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Show 1967 Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Jan. 13, Altas Snow Cup Provides Great Sport - Even For Spectators! old Dogs more than two years than have less ability to learn to trainers. puppies, according Indians make up more than 50 Bolivia's population. per cent of by Jack Hamilton Eighteen-year-ol- d Ray Miller Alaska is on the list of states of Ogden narrowly lieat the Uniwhich the post office never abbreversity of Utah's Ladd Christianviates. sen to win the 26th annual Alta Snow Cup last Sunday. The Alta Snow Cup ranks as one of the top national ski races, and some of the toughest skiers from all over the country poured in to compete in this traditionally rugged giant slalom race. KATHY ALLEN and Lee Hall finished first in the women's division, covering the course in the same time - one minute, 28.7 seconds. Both Miss Allen and Miss Hall race for Mammoth Mountain in California. Karen Korfanta, the third-plac- e winner among the LEONARD women, is also from Mammoth. HANSEN Ray Miller edged Ladd Chris49 S lit Edit of a second, tiansen by one-ten882-3'00- 5 tearing down the course in just one minute, 24.9 seconds. Ladd COLONEL WAH G. CHIN, commandant of the CBR STATE FARM was understandably disappointed Weapons Orientation Course, issues PERHAPS the largest Christmas present on Dugway this season was the one given to all the oath of but he couldnt very well protest allegiance to SCT Walter McAuliffe, who recently reenlisted for a period of of us - the Post Christmas tree. Standing majestically in front of the Post Headquarters three years. the times because his father, Don building, this perennial will remind us all of Peace and Good Will toward Men Christiansen, was the chief timer throughout the yean to come. for the race. The Snow Cup was originally ;uo( With seventy racers competstraight schuss to the scheduled to consist of two sepa- - floater and three more ing, Utah skiers came off the hill gates, rate giant slalom races on Alta s rhis was an with an record. Beextremely tricky race course; how- - :fou of the course as it was neces-- sides the outstanding winner - Ray Miller of ever, because of the powder snow mry to p the Floater in Ogden Ladd Christiansen, John conditions and the difficulty in jrder to make the tight gates, Miller (Meeler), Dick Sweltz-e- r, packing the course, Saturdays rhe photographers seemed to Dave Engen and Frank Boelen race was cancelled. ;rowd at this point, delighting (Groad) - all from the UniverIT SEEMED inevitable to in catching some of the racers sity of Utah - finished second, this spectator that Sunday would umping a bit too high, fifth, seventh, ninth and fifteenth be a great day for the race - at After the Floater, there was a respectively. The of 9:30 a.m., I gazed at the ther-- "ast but tricky traverse to the Denver and the University of NEW two manual Wurlitzer ALL BOYS 4 , interested in' University REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: mometer outside the Coldminers Hollins Face, where a set of Colorado were fully represented, Fred - Regular (light face type) Cunard, in word 5 organ. cents league conbowling junior per Lodge and it read ten reinely tight gates awaited the , each having teams of more than CR1 - Business (dark face tact Bowling Alley, word 10 cents type) per As it turned out, there racer. After Collins, it was almost twelve men Woodward degrees. competing Missing 50 cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rate) was bright sunshine covering most a ' schuss to the finish, from the race were the eight FENDER GUITARS - amps. Salt straight $1 per inch Over one inch (monthly rate) Really of the mountain when Ray Mill- - what reallv amazed me alxrut this members of the U. S. National Lake prices. As low as $8 DRAPERIES Ready Made or Cusads inch $1.50 per FOR SALE OR RENT - lovely Display leaped off as the first men s race was that the course held up team who were racing in Europe and $8 per month. Chau-doi- n tom Built. All fabrics, modern down, brick veneer home racer at 11:25 a.m. The course as well as it did. MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with Everyone expect- - at the time, Music, 220 S. Main, Toodesigns.CORDONFURNITURE 1 with foil firms baths, looked beautiful, with rows of business and with individuals basement, who no changes. Except Marv Melville, the University or 6 e( trcky ruts to develop after CO. 60 So. Main. ele, for additional the and and accounts bath, with plumbed maintain Bulletin, of ski Transcript Utah gates open stringing the first 25 runs, but the course coach, was given 25 CRI all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. down the mountain before a thin carpets, draperies and within much of the credit for the excel- stayed in excellent condition. 3 blocks to elementary or high AN ERROR in a classified ad should be reported immedi-- . group of spectators. IN THE women's division, lent showing of the Utah racers. HOSTS Cleans Carpet without CUSTOM KILLING, understate school. For more information, for is one incorret insertion The course began near tbe The Mr. responsible Melville is paper 1960 ately. a Hall are for graduate instant water. Kathy Allen and Lee ready Carpets inspection. Choice Grade A call Dottie Keysar, only. top of Altas Peruvian Ridge and memliers of the U. S. Na- - of the University of Utah and, use. Brush rental $1.00 per 49 cents; grain fed pork, beef, ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, a consisted of 48 gates. The racers tiona team. with cleaner. CORDONS Kathy looks like a in 1959, he won the NCAA down-sh40 cents; lambs, 54 cents; mutday Bowl at distributed Ground to 2,900 Dugway Proving down the Punch POT BOWLING starting at 2:00 newspaper FURNITURE CO. 60 So. Main prospect for the United States hill, slalom, and the alpine com-on- e ton 26 cents. Prices include residents and workers, twice monthly, without additional minute intervals through a jn iygg . she fa a member of the bined titles. He competed in the Skt. & &n. TOOELE BOWL. CRI or processing. 884-38series of four tight gates - two u. S. FIS team and finished fifth 1956 and 1960 Olympics and was charge. 4. CRI DEADLINE for classified ads is 11:00 sjn. day of publication. open and, two closed. From the (he slalom races last year in the assistant U. S. alpine coach NEW WURLITZER Story and mid-poiof the Bowl, the racer.- - Portillo, Chile. for the Olympic competition in Clark and Sohmer pianos $495 SACE KENNELS - Boarding cats, SPECIAL NOTICES Innsbruck, Austria. Melville statand up. Ftod Cunard, - small dogs. 75 cents day. HeatHAINES FOR RENT ed that the hopes of the Univer5. f . CRI ed REALTY sity ski team in 1968 NCAA comeRi BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 The Credit Union FURNISHED APARTMENTS two petition depend upon two recent 191 North Main 2nd and 4th MEETINGS and three rooms. New kitchens Umbrella Man bright prospects, John Miller and OFFERS TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. REPAIR sewing machines. All and appliances, including elecSaving is the key to Frank Boelen. ' 61 N. MAIN CRI at makes. Necchi, Pfaff, Singer, says DEAD-EN- D independence! tric ranges, automatic gas heat, JUST RIGHT FOR FAMILY Universal, White, Newhome. Start saving today at air conditioned. Large recreaThree bedroom split level, lVi LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE RADIO ELECTRIC, 8824)664. built-ithe credit union Mhera n tion area. Rates start at $75 oven bath, fireplace, NO. 2031 CRI your money works. You and range, sliding doors to Louis XIV helped to make the per month with all utilities' 8 pm. WED. MEETINGS receive generous Men and finishwomen furnished. Rent are needed by day, week, patio, awnings, partially game of billiards popular, and 2 PHONE ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All dividends because now to investigate claims for month or year. Linen service ed basement, chain link fence, even fashionable, when he was makes. Steam irons cleaned credit union members insurance advised by his physician to play available. WESTERN APARTadjusters, height fully landscaped, yard light, ' and repaired ELMERS, 38 work, loan and save the game every day after dinner. WANTED MENT, 515 North Main, Toocompanies, etc. who pay exgood neighborhood. H.R.67-4WEST VINE. CRI. together not for profit and usually furnish car. ele Phone 8824X162 TRAILER LOVERS - an exceppenses but not for charity Pick location, earnings to $7 tional buy in a well cared for The giant kelpfish camouflages SPARE TIME INCOME - Refill-in- g CRI for mutual service. PlANO TEACHER - trained, all itself against its enemies by swimtwo bedroom, folly skirted, air per hour part time; to $1,000 and collecting money from levels. Mrs. C. Juelson, Call on conditioned trailer. Also can You are sure to be more proper month foil time. Train at NEW TYPE high quality coin MAGNA - one bedroom- - apt. hip ming horizontally up and down in Sat. Parkers Music. Credit fitable saving at your nished or unfurnished, carport,1 line with plants and may even be rented. home, keeping your present operated dispensers in this Union. reuntil HAVE Dugway Federal move WE two houses waft its tail back and forth to , area. No selling. To to and one job ready washing facilities, stove, up. quality 2 Credit Union We give free placement assissimulate the movements of the drapes, frigerator, disposal, apt. for rent. HAVE YOUR insurance rates you must have car, references, tance. For personal interview blades. carpets. 8086 West 3500 So. $600 to $1900 cash. Seven to gone up? Check our low rates. Ph. 297-53in your area to see if you qual1 4. Call or twelve hours weekly can net PEDERSENS INSURANCE 882-4530 6 ify for this training write toEvenings: excellent monthly income. ACENCY. 88241572. day to: More full time. For personal CRI - Batchelor apts. Cook- VETERANS! FOR RENT NORTH AMERICANCLAIMS interview write P. O. Box TRAINING DIVISION, 3435 We have a nice, large ing facilities. 365 E. Vine. 15402, Salt Lake City, Utah WE HAVE a number of buildEast Bayaud Ave, Denver, masonry constructed home 84115. Include phone number. ings we can move on your lot. IMMEDIATE occupancy $65 and: Full basement, folly improved Colorado 8020B. Make good shops, bams or 7 2 or lot. $11,400. 100 per cent fiup. Call remodel into homes. Complete 5 CRI after Choice p.m. HELP WANTED - make $30 up nancing. Hunt and Long Co. FOR SALE Weiner pigs. financing. Hunt and Long Co. 1 CRI 8 weeks old. Ready to go on daily on Food Route. Man or FOR RENT - unfurnished CRI feed lot $12 to $15. Call Garth woman part or full time. Write 3 VETERANS! apt. Call 8824)632. Stookey, Clover, ph. Earl Stetson, Bos 4014, OakWILL HAUL livestock to Salt build home We a new can Calif. you land, BACHELOR APARTMENT fw or set a moved home Lake, Ogden, Spanish Fink. anywhere Contact Bob Strong rent. Call in the county. 100 financing. FOR SALE - Piano, Ellington V .iNT to buy or rent two shares P-- 6 and Hunt model with bench, for $650. Long Ca Settlement Canyon Irrigation TWO BEDROOM furnished pt. CRI Piano is located at 473 Pio0 water. Call Pre-finish-ed carpets, drapes $130 per month. MOVING - CALL BAILEYS neer Avenue. Phone owner af260 Na 1st East. Ph 364-89MOVINC AND STORACE. Salt Lake ter 6 p.m. City WANTED - lady to stay with CRI extension or all SALE level, FOR brick, (Agents for Allied Van Lines) split women, during Free Estimates. 2316 between 8 a.m. and 4 8 rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathher husbands working hours. Ph FOR RENT - Clean two bedroom Tooele 2 car garage attached, rooms, 3 p.m. house. Gas heated, space heatCall Collect Salt Lake City . hot water heat, corner property, 12 12 Vi See Lake Point. stove. cook er, 1 2955592. PureSALE FOR Collie schools, near landscaped. fully pups. EXPERT CHILD CARE my home. Leona G. Long. 7 Plain White bred. $20. Inquire 8824163a Ph 179 East 3rd North. Ph. P-VEHICLES FOR SALE Erxla. 1 BOARD and room one or two FOR SALE - 3 bedroom house, Vk Jones men or married couple. 160 full basement, garage. Good FOR SALE - coal stoker, excellent 62 TEMPEST, door, $475. Ph. WILL DO HOUSEWORK S. 2nd West. 6 condition. Fire box and grades neighborhood in Tooele $11,-25or 5 Like new Armstrong $90. Adults APT. FURNISHED only. Call RABY SITTING in my home. 34 West 2nd North. o FOR SALE - 58 Ford pickup V8 Jan. 13 8824)897. THREE BEDROOM HOME-fo- ll 4 speed. after 5 pm. 3 - Look FOR RENT - one bedroom home basement, carpeting and drapes. Stop WILL DO IRONING unfurStockton. Furnished or o 12 12 Vi Pay equity and assume our five Jan. 13 Listen nished. loan. Call and PUBLIC AUCTION 14 1951 Willyj 4x4 truck When you've had enough -BABY SITTING and Ironing done Reg. FOR RENT 3 mo... furnished had enough I have Auction will be held 84 Sa you-ve in my home. basement apt. Couple. VERY NICE three bedroom home Main St. Jan. 23, 1967 at 1:00 had enough. Ph drinker. for sale or rent with option to FOR SALE - all All interested parties are interested in tools, equipALL BOYS 4 my pm. 3 buy. and conelectrical ment invited supplies bowling in junior league and parts. Sale on Jan. 27, 4. tact Bowling Alley, Sell home. mobile home. FOR RENT two bedroom FOR SALE 1967 at 555 North Hlain, Ned on location. Connected to naW. Childs. LAND FOR SALE Partly furnished REMODEL NOW! tural gas. Trailer Court rear CERAMIC TILE work new and of Alliertsons. STEWING HENS - live. 25 cents FOR SALE - Lot on West Vine. Best Prices remodel. Local licensed con- 3 each. after 90 x 287 feet. 882-12- 68 Self-Stori- ng and Call unfurnished or Wonderful! Furnished 5. 3 rn P Fell, 1869 after 4 p.m. 882-291961 Great Lakes FOR SALE - white after 5 p.m. FOR SALE naugahide Screen Removable 52' x 10', two liedronms, MACNA $65. one bedroom comtrailer, love seat and matching rockWHOLESALE MEAT - USDA Free Delivery wall-t- o 9 washer included. Call choice or Cranltes Aristocrat. pletely furnished drapes, er, vacuum cleaner, yellow LOST - white toy poodle. For re6 after 5 p.m. or wall carpet. during breakfast set and 4 chairs, lawn Haifa or wholes 48 cents lb. Free Estimating 1 3 or ward call o Jan. 17 the day. Price includes processing. TOO mower, guitar and amplifier, The interior paint miscellaneous household furELE ICE AND COLD STORinterested 4 ATX BOYS MACNA $68. New Ph. H ACE. nishings. MALE HELP WANTED so much Ixrwling in junior league conDrapes, wall to wall Mon-F- ri duplex. Low tact Bowling Alley, NEED CARPET? Nvlon SOI SPECIAL 14 Transistor Radius. carpet. Will fomish. home. APPRENTICE Chemist, high for o Jan. 17 installed with heavy completely $12.95. TOOELE MERC. 3 with chemistry school graduate rubber pad. $1 per square foot. Personnel Radiod Apply 14 Transistor Reg. SPECIAL background. NOW $9 per square yard. AL AND USED G. E. Refrigerator. $34.95. & FREE 1. Ph. PUPPIES TOOELE MERC. 3 $12.95. NOW5 Dept. International Smelting LID FURNITURE. 8824)664. 3 to a.m. 9 Refining Ca PJOpen All Day Sat. th A Blizzard of Bargains Drifts Through The Classified Ads - ' pre-juin- 882-261- 4. 882-320- 13 882-108- L 882-333- gate-keepe- rs n. 882-232- 1. jth ot 884-665- 882-320- 6. G nt 882-261- 4. 884-505- ARE YOU IN A JOB? 882-108- 2; 522-257- 297-512- 84 882-139- 4 882-022- TV 882-401- 882-356- f-Ja- n. 56 882-994- North Main 882-473- 6-- 882-473- 1. 882-201- 0. 882-347- 9. 882-238- 3. 882-473- 1. P-2- 882-361- 4. 882-459- 7' Mahogany 297-591- semi-inval- id x 882-139- P-1- 882-150- MHeQngJ 882-175- 2. 882-307- 3. b. P-3- Unpainted Bev 10 4x8 882-419- P-- $069 O ea. 0. ea. 882-427- 8. 884-394- 8. 884-663- 884-341- 9. P-t- Rustic Luan. x 4x8 882-137- 882-326- 1. 's P-t- 882-452- 5. 882-403- 8. one-quart- er 5.95 ea. Pin Purf Acoust b. H-t- 882-168- 1. Non-smok- 16 now495 so. 882-130- 6. ea. P-1- 884-396- 5. 882-320- 884-337- 5. 882-243- 6. P-1- 882-260- 7. at Bestway DEV0E No.41702995 Storm Door No. 4171 $22W 882-406- Wonder Tones 882-191- 882-447- P-t- - Store Hours: that does your 6.59 522-204- 297-206- 1. 882-157- 297-245- 1. 8:00 to 5:30 5 882-280- 1. 0. 882-320- 4. P-t- C-1- C-1- V f |