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Show executrix of the estate of said NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dell IN THE PRORATE COURT decedent, at the office ofBank W. Smith, First Security OF THE Building, at Preston, FrankCOUNTY OF FRANKLIN, lin County, State of Idaho, STATE OF IDAHO within four months after first publication of this notice. ) In the Matter DATED this 1st day of Ap- ;of the Estate of ) ) HYRUM R. NELSON ) Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN That all claims against ril, 1968. S April 4, THE CITIZEN 1968 Looking For Rentals, Used Farm Equipment, Check The Classifieds 1 0 Words 75c One Time, Two Times $ 1 .50, Third Time Free Naomi Wilde Dell W. Smith Attorney for Executrix Residing at Preston, Idaho the Estate of HYRUM R April Legal No. 1353-P- ub. NELSON, deceased, must be 25, 18, April 11, 4, April April presented with the necessary 1968. vouchers to the undersigned I. CARD OF THANKS Cub Scouts Hold Monthly Meeting 2. NOTICES 28. LIVESTOCK, POULTRY. PETS FURNISHED APIS. FOB RENT 11. PERSONALS CARD OF THANKS Guar- FOR RENT During a time like this we FURNACE REPAIR One bedroom CarJtie Valley Livestock realize just how much our anteed Service on all makes with furnished apartment and models Auction Sale Oil, Coal or friends mean to us. Your exand garage. water, heat, Gas. Call Jay Ransom. 4tfc pression of sympathy will alStar town. of center Near Every Wednesday Dwight Rawlings spent the ways be remembered. FAIRVIEW The Fairview 13t3c Company. Mrs. Thompson Hatch Cub Scouts held a pack meet- weekend with his parents, Mr. Preston, Idaho WORK WANTED Two girls and and Family ing in the ward cultural hall and Mrs. Glen Rawlings MEN WANTED NOW 14 13. UNFURN. HOMES would like babyage under the direction of the family. TO TRAIN AS CLAIMS ADJUSTERS List your cattle today for ooi needFOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burnett sitting jobs or housework. Den Mothers, Florence and Wednesday sale. Take 'adInsurance adjusters and investigators are badly Phone CARD OF THANKS Elaine Egbert. Den 1 put on of Logan visited Sunday with 12t3p vantage of our advettts-ln- g ed due to the tremendous increase of claims resulting We would like to express a short skit, the Webelos con- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. media. It will In 'inn from automobile accidents, fires, burglaries, robberies, FOR RENT Family size net you more dollars for to our Bert ducted the occur ceremony. Top appreciation Wheatley. grateful that flag daily. accidents stonms and industrial home. $65 per month. Also SALE OR RENT BuildLet ui Each boy displayed the boats Mr. and Mrs. Ether Allen all our friends, neighbors and FOR your livestock one home FOR SALE. Call money can be earned in this exciting, fast moving on Main Street. See ing at made. look had ward Thatcher and the come kites and your with Cove bishopric of visited they at Work present job Sunday your 2 or Ron Keller, Held, full time or part time. Reed Lowe, Grace, Idaho. Phone livestock anytime Rawl- and Relief Society for their Merlin Mrs. Mr. and career new Rita througn spent to Monday over 13t3c Drury switch to your until ready 2tfc many acts of kindness in our with Meda Robinson visiting ings. excellent local and national employment assistance. recent in our behalf and sewing. Mr. and Mrs. Bret Bodily Home office: 1872 N.W. 7 St., Miami, Fla. For details, Mr. and Mrs. John King of Salt Lake City spent the GUITAR LESSONS. $1.50. FOR RENT without obligation, fill out coupon and mail today. Two bedroom FOR SALE Hunting puppies. Mrs. Luella Hoopes were surprised Saturday eve- weekend with his parents, Mr. V. A. APPROVED Electric Guitars for rent. Irish-settoil furnace. Carhome with and Black Laand Family ning by a group of friends at and Mrs. Asa Bodily and 3 Call or furCan be Phone combination. brador peted. partially a house warming party. The For prompt reply Collect. 46tfc 68 North Close to town and nished. at see or Age Name write to: group consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Clarice Neeley and! church. Phone Ht3c CARD OF THANKS 1st West Mrs. William Harris, Mr. and children of Montrose, Colo., INSURANCE AD13t3c to our wish We express Mrs. Cleve Bodily, Mr. and visited with Mr. and Mrs. JUSTERS SCHOOLS Address heartfelt thanks to all who WANTED Contract Fencing. 30. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Bryce Jensen, Mr. and Vern Cole from Thursday to 3 or Box 257, Phone Dept. extended comforting sympa16. HOMES FOR SALE State FOR SALE City Mrs. Dennis Hall, Mr. and Sunday. Soda Ida. 13t3p Springs, and helped in our recent thy 7915 State Line Mrs. Barlow Gilbert, Bishop HarMr. and Mrs. William sorrow the passing of our Phone Kansas City, Mo. 64114 Zip and Mrs. Lynn Larsen, Mr. ris visited in Rupert Saturday beloved at son FOR SALE 3 bedroom home. FOR SALE Table model teland brother, SUBSCRIBE to and Mrs. Larry Wiser and with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Merlin Peterson. the Deseret evision. Beautiful decoratGood location. Near schools Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Winn. Herbert Poteet News TODAY. For Subor styling. Philco quality. and church. Garden spot Mr. and Mrs. Merlin R. PetMr. and Mrs. Milford Inglet They brought a lunch and a scriptions and Service phone Reg. $199.00. Only $139.90. erson Furnace, carpets. Garage. 2tfc 8524)728 or 14t3c and Claudia, former residents, gift for the new home. Carlson Furniture. 13t3c Phone 8524742. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Both-we- ll Mr. and Mrs. now of Salt Lake City visited Friday night, SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Henry Drury attended the with Mr. and Mrs. Ornal Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jorgen-se- n SEWING MACHINES e Used home. FOR SALE FOR SALE Republican banquet in Prest- Sunday. mattress. and Mr. Mrs. box on. and VIKING NECCHI Drury, for Henry basement. springs Merchandise Full of Miss Ann lines Barbara Peterson To Sell Selected Large Like new. 20 year guaranLaura Harris helped Pearl Mr. and Mrs. Alden Drury Miss Nancy Peterson SERVICE ALL MAKES yard. Fruit trees. Garden tee. Time. or Full Time D. attended the Whitehead quilt Wednesday. and J. Reg. $299.00. Only Excellent location. Montgomery Ward Part John Braegger will be in spot. Carlson Furniture. Mr. and Mrs. James Cottle $99.00 12t3c Dairyman's banquet in $8,700. Phone Preston Thursday every or Male 2. Female, Commission. NOTICES, 14t3c Straight visited with her sister, Mr. the Franklin county court Idaho Contact Apmorning. "ERSONALS Sunhouse. and Mrs. Leo Area. 16 Peterson, Preston North State, pliance, Selling in the Laura Harris, Elly Jensen day afternoon. or Fabric Boutique, FOR SALE Best home buy! 7524555. Phone For Details Contact Mr. M. WlDnwelt, Four bedrooms, two baths, KEEP your carpets beautiful Lydia Cottle received word and Lula Bodily were in Log- EXPERT Wallpaper hanging, 6tfc Grace. from Ogden that her grand- an Wednesday. despite constant footsteps of and painting. Spray or brush 295 North Main Street, Logan, Utah garage, two patios. $13,000. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence a busy family. Get Blue 13t3c Interior and son, Lavor Bowden's, home Star Company. application. 8. HELP WANTED Lustre. Rent electric sham-poovisited with her sister, had burned Sunday night. exterior. Ralph D. Price, MALE $1. Sprouse - Reitz. Marjean Rawlings and Bar- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Draper, in Malad, Idaho. Phone 14tlc Small home FOR SALE. 33 bara Gilbert were among the Smithfield Sunday. 6tfc Mr. and Mrs. James Cottle South 3rd East. Phone Phi Dels who contested in the WANTED IMMEDIATELY 13t3c MAN OR WOMAN to supply marching contest Saturday in were Logan shoppers ThursFOR PROMPT PICKUP OF FOR SALE Reconditioned WANTED People to try Idaho Falls. Joyce Gilbert day. consumers with Rawleigh National Cash Scott Bowles, who is attendalso attended the contest. Products. liquid embroidery. Many Dealers FOR SALE-N- EW three Four departRegister. Free instruction Rita Drury, Meda Robin- ing college in Boise, spent classes. earn $50 weekly part-tim- e TOTAL ELECTRIC his with to ments, plus tax, charge and son and Cloa Barthlome were Friday For information call Mabel $100 and up Monday Write home. Appliances, carpet, received on account. Phone parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Jensen or Betty Logan shoppers Wednesday. Rawleigh's, 1415 23rd Street, AIR CONDITIONING. Ex3 or see at Mai's He called Bowles. Tuesday 14t2c Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Merrill 5634332. Denver 802G5. 12t3p cellent location. READY TO Drug. ltfc he to tell his parents a evening waffle supper enjoyed MOVE IN! Contact SpenOl- had been chosen for the main Mr. Mrs. Orion with and SK LOGAN S. COLLECT BUSINESS PHONE cer Nelson in Preston. 13tfc FAIRVIEW BRIEFS son in Preston Sunday eve- football team. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Complete Delta Wilson Mr. Mrs. and Royal ning. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Bowles By-Produ- cts Home Shop. Saw, Jointer, Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Harris spent Thursday in Salt Lake GOOD BUY on six - room Drill press, Disc Sander, CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Mr. and Mrs. Rand visited Sunday in Brigham of Logan visited with his bro- City. home. 154 No. 2nd East her mother and fa- Man or woman to restock new Dado Head. Excellent ConWilson entertained for City with JUST SOUTH OF LOGAN ther, Mr. and Mrs. Orval 8 or Inquire dition. Will sacrifice. Call his parents and Mr. and Mrs. ther, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kel-letype coin dispensers with Evenings. Grantsville after 5 p.m. 14t3c of Wilson Joseph high quality package candy in their new home Thursday Sunday afternoon, Mr. and without up products giving Mrs. John King visited with evening. No sell- 22. FARM IMPLEMENTS present position. EXCELLENT, efficient and Darlene King attended sac- her- brother and family, Mr. FOR SALE ing. Dependable person can rament meeting with her sis- and Mrs. Freeman Jepson, in net VERY HIGH EARNeconomical, that's Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery ter, Ella Jones, in the First Mink Creek. INGS. Requires $900 to FOR SALE- -8 ft. Fertilizer cleaner. Rent ward Sunday night to hear Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sharp $3500 cash for immediate Spreader in very good con two missionaries report their and family of Cub River atshampooer $1. Godfrey start. Write for personal clition. Phone Hardware. were I4tlc missions. They Jimmy tended the blessing of their interview, giving phone 14t3p WITH THESE Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. grandson Clint, son of Mr. e Dist. number to Keith Jensen, and David Nel- and Mrs. Steve Harris. Co., 455 E. 4th S. Suite 206, ALUMINUM MDjJVIW1L' son, son of Mr. and Mrs. LUMBER PRESTON Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. ALMOST NEW TRACTORS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wheatley save you tune and money Nelson. Spencer Wholesale Farm Equip visited with her mother, Ethel for the rest A your lift Mr. and Mrs. Ilyrum ment. Call in Iloneyville Sunday Utah Walker, HOME IMPROVEMENT Free estimates and mfw of Clarkston visited SNOW MOBILE DEALERS afternoon. 14t3p mation. Phone with her sister. Mr. and NOW! ! For WANTED: Mr. and Mrs. Vern Cole Mrs. Lawrence Fifield. "CanSeason. the 24. HAY. GRAINS, 33. FURNITURE ANT Mr. and Mrs. Rnbert Wade visited Saturday in Salt Lake PRE - FINISHED ada's Champion." ProtectMr. G. with R. and Mrs. City AND FEED and daughters of Ilamcr visitAPPLIANCES areas. exclusive ed, (Entire NOW ed Sunday afternoon with her (Portia) Williams. counties available.) Write Zelda Hinckley is spending Nora Layne, Louis Valentine, 11444 E. Lemhi 66 Seed Wheat. Gem FOR SALE Two new kitchen DO - IT who had just returned from this week in Salt Lake City Fourth Way, Aurora, Colo-- 1 sets. One in pink and one Barley Seed. Clean and Mr. and Mrs. Robert California. with 80010. Phone: 303336- treated. In new bags. Day in blue. Reg. $159.95. A rado, YOURSELF LaRaine Rawlings. who is Campbell. 13t3c 14tfc 8780. $2.95 ton, steal at only $78.88. CarlSEAMLESS son Furniture. employed in Salt Lake City, I4t3c 4x7 SHEETS spent the weekend with her FLOOR Mrs. Martel parents, Mr. and SAVE hundreds of dollars on ALL COLORS AND KINDS Rawlings. COVERING . . Mr. and Mrs. Dariel a spinet piano or home modOF PANELING and baby were weekend el organ being reclaimed As Low As North Cache Valley In Just Paint It flfl guests of her parents. Mr. and from this vicinity. Person pO.UU Per Sheet It's On Mrs. Robert G. Bodily. IF YOU NEED SOMETHING DONE of good credit may acquire Mr. and Mrs. Arland Thorn or both instruments either Permanent Do Of Can One It Tour Neighbors ton and Jim Dray of Provo by assuming contract balAnd It's visited with Mr. and Mrs FURNACES ance. Terms to fit your PLUMBERS WASHING MACHINES Clair Egbert and family. Inexpensive budget For more informaDRYER AND ffiONEH AIR CONDITIONERS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drury Plumbing Lynn FackreQ, tion write, Adjuster, P.O. SERVICE quauxy at the runt price. and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Drury Box 2181, Pocatello, Idaho STEEL METAL WORK new. repair. $16.30 were in isoaa springs on bus Kemodeung, macn25 FL (Averae Kathroom) Ut4c washing For Complete Crane and 'AmericantandNEW SALES iness. They enjoyed a drive Kltchen service. chine aba Averae aryer $28.80 fixtures ard Ft. plumbing 50 to Bear Lake enrnute home FOR SALE New green 100" Klrby Vacuum Sales and GUARANTEED SERVICE Phone Preston Mr. and Mrs. Verdis Bodily Service. Clyde Cbscketts, GET TIIE FULL STORY TODAY v Sofa. 100 Nylon cover in LUMBER of Lewiston visited Sunday AT PRESTON 4tfc Ransom Shop, 24 North Maytag Italian Provincial. Jay Reg with Mr. and Mrs. Mvrl Bod SteteTPhone now only $97.50 $274.00, ily. Expert Lawn Mower Carlson Furniture. I4t3j Mr. and Mrs. Milton Liechty SHARPENING - REPAIR SHAVER of Granger visitrri with Mr. BOOKS ELECTRIC Standard Prices 31 SPECIAL SERVICES UNPAINTED EDGES and Mrs. Orval Harris SaturSERVICE WHITE Free pickup and Delivery of selection the Complete afternoon. FOR PARTS day DAVID AUGER best IDS books in Cache HOME REMODELING Wt NOW IS THE TIME TO Elizabeth Winward was a ALL ELECTRIC SHAVERS or 8524)577 Phone wui contract all labor am Valley. Also generJegy sup FAST LOCAL SERVICE Saturday overnight Ruest of RE-R00- F materials on easy payomen. rreston Ph. plies, Michelle Wilson. Merrill Jewelry ments. Do your specificaOFFICE Tub, Toilet. Lavatory DO IT YOURSELF OR WE HAVE EXPERTS tions or will design new SUPPLIES Complete to the Floor THAT WILL DO THE JOB FOR YOU. layouts. Free estimates ALUMINUM The most complete selec NOW ONLY TIRE RECAPPING Phone 8524862. SIDING in of Vz office tion STEEL OR supplies WE'RE LOOKING the Franklm County area Recap Your Tires! Save 80 If you are interested in new FOR A $139.95 new 35. AUTOS FOR SAT.g PRESTON CITIZEN percent over cost HUNDREDS OF HOUSEHOLD ITEMS siding on your nome ici a GOOD MAN tires by recapping with cold So. 8524155 do the State Street job local contractor rubber. Boyd's Big O Tire for you. All work and ma OVER 40 Store. Ph. 25 West with or New terial guaranteed. 4sk Bob about loss of use uiwa condition. Can South. First j.ao. esShort For free . for . Trips Call Tim remodel. AH and be seen at airnnrt r the good coverage Available Surrounding Franklin timate. student discount No Job Toe Large or Wttc County Gene R. Larson Phone Too Small FINE FOOTWEAR & Contracting MAN WE WANT IS Bob Acock l Building FOR EVERY MEMBER 0 Phone WORTH UP TO Farmer's Insurance Group Chevrolet F?LH-?OF YOUR FAMILY Idaho Preston, V Se EXPERTLY FITTED narutop l dan. Nearly new. SHOE CENTER Factory JETLFI AND RADRV TV, STORM DOORS Take PRESTON Plus Regular Cash STEREO REPAIRS trade. Phone I 13t3r WINDOWS Bonuses reAH TV and Radio makes or aluminum Air Mall Custom made 38. AUTO ACCESSOHTTi PRINTERS I paired. Largest stock of wooden framed storm uoors B. R. PATE. JR. In We Cache tubes and parts prut anything, stationery. and windows. Pay no more PRESTON PnONE President Valley. Antennas and F.M. weaomg invitations, Dullfor these ready-madthan as I Texas Refinery Corp. ness forms, booklets, mink Ga7PLbattery Installed and repaired. new custom built expertly fitted UTAH CH PnONE Box Tubes festal In our shop. 711, Fort Worth, cards, testimonials, anyOn AH noma doors and windows at JENSEN Radio and TeleTexas 76101 Months. Boyd's Vptott thing. The Preston Citizen. and Paint Phone Improvements vision 8524155Phona Preston Tire Store. Phone BkSjoi H521067. 852-042- 2. 852-032- 6. 852-075- 852-073- 2. er 747-320- 852-01- 852-083- 0. W-24- 547-303- . 852-189- 9. - king-siz- llol-ste- in 852-251- 1. 852-08- Fi-fie- ld er 766-263- 4. 852-197- 8. Tri-Che- m four-draw- DEAD AND USELESS ANIMALS er bed-roo- m full-tim- e. 248-267- 9, 852-010- Fi-fic- ld 62 Co. Utah U2-161- 1 852-133- y. 852-16- - SAVE NOW electric 852-058- 8. Inter-Stat- - - 255-183- 2, -- 852-0BS- 2 ! 19G8-196- PANELING 9 sister-in-la- l . Mahogany 747-376- 9. NEED AN EXPERT? Sea-mo- ns (0 - BATHROOM SET 852-132- 3. 852-184- 3. Ceiling Tile . Sq.Fl.Uc 852-127- 4 352-015- Aluminum Ware 5. Price PLUMBER HT1953 852-120- Jl 852-19-24 7 852-080- NOTHING DOWN 5 Tears to Pay $16,500 LUMBER CO 852-072- 8, 552-06- es Guaranteed Han-sen'Gla- ss 852-06- - hsH" |