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Show ' Baby Blessed In Provo BAXIDA -- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miles and daughter Kay went to Provo Feb. 7 where the new son of Mr. and Mrs. Mundi Pedersen was blessed in sacrament meeting by his father and given the name of Brian Miles. While there they visited with Mrs. Mar- County Sheriff Visits In Boise Mr. and Young-stroand two children of. Ashton were overnight guests1 EGYPT Bishop and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arlando Larsen went to Boise Miles and family Saturday. He met with Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rum-se- y John Bender, the new comand children and Mr. and missioner of law enforceMrs. Blaine Olsen of Sunset ment. Mrs. Lanen visited and Mr. and Mrs. Monte wtih Mrs. Angus Con die. They Miles of Preston have visited returned that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reynold during the week with their were Ralphs of Rockland mother, Mrs. Harry Miles. Jack Geddcs and Shannon here a week ago Monday to Casperson spent the weekend attend the funeral services at home with their families for her aunt, Mrs. Hattie Later they visited from school at Ricks College. Neeley. with her mother, Mrs. Nettie Visiting at the Fred L. Nielsen. Gregersen home Sunday were A week ago Sunday Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Geddes Arlando Larsen accsm-anieand children and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard JenMrs. Larry Jensen and baby sen and son Ricky to see Josof Logan. eph Ransom just prior to his Harry Miles underwent sur- leaving for his home in Rock gery at the Downey hospital Springs, Wyo., having been a on Feb. 5. lie is improving patient in the McKay-De- e and hopes to be released hospital for heart surgery. Mrs.-Ly- nn m Two Relatives Die During One Week Feb. o WESTON sister-in-la- Mc-Fre- III s.n.iv THE CITIZEN DON GREAVES Mr. a:id Mrs. Melvin Mr. and Mrs. Weyerman attended two! Kay were in I?.iy liu weekend funerals within a week. A of Fi b. r visiting at the home week ago Thursday they went! cl Mr. and Mrs. Deiwyn iian-t- o Magna for the funeral of sen and family. Mr. Hansen garet Pedersen of Port Alber-n- i, his brother-in-laB. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph An- is quite ill. They also called derson, and last Monday for at the Xorlis McKay home Lawrence Pedersen of Orem. a of Mrs. Wey' and also visited an aunt, In Salt Lake City they visited erman. Mrs. Warren Jones Mrs. Violet Day, a patient at with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mr. and Mrs. Reed Brown of Weber Mem, .rial hospital in and family and Mr. and Roy. Enroule home they Logon accompanied them. Mrs. Arthur Mincer and dauLarry A. Ol3en of Cedar stopped in llyruin to visit ghter Susan. City visited last week with; Mrs. Margie Jccobson and in sacrament Speakers his parents, Mr. and Mrs. family. meeting Feb. 14 were Von Mrs. D. A. Nash had a quittFrank L. Olsen. Noyes, representing the high Hobbs of Salt Lake ing Thursday in the Weston Carolyn council, and Larry Jacobson, City spent the weekend with ward Relief Society room. seminary teacher of Preston. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coming to help quilt were Marla Smith, Kristie Winn NaDcan Buttars, Grace Ko--f Hobbs. ll'and and Ranae Peterson presento e d, Margaret Campbell, Mrs. Ruth Ann Gilbert ed a musical number. Eva and baby daughter Terri of Wanda Jacobson, Ruth StevLynn Casperson was released Ogden came last week for enson, lone Maughan, Lcara as drama and speech director visited a few days last Buttars and Olive Weyerman. Ogden soon. of the MIA. week with her parents, Mr. Thursday guests of Mr. and Joe J. Christensen and sons Mr. and Mrs. Them Lowe Mrs. Clyde Nielsen were Mr. Mrs. and Maurice Tingey. and Mrs. Esther Cole attend- of Salt Lake City are enjoyWells Whitney has purchas- and Mrs. Grant Simmonds of ed fast meeting in Idaho Falls ing a weekend with Mr. and ed the Martin Olson home Trenton. .Mildred Hansen, Sadie NelSunday where the new baby Mrs. Joseph A. Christensen ar.d is remodeling it. of Mr. and Mrs. Garold Lowe and other family members Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Camp- son and Linda MeKay visited Mr. and Mrs. bell were in Smithfield and Thursday afternoon with was blessed. Paul Manning of Smithfield DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greger-se- n spent the weekend in Banida Owen Balls went to Logan Logan a week ago Sunday Mrs. Myrtle Morgan. Last Wednesday, Merrill attended sacrament meet- with Stephen Christensen and Thursday to the 92nd birthday visiting with their children ing Feb. 7 in Logan where Mr. and Mrs. ' Joseph A. anniversary of his mother, and families, Mr. and Mrs. Deaton, Lee and Mae Jensen, Mrs. George Balls. Mr. and Boyd the baby daughter of Mr. and Campbell in Smithfield brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Balls, also of and Ihe Mrs. Larry Nye was blessed Christensen and family. Roger Campbells in Mrs. Melvin MeKay, Maur-- ; ice Tingey, Eldon Baslian Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Logan. and named. Mrs. Vernon ence Balls WESTON and BRIEFS and at callers Margaret Campbell at- -' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miles Sunday evening Frandsen of Pocatellofe Mrs. the Oscar Campbell tended the Logan Temple. home visited last Monday with Mr. Mrs. Wanda Chattcrton of Dan Masey and Miss Ellen Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Fishwere Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Wilbur Georgeson Seattle is here visiting for Ceowtin of Logan accompan- er and son Jay of Gary Fonncsheck, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton. in Pocatello. Sunday aftere ied their mother to the Mrs. Mildred Hansen was Kenton Fredrickson and Mr. noon they visited with Mr. two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, was There dinner. for in Preston a few days last and Mrs. Keith Buttars went and Mrs. Howard Young and Platt Greene, and other a birthday cake and gifts for week visiting at the Mark to Boise last week where they daughter Carol in Thatcher. her. met Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Checketts home. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Warnke Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Doan Fellers. From there they were invited of Richmond visited of Collinston recently went to Lowman, Ida., and Sunday to the home of their with their daughter and fam- enjoyed four days of daughter and family, Mr. and ily, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Grif-fetMrs. Clair K. Westover, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Taylor celebrate their wedding anniMr. and Mrs. Weldon R. and daughter Lisa of Misversary. The Warnkes were Reeder have a new grandau-- ; soula, Mont., were here the presented with gifts. ghter. She was born Jan. 28 weekend of Feb. 5 visiting ' Mr. and Mrs. Owen Balls 'in Yakima, Wash., and her with her parents, ' Mr. and were invited a week ago Sun- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jesse W. Griffiths. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Grifday to have dinner with Mr. Charles G. Cluff. She weighand Mrs. Morris Helmandol-la- r ed eight pounds five ounces fiths and his parents, the and family in Inkom. and she has two sisters and Jesse W. Griffiths, were in Pocatello one day last week a brother. WESTON BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Drue Glenn on business. and children of Logan visited Last Monday the Jesse W. Kelly Porter of Logan has a week a go Sunday with her Griffiths and Mrs. Leon Taybeen visiting for a few days Mrs. Selma Roller. lor and Mrs. Elaine Dewey last week with his grandmo- mother, PRESTON n were in Soda Springs visiting Mr. Owen and Mrs. Maugh-aM. Anderson. Mrs. Jack ther, were in Burley a week ago with Mr. and Mrs. ' Murrie Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Saturday to attend the funer- Godfrey and family. Their Braegger of Camarillo, Calif., al for Bruce Stocks. Mrs. son Craig had recently reFEB. 18. 19 and 20 called her parents, Mr. and Cora Haworth of THUDS., FBI.. SAT. Franklin and turned from an LDS mission Mrs. Lavon Williams, that Mrs. Delia of Lew- to Argentina, Pearson they have a new grandson. iston n Mr. and Mrs. Eldon L. the accompanied The baby was born Feb. 6 and ' son and were Stewart seven pounds 13 weighed Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mc- in Idaho Falls recently visitounces. ' He will be named received word from their' ing the Stephen Bastian famKay Steven Lavon. They now son Norlis, student at BYU, ily. sons. have three cowboys Mrs. Gary Pitcher and Mr. and Mrs. Platt Greene that he had completed schooland Mrs. Myrtle Morgan and ing for his Masters degree in three boys of Smithfield visH e ited Thursday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hansen of school administration. and his family reside in Roy. Mrs. Rex Poulsen. went to Preston the Fairview 7 ward a week ago Sunday to see the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Greene named Melodee by her father. They all enjoyed dinner at the Greene home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Bingham and daughter Ann and son Layne went to Provo a week ago Friday and SaturKENNER Sum. FWA day to visit her sister, Mrs. FRANS SmaffRAARcGSeOCS EENSEB7 LaVene Pilgrim, and also in Salt Lake City with Mrs. Nina METROCOLOR PANAVISION fGPltgSS Mulford. Last Wednesday they went to North Ogden to infant son of Mr. and Mrs. FEB. 22. 23 and 24 attend funeral services for the MON.. TUES.. WED. Steven Ward. His name was Gregory. national general pictures presents Mr. and Mrs. Ezra T. Benson and daughter and husLEE dim band, Mr. and Mrs. Dean BROuin unn Lloyd of Preston went to Logan last Saturday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Michael IN EICODDOR Larsen. Gary Wayne Beus and Keith Anderson are now home after PATRICK a month in Miami, Fla. Tsuji-mot- 18, 1971 I MN FOOD STORE CENTRAL MARKET d - FREE PARKING IN BACK OF THE STOKE LOTS OF RESTON, IDAHO -P- GOLD STRIKE STAMPS w GOLD STRIKE STAMPS. - DISCOUNT PRICES LUNCHEON Mother Notes LIBBY'S Cans $1.00 4 TUEET - SALMON Vienna Sausage d PIUS Red Alaskan Sockcye Tall Can 98c 59c MEAT OYSTERS Can S9e CRYSTAL BAY CAN COVE 92nd Birthday ' Loft-hous- III - LAND QUARTERED ' LET'S GO TO A snow-mobilin- h. MOVIE GHANB THEATRE - Mau-ghan- s. end Lidkrj adults! Follow the fun ...indoors MAYER BUTTER 69 2 3 for $1 CHOC. MIX Lb. Can IIERSIIEYS INSTANT CATSUP NO. ZVi CAN RED POTATOES FOODS FROZEN GOOD GRADE 100 4 far $1.00 FISH STIX Lbs. $1.98 TEXAS PINK GRAPETRUIT Each 39c TV DINNERS LARGE 5 iar $1.00 MEAT PIES 17 ICE CREAM IGA - ZEE - 69' Half Gallon PAPER TOWELS TISSUE COLORS ASSORTED 4 Roll ior $1.00 Vt GAL. 49c) (ICE MILK TOILET PWXXCTION BURT Lb. 79c) (CACHE VALLEY SWEET CREAM PIERCES 71 LB. Bas-tia- Sinatra plays METRO GGLDWYN g. BIG ROLL SCOTT 39c Pkg. for 3 ASST. COLORS $1 - I cleef I -- PURSER'S QUALITY MEATS- - - CUSTOM CUTTING - COLD STORAGE LOCKERS - PORK ROASTS BOSTON BUTT Nearly Boneless OllERL (if ADMISSION STUDENTS 75c (With Activity Cards) - ... you can Upstair, downstairs, all through tire house take indoor picturaa as easily as outdoor snapshots with the newest Kodak Instamatic Camaras using flashcubcs. Pop on a flashcuba and you're ready to take four flash snaps of those pictures without changing bulbs-fla- sh sometimes funny, sometimes frantic moments of childhood tint seldom are repeated! See us for an Kodak Instamatic Camera- -a camera that makes it easy to take the pictures you want mosU TECHNICOLOR ADULTS $1.00 CHILDREN 50c (12 easy-to-us- and Under) JOHNSONS DRUG PUBLIC SERVICE LISTS NEXT WEEK'S SHOWS START AT 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. NIGHTLY AS A SCHOOL FIU. and SAT. FEB. 19 and 20 'SON OF FLUBBEB SAT. and MON. ONLY FEB. 20 and 22 "ONE M0BE TIME" Starring Peter Lawford Feature Starts 7:10 and 9:05 Fill., FEB. and SAT. 26 and 27 "I, AND RAIDERS' Grace Theairt GRACE, IDA1VO "MONTE WALSH" Starring Lee Marvin Feature Starts 7:10 und 9:05 Commnnily Theatre Lewiston, lab MENU (Eastside Schools) TUESDAY, FEB. 23 Pizza Lettuce With Dressing Fruit Bread and Butter Milk FRIDAY, FEB. SEEK YE EARNESTLY... by Joseph Fielding Smith $5.95 WED., TIIURS., FUI. FEB. 24, 25, 26 LUNNCII LB. "And that ye may not ba derived, seek ye earnestly the best jilts, always remembering (or what they are given. . ", Based on this quotation, Pres. Smith again admonishes the Saints tn righteous lives, that the keys Ihe glorious gifts o( heaven nay be found. Pres. Smith always writes well, lor his thoughts are live In always lull of love and understanding. THE CITIZEN r 19 Fishburgcrs Vegetable Fruit Cobbler Milk MONDAY, FEB. 22 Goulash Vegetable Fruit Cup Hot Corn Bread Milk WEDNESDAY, FEB. Milk FEB. PRESTON 852 SWETS 00c Lb. - ALL MEAT 03c RUST PASTRY SHOP WERE BACK WITH ALL YOUR FAVORITES IN THE FINEST IIAKERY PRODUCTS WHITE OR DRUG rnONE WIENERS BAR - S Lb. Lb. 59c BREAD SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE JOHNSON'S 25 Porcupine Meat Balls Vegetable Jello With Topping Bread and Butter Milk BACON 24 Barbeque Hash Brown Potatoes Pickle Ice Cream THURSDAY, PORK STEAKS Old .... 100. STONE GROUND WHOLE WIIE T COOKIES ALL YOUR FAVORITES - MIX EM UP 3 Doz. 00C S |