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Show & ykutiW f Mld'tfiwy Ai - TEST RUN, Dugwiy Proving Ground, Friday, July 23, 1965 i Softball Race . Award Gets Mullin Maj & Hot Tight transfer duater Aw the Maj. William Mullin, awarded the Army Commendation before his from Dugway, was Medal, with also decorated by' Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City with die Saint Plus X Medal. ! ' This is in recognition of five years of outstanding work in (the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and is the highest award given in this area of religious work. During the time he wu at Dugway Maj. Mullin carried a burden of two seperate religious instruction classes, one for Junior High students and one- - for the High School level His contributions in time and effort date back over a long period. He did CCD work in Washington, D.C. and Indian- apolis, Ind., and also was active in Legion of Mary in Bloomington, Ind. I Maj. Mullins readiness and helpful spirit will be greatly (missed in the realm of the Churchs work. The decoration 'stands therefore, not only as a testimonial of past accomplish-men- t but as a Godspeed for the time to come, Chaplain (Major) John F. Kenny said. S-- . ' j teams have pulled awav in a red-hfight for first place in the Dugway softball league. The Medical Det. and the Civilians are tied for first, both with a 7 and 1 record while the High School No. One team is close behind with a 7 and 2 record. The winner of the league is far from decided and even the team in third place, Test Support No. One with a 6 and 1 record has a chance to win. July 27, however, the High School No. One and Medical Del game and on August 4, Med. Det. Civilians game results may be the key to the championship. League Standing: ot ! MTZ Ends Sot. Abo MatineuSut. TimT 7 7 7 Det. Civilians q High School 1 Test Support 1 Air Force-MHq. Aviation -High School 2 NCO Hq. . 5 5 3 3 . 1 . 0 et Sun., Mon. Tuts. ? CBR pl) ikuu Mercouri MOTORVU Test Support 2 43 GREAT M... STARS dlalei ahlp-meut- m MOTOR VU Sun.. Mon., Tuos. DARRYL F. ZANUCKS ON TARGET A U.B. Any CHOCTAW heUeepter sets down its lead of ppMea so an experimental ei portable heUeepter earge transfer platform. The ferrying aperatlan from shore to ship Is part of the engineering part Ian of an integrated engineering and service test being conducted by the Armys General Equipment Test Activity (GETA). If the teats are sneeeaaM, advene shore conditions Hkeiy to hinder normal cargo operations may be a thing ef the past. CH-S- 4 Washington (AFPS) - Volunteers for the Republic of Viet-Nawill receive assignment if they are qualified in certain career skills and meet specific requirements, foe Army has disclosed. The Secretary of the Army revealed that of some 1,700 volunteers between December 1002-02,330 were assigned to foe RVN. Generally, selection criteria for RVN duty is higher than required for routine Army assignment, an official said, adding that records are thoroughly screened. Ratios vary between volunassign-- , teer and ments since many units are sent intact. Examples are aviation, signal and engineer companies that have been assigned to the RVN. Current Army strength in the Republic is 24,000 according to Department of Defense figures. 4, some case containing five medals to Mrs. Patricia Kelley. Capt. Vlc- tor B. Kelley had given his life in Vietnam and now hla nation honored him for gallantry and meritorious service. The stirring ceremony was not unlike many held on other days in other places. Another soldier had made the supreme sacrifice. Capt Kelley and his comrades were full of ability, achievement, and pride. Capt Kelley joined the Army through the ROTC program at the University of Arisons where he earned his bachelors and master's degrees. After serving at several Army posts, he became an advisor to the Army of the Republic of Korea and earned the Bronze Star. He returned to civilian life to complete his master's degree, then taught school In' California. Back in uniform, he served in Europe and attended service schools before leaving for Vietnam. His achievements in his final assignment are represented by the 811 ver Star, Soldier's Medal, Bronze Star, Air Medal, and the Purple Heart. Now his wife and four children are Joined In sorrow by a grateful nation. irst Round Standings Qualifications Needed for RVN FrL Sol. Standing in the President's ofat the University of Arisons, Maj. Gen. Roy Isasetter Jr, Commanding General of XV U. B. Army Corps, presented a handfice The Cubs by winning the first round of play in the Dugway Little League have guaranteed themselves a place in the playoffs and may eliminate a playoff if they maintain their current lead in the second round of play. The Cubs won the first half with an 8 and 1 record while the Braves finished second with a 5 and 3 record. In the second round of play the Cubs lead with a S and 1 record, with the Pirates in second place with a 4 and 2 record. The Pirates are the only team which has a chance to win the second round and force a playoff with the Cubs, as the Braves have already lost four games and the Dodgers five. W Med. In The Ranks Of Heroes Cubs Ahead, Only Pirates Can Catch shlp-to-sho- re Cubs Braves Pirates Dodgers. Round Standings Cubs Pirates Braves Dodgers' Corps Of Engineers Announces Largest Civil Works Project WASHINGTON (ANF) The largest civil works contract ever signed by the Army Corps of Engineers has been awarded for construction work on the Snake River in the state of Washington. Totalling nearly $72 million, the contract tops the previous record of $70.5 million for work on the Columbia River. Under the new contract, the last of four multi-purpolocks and dams will be built on the lower Snake River. The completed project win extend navigation to Lewiston, Idaho, nearly 500 miles from the sea. In addition, it will pro-- California, was the suecesa-vid- e bidder for the record-electr- ic a large volume of hydro- setting contract. power for the region, The Army Engineers also One of the other three noted that the largest milcombinations iz alitary contract they ever ready completed and in operawarded was for more than1 ation. The other two are in $121 million. It covered con- -' various stages of construcst ruction of the launcher and tion. launch-contrfacilities at the Minuteman missile site of Alhambra, se il lock-and-da-m Hapgood Para Hole - Special to foe Test Run While playing July 14 at foe Dugway Golf Course in a fourof George some composed Grothe, Wayne Tippets, and Roy Delano Keeling, d Hapgood hit a screaming to die left rough, a soft n to within eight feet of the pin end sank foe putt for - four-woo- six-iro- par. The others in the foursome scored as follows: Grothe 4, Tippets 4 end Keeling who hit into the cup for an a five-iro- n uce. -- ol Bftnwabet Wto? Sale Runs Wednesday Thursday Friday REASONS WHY this new at the same While they last take your pick of these two brand new BCA whiblnol refrigerators, in both the (foe features No-Fro- st "seTo-degr- ee freeser and in the refrigerator section. The other futures the is f ! if low price! exclusive IceMagic ice maker that automatically replaces every cube you use. And the choice is up to you cause were selling both at the mine sensational low price. Make your choice today! an outstanding value! YOU GET... 3 cycles to choose from to let you wash all fabrics NORMAL, CENTLE and SUPER SOAK! YOU GET... i : ri Practically lint free washes thanks to the fabulous lint filter, "m. Magic-Mi- x 501 YOU GET... NYLON 3 wash-rins- e water temp- erature selections to wash all fabrics. : I:- YOU GET... !i Installed With Rubber Pad Really sparkling washes, time after time, with the YOU GET... YD. To save lots of money, too! Just look at the special introductory price . . . v t ' exclusive surgilator agitator washing action. YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS Hide-- A COMPLETE -- M89 Bed WITH SPRINGS & MATTRESSES 71 Bunk Bed CQPLETE WITH FRAME, BOXSPRINGSAND MATTRESS i ONLY KAKIUJOCX W,iui with acceptable trade liMMtl 0 H, KCA MW. If W i 69 Twin Beds SUITABLE FOR PATIO, Scoop Chair REC. UP ROOM, ETC. 54 FREE PARKING Furniture IN REAR OF STORE & MS Male Appliance 5 M i! |