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Show At Preston Course usu music Women Hold Hole-In-On- e, Red, Cast Out KOIWO (Continued from page 1) Obituary (Continued from page 1) Bishop Victor L. Brown will represent the general authori-- ! million. Competition July 31, THE CITIZEN 1969 LEWISTON BRIEFS I and Mrs. Harold Spackman, . ri Hendricks here will net Ji'u Aiis.3 Amlorcnn Mrs .Tnaonhtna imman, -MUM. i . w. re-ties. cnu.ircn nave Hendricks, 01. conducted under nationally-- ; ;"IU upray and Mrs. Marie Dock, died July Ho in Colorado Mr" a"d D Garn Stev A schedule for the confer recognized rules, with 19 per-- ! J Springs. Cnlii. Mrs- - Everett Spence ons and ence includes: llO w;is burn iii Mil-- nt limn taining to the care and treat-- ; visited Zinrw Park lhe 2401 holiday in Sar1! e A to 9 a.m., Ueg.straUon. in C.ivi'. ruih. u1(j Son ,1- - mpnt of ro(,e livestock. They, C:inyon and the Grand Can-'sPcwas made at Blue Tournament for memi The Preston Women Golf-- i Lake , .mki the Preston Goir and Country bers with information avail City t 915. Introduction by flricks. .MiiuMa Larsen Hen- - were wruicn oy tne associa-- yon. and Mrs. Robert ers held their Cast Out Golf. and married Wood,' Ruth tion in conjunction with a na-- 1 duo on Number 9 last week able at the pro shop. ' Pitcher. LolUm in Colorado Springs. anA f:,mily slH'nt rllr days; trnlf nrn. nar- - Friday, July 25. Hospitality Gale Part-ell- . by Scott Harrington. This was Mii1P1i liunane organization, j Funeral services were held vai.a,ionlnR al Dear lj&Wc the featured news at the! ticipated in the Patio Springs was at 8:30 and tee-of- f time' 9:15 to 10:15, Two speakers Cowboys arena e n t r i c s in Culoradj Mrs. L. I). Bodily and dau- course mis wcck. Springs and !Open for Golf Pros and the! was 9 a.m. first 30 minutes. R nsT- - Wcdnes-- , ghtcr Eileen and grandson at l',,)Sl, side Rich-I1"1' 1 in holo-in-ogravi I Vernal like The Ball tournament was wit- -' Women winning in the day's i 10:30 to 11:30, Workshops. moiKl. Mrs. Vertis Bodily. j Michael. day. July 30. nesscd by Earl Nelson, Curt reccnll'- event were Ada Hansen, Dar- and Bishop and Survivurs Al- - and a son. '"ily, lunch. Box Arena will to 11:30 be livestock pro1:00, The Ladies Clinic, the final lene i Keller and Gale Parcell. Mor-- j Alice in i nert, and Mrs. Hendricks, I... Al. i.as u n.: 11 a t:a i... ti,- - Airs. .neies. ' one ot 0,6 season, will be held 1:15 to 2:15, General As mi, Other events at the golf on LaVene Lorna gan, Cole, ' and three chil-- : Gilbert has firm had bucking broncs Ray Aug. 6, for those who want and answer course include the Red and to participate. for bulls action Dunn, LcArta Hammond, Eli- sembly. Question selected fi,ran.d"laa' and dron Mark Cottrell at- -' :,i.one chiiu, .mil i and sis- - ; period. NitinnM 1 ina,s. tended the Edwin ,..iS:ie zabeth Boyd and Ellen tew. Mrs. Lewis (Ada) Lar-Bodily fam-- . WEDNESDAY 2:30 to 3:30, Workshops. reunion which : was held. .an ily SECOND WARD i.hro L'ltv lorn HenI of Don Carlos A luncheon was served at Van Dyke and 3:45 to 4:45, Workshops. dricks. Idaho Falls; Fenton in' iri.it ttieitmsinncj Sntnrr1.lv .it Rnnen (Continued from page 1) Lucille June Dunbar of Smith- - noon and the women heard 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Banquet. Hendricks. Cove: Lewis HenI'ocalello. (Continued from page 1) receiv-- l music by Mr. and Mrs. Eddie He He served with the Korean dricks. Sail Lake City: Mrs. in Cache urcen during the luncheon. Bishops, stake presidents and W. P. tVilato) Ilobbs. Frank-- ; ed questions about the dis TRKNTON BRirVS Committee the luncheon their wives are invited. ?alSoMrv?nfli!lC0UII,y' and altended Weber .Mrs. li. H. iTennic) tricts and the charges that Iin; CMegfi mdVSU. He! was Irene Godfrey, Thora Christcrrferson, Concert Pitts burg. would be made. It was point-- Mrs. Ervin Read is receiv-- ' 7:30 8:30 to by p.m., , is a farmer in Lewiston Sec Winn, Gertie Webb, Lavinia 17 Zlu'-io wu v. Calif., and Clyde Hendricks, cd out that the charges would ing medical attention in the' Voices. ond e has held many Cutler and Laliae Johnson. Village Utah. be set by the board of trus- -' ,,ogan and Positions in the LDS church r?LeSldf-n- t Next Friday, Aug. 1, will be 8:30 to 11:30 p.m., Dance, Richmond, nospjlai. tees of each district and the 5 as Sunday School super-- Round-U- p as!such Golf with players the stake High, UnAttending COVE "Sounds BRIEFS with orchestra, president of Elders quorum, charges will be placed on the 1 MIA superinten- dressed in western garb. riests Mrs. " tl A. T. Party not tax rolls. Those Mrs. the organist, bishop's counselor. intendent, Larsen, using The Godfrey Tournament limited." house affiHendricks and was serving on the Ben dent, Boy Scout council, and Doug and daughSaturday evening were may file an women will be held Aug. Sunday, 9 to 9:50 a.m., ters, Jann. Nanci and Gavie. davit to that effect and their the following: Mr. and Mrs. son Stake High Council when teacher in various organiza for tions. His wife is the former Girls' and Boys' meeting flew to Omaha. Neb., to visit, names win ue tanon on tne e w called to be bishop. ninam ih ,i Calva Jorgensen and they are meeting. with the Joey Carlson family. charge roll. His wife is the former MilCOMMISSIONERS ' the parents of nine children, Robert Rceder, Mr. and Mrs. 10 to 12 noon, General ses- While there they visited Boys dred Rindlisbacher and they Larcll The commissioners Kansas from Mo.; 1) City, (Continued C, T. Cottle, Mr. and Fage Leland L. Town inand other places of are the parents of 12 children, voted to name boards of trussion, with Bishop Victor J., Ogden; Donna Sing Mrs. terest. as tees for Brown districts. the Dennis, Gary, Leon, Howard, Laroy Henry Ellerman, Mr. speaker. Pauline v. yons, are under construction. er, Arizona; Mary Ellen, Sydney Anne, Swapp, Ogden; William J., Twenty picnic tables are be built. Swings and teeter Paul, Sandra, David, Marnae, serving in the West Spanish ing Roger and Diane. They lived American Mission in Califor totters have been ordered one year in Chicago, four Lex Baer. nia; Don Calvin, Patricia, from The road is essentially finyears in Cedar City, three Carla, and Guy Carlos, Lew years in North Ogden, and iston. They have also made ished and parking space for nine years in Lewiston. lie a home for Indian children, 100 cars has been roughed in. has been a seminary teacher Eddie The grassy play area has Toledo, Bernard Bcnal- and farmer. been completed, the horse 11. Margie Benalli, and Ben First counselor, J. Earl nett shoe pits are finished as is the Lopez. sand Ransom, is the son of Joseph pit. The signs directing M. Bod Ward Vertis clerk, and Ethyl Ransom of Lewis-toto the area are up. people was born in Lewiston, son and was born July 23, ily, Mr. Falslev said that work of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chris 1921. He attended school in on the Wcllsville Park could Tin n,i:i.. r I -- ..,:4 in tha HC 1 1II1SULU Jll OU Ulj-B-. mum, fil uuuuuug mm. hj j e(lycation AI1 work at tne Benson Boat North cache nign scnooi. ins, c . C0Untv schools uradu-j wife is the former Edna Orvin! Dock area has been complet-an- d f North c high they are the parents of; . TTri in Taanied. Work being done there Jiree children, Mrs Rodger . fh , ,n m6. now is maintenance. (Virginia) Blair of Logan, d mis. d m7 " Lynette Hanson of ElMonte, sjonarv in ,he North Central! Calif., and Nolan Ransom, s,ate--His-betPeterson. He received 1Q and Lewiston. wife is the former Norma An-- , his education in Brigham City. He served in the U.S. Air.derson and 1hev are thfi par.:jL, attended a Trade School; ?a Pnts of six children. Janice, and now works at Hill Airj - iih He held pofrom J342 to , Marilvtl Stanley, Kim 'Force Base and has worked; there for 20 years. He has He Scott and has held den. VMMIA superintendent, Ine,hifi and Sunday School teacher. portion of YMMIA He lias held offices in the tendent, and ward clerk in the jn tne Sunday School and MIA American Legion Post 50 and, lewiston Second ward, and is; superintendencies, and Elders' II eis a: a successful farmer. in district office. quorum. He married the 1 Lewis-in successful farmer Ferris J. Jensen, assistant former Mabel Bright and they are the parents of two boys, l0"; Richard James of Salt Lake Don Carlos Van Dyke Jr.,: 1911 in Brigham City to Chns-- j an(i Bernel Dee Jensen of, second counselor, is the son tian James Jensen and Eliza-- ; Ogden. ; : Phillip t 1 PliiMil. Blue Tourney Set Golf Event .. " " 1 jia VtTpaPwSerlhevl Rrvl hole-in-on- nt 'j Me ! Watch i ne ! the story of iiu-lud- . ,7 Preslon L l-i-i, Aug. 6 UHF Channel 68 P-ir- k S"MJSgS I fr lSJ01 " Xnnh j l S. .SX 2mm j NEWS stake-translator- j j , 7-- - vr. also j n, ,..,.,, ' ; j m n ?orctlhioi- .TZnS, i ' i1380"-.4'- - STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 6:00 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY our famous Fashion Manor sheets! All REDUCED FOR A LIMITED TIME! Nation-Wid- ..... full 81"x108 flat or raga 2.29 NOW pillow cast! , for 1 r9 ' ii White Cotton Muslin. e9 Batta-f- it Sanforized cwm mmcM bottom 8" ni finiiiwA N0W 1 J 37 57 42x3d i... 2 tor NOW m in Iwln 72 Elaita-f- it .slOl . flat or SfuiferiMd bottom 21 Pencale Fashion Colors. ciim cotton porcoi. pmioii, dotori. 7 bottom . . .reg. 2.99 NOW v twin 72"xl08 flat or Elasfa-fi- l Sanforized 2.27 NOW 3.29 full 81"xl08" flat or Elaita-fi- t Sanforized bottom reg. reg. 2 for 1.69 NOW 2 for 1.27 pillow cates42"x36" White Muslin. so Penn-Pre- st poiyitr, taut 42x36 Lay Away Plan Slse Fesmoy's WOMEN'S SKIRTS REDUCED $283 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS cotton. reg. 2.59 NOW . 7 reg. 3.59 NOW 2.67 reg. 2 for 1.69 NOW 2 for 1.37 twin 72'xl04 flat or Elaita-fi- t bottom full 81"xl04" flat or Elatta-fi- t bottom pillow so WOMEN'S & OHILS' SHOES REDUCED WOMEN'S SWIOTEAR REDUCED $3.44 $2.44 $5.44 & LID COVER SET GIRLS' SWEATERS REDUCED $1.99 WOMEN'S SANDALS 50c $2,88 WOMEN'S & GIRLS' SHORTS REDUCED and Together they make it COPPER happen for Kennecott in Utah! $2.88 WOMEN'S 88c Comprise the needed talent. Fill the variety of jobs. $6.88 MAT BATH Many kinds of peopla, some VbOO, Supply the heartbeat, $1.88 COATS REDUCED $12.88 Seaaecolt Copper SorpomiMon (TO "An Equal Opportunity Employer" Utah Copper Division |