty men's Army Corps. You must pro-4- ! a Cadet Corporal in die WAC mise, in writing, that you will Unlisted Reserve. apply fpr a commission as an r The four weeks during the officer in the Army upon gndu-summare spent at Fort Me- - ation from college. Your obligation during your Glellan, Alabama, living and work- from all senior over die with year is to successfully corogirls fog nation. plete your academic studies and You'll find out all about train- - receive your baccalaureate defog and social life and the many gree. You will not be required to opportunities available to you as wear a uniform or to attend a WAC. Part of the fun will be meetings of any kind. You will befog a member of die team. You receive a monthly salary plus will develop many friendships quarters allowance and subsis-wit- h the other girls you will be fence (food) allowance if they living, working and relaxing with, are not provided free of charge DURING THESE four weeks by your college. This amounts to you will go to Fort Benning, Cm., the following: where-yowill see and meet your male Army officer counterparts. You will watch them go through their rigorous training , and afterward enjoy many social activities with them. All your expenses and travel will be paid for, plus you will Federal income tax and social, receive a months pay which is $177.90 less taxes. security payments will be deduct- After you return bom the sum- - ed bom base pay only. You are mer program, youll have a year entitled to 'medical and dental ke up your mind about the cate, commissary, PX and all to If you do decide to con- - dal services of any military you will be commissioned a stallatton. YOU MUST apply for a com--1- 1 ;rSecond Lieutenant after you graduate from college and requir- - mission as a Second Lieutenant ed to serve two years on active in die Army six months prim to graduation. If selected, you will duty as an officer. THOSE WHO are eligible be discharged as an enlisted per-fthe program must be single, son and sworn in as an officer between die ages of 19 and 28 after your graduation, For mote information concern-seand have parents written con- if under 21 years of age. fog this program call 3126. ity for a girl like. Stu-jeni- or Wo-dud- er u ' C. ie or THE GOOD nt OLE DAYS ARE BACK! CHEDDAR CHEESE sn ILONGHORN CHEESE SSSJOPEN-EY- E SWISS .69'd .step lata As "Good Ole Days" of -I- i. a M RIBS .89' .89 LIBBYS ALBERIS0fL3C0U0K SHOES FRESH SPARE STEREOTAPE Lit Simple way to salt it away Aufa 4 and Popular songs and artists ck And you hardly feel the pinch with the Payroll Savings Plan. amply tell your employer to set aside a certain amount every payday toward the purchase of a United States Savings Bond. -Because you never see the money, youre not tempted to spend it Yet you know its there, steadily growing at a guaranteed rate of interest to give you the nest egg you may need in the future: Tb replace furniture. To build a new home. To educate your children. To handle emergencies. To retire on. And its a good feeling inside to know the US. Savings Bonds you buy will help Uncle Sam supand strengthen freeport our men in Vietnam doms cause throughout the world. Sign up now for the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. Itll pay you. And your country. Pair 1 98 With this Coupon II On This coupon expires midnight .May 4, 1968 BAND-AID- S s s ... sign It up for U.S. Savings Bonds New Freedom Shares TM (7.1. OiwwMf $n mi pu fvr (ft tt Is iwiHlif at a pgNIr arrrlre la L..r the Tmmrw DtmrtmtM m4 The Adrtrikiag Cmmetl. CASE OF 24 4.79 j CASE Of JUICE DRINK mGRGm da! m FRUIT COCKTAIL LIBBY PINEAPPLE 'Ii 'i I' VIENNA SAUSAGE ft 9V r IX i PORK n BEANS LIBBY BEEF STEW LIBBY CORNED BEEF A apacial television salute to the armed forces will be included in the varied public and military festivities that will mark Armed Forcea Day around the nation this year. Hie third Saturday in May ' this year Kay 18 ii set amide annually by presi--" ax dantial proclamation Armed Forcea Day to recog- -' pixe the role of the individual serviceman and to promote public understanding of the military services. ThU year "The Mike Television Show," a Dougtes , ' nationally televised daytime variety program, will be devoted entirely to the military Armed aorvices during Forcea Week. ' Tlie week of programs will . III m begin with a salute to the U.S. Army on May 18. Bnt since the program will not be carried on all stations that day, local television schedules should be consultArmy participants will be General of the Army Omar N. Bradley; Lt. Gen. Stanley R. Larsen, deputy commanding general of the U.S. Continental Army Command; MaJ. Fete Dawkins, who will st be for the show; Capt Elisabeth Hill, an Army nurse; the U.S. Army Chorus; the "Dixie Belles," a WAC dixieland combo; the U.S. Army Fife and Drum Corps, and the "Golden Knights" parachute team. (AND) co-ho- w U , ed. 13-a- s. Now Oaly LIBBY RED SALMON Show to Salute Aimed Forces TV 2 ; ICED CUP CAKES C JNAMON ROLLS ENGLISH MUFFIN BREAD i 59 41 I |