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Show .fW-- . nT v . k.!1! kwMHi ' s.r iN'v1 uram.rafar M Ml . ai 'S-- C August 11, INS HeldFor DON GREAVES OIMLIUV-- A j crofci iniwwQ . m CMTMLMAmT - InH urn wwmh Mtoy owning to honoring Mr.. ovaokn at (toy r atafeo-Siri- pa homo pin to and art v.. . - GRADE A SMALL r v Dl BACS OF IRE IT0S1 EGGS hoaee ofim. Say IREB PABEBIG OF I wars mrrUd IMgr at tho IDS tangle la Loin. Itw In Ogdon Utah CbcmhbSyiq) CABTQNED SKiia Its of Ohhtoril hat been vtaMtag t iW A- - 0 aoUk UlGHCAN ttoman Ldl K. rT 'i,54 LARGE RANCH ralattvw the Gkna Qodbeyu, tie Xrito OoOkhao and lfr ino U.. .wiQi .wnmUL m Mr. and Mm - Rewsoa Thy m lOOOKIlKiilR KHJ lfo JmrHora Taylor of Salt CM y on as enjoyable Mp to YaOautOM Pui and nun e CAKE HIE .( . . . , . ? - 1 Its '..f1 J -- DUNCAN HDOB AND Hole loot " mm Prawol of Ojdwi. MB. AND MRS. THOMAS B. STOGDHL , A LuAim Carlton Marne 'I 1 Doctor In Arizona Rites ' ; - j Mr. and Mm re ' a. Merrill,-lirmauft uHHHDIKKO risn pise a ms be held 8UU '' - ala ar . - Ul og-end- ed - Fbher. utepraotfoe v-- ; DlOily. . - ; He! and Mm Dril CriSSfla from Bririun CUy, and at of Dayton toe reqneet of toebnde, her W. JtteBXflB flonfly n of Sob dantfder, Seturaay. X y ' .. Hooriey, The Mato Attn WSeet 8M0 Mr. and Mm W. O. eon of Mr. end Mm WUden ma led by Hri RertSaabnch of Ubpa. : Amdahed Sw rnnric. er attended the SOM birthday of John a Wendell, wow', married Jane The young couple party Hxy former mtaaiOBaiy oompaiv SO inSie Lafui IDS temple. Pok Ion of Mr. Primer, at Bon-tlh- A reeepion wm held the and are now at hoBM in : , Sunday. lathe Day ' Mr. and Mn.: Mkbnri SOCIABUB crnzEM The bride wore a IKHiMi IBB tHiWn OK ITv waded bee and Vnotti-er- , no are guests of their pai and mrtron of Dale Winn dotted Ue ideanakk Mr. Weldon and Mm. ante,, Mrs. Florence Wtan, honor wore blue brocade. Nesb.fora few days. Thundey. . Sh : children, nod Sandra, Air, and Mra. Thayne ten, Beth and Drilene.' Ma- Jeanette, Nancy with bkn afof hoaor wm an amd, returned honw Brow of Salt Labe aty tron Mm Marina Andareon of Of ter vacattonlnc hen wito their grandmother. Sally the Beit Browera, and the W. 'A.' Maiylnp, . here over The .two liie' Sowar: firla Luripeen hM been a guest wore a conrin and 0 ilator, ho.-.-e weekend. Lritoe CMSRhe of liberty and Winona. They were Juet Heneen returned ikaaodJJn wfatTwlth btae bona Sunday wtth bar par-entwore ov of Tain FUlo toot end enoh cmM Dr. and Mra. Van Reea emtpt aueote of Mr. and boon motcMnS boamat Aleo in Hansen of Ram Nov., after Mra. WaSy Fk the Kne woe Ned Hooriey hevtag apart. the poet tan day " m beet mas, Mr. and Mrs. Mr . ' and Mm Van I r, Ik. and d. -- . , ' . ma , Mr. SuL awn and lira. Barbs and lira. v ffl fiC .m; - " tr I rlt M i ' V i 1 PROM 'i 7 ONLY - SFtLn- f- nnifead JUnnfonri .l.'i - Aay Leafth to NEW LOW . PRICE f Ahnntm ' .f! If! SV4" : ' corbugaird virsr War. f r obocripttaa ratal SMS ;o, D v.- - year. a SLOP ii ,. Mb NWt Lavatoy 0 110 iM H f ' a was 1119 0 I NOW ONLY . t .y J ar sn0 P PASTIl 7 iPAnP - WONDERFUL CRUSTY GOODNESS .I1'. 't : ? ' V,1' i'- - 1 g TTJr sf 4 ys m ' The F. B. INSURANCE MAN lo your profea-olon- al conaultant and advisor to provide lie-- 1 bdlty protection against hazards that threaten 1 v . 'A J . t ' ! "1 ',S ! '1:1: . AND CANYON BEAL BUTTER AND THE AUnMEFAVMHR or yct J ' muafto mra BCUAWllH . INSURANCE i - FOR THAT - ' DOLLS I . 'rA ir i:a ' . 4. f On of S8 winners from right western afaifee. this Farm Bureau Insurance man hu again damonatmted his obOHy for sendee; ' - LOAF tULQ Mi '' to . : i ; . ; 1 r T ' i -MIL .v-- r! - a ea- - Qeehe Gbaaty, .. ' ' 1 iFtWlde Utah, aad Poet OWm. . JENSm; t RODNEY J., SET , I ( rl : . .. DATEHBQZ1 .J-- f Bel and J. Our ; Congratulations to ; 1 EcebD 1 Mr. J'.1 2 ; M GAL. DOST 'T " Ifc - mattar lu the Lewlitoa mna ' 151: V ed r, ! I AIBffSUst V LmU aunt and bom Mnr-rmUtah; trumpet srio.by All New , J BOOM Cka i..c v V- vV Eeiy te betas. Eaiy to tJ PEBBOUi .read WayM Dl dnet by Mr. Qtoto Bendy, m ttA m I MORE WARM, W.f.'K'-- .f k'v;:.y:l AL Daw: Uxl Ob; vl' ' FROM ONLY i ' r ' ) MS , ' 1 V ' ' bertk OriOda. VMnto wm fried oft riw an pvaa bar by Mm Leoto olt.K..and rMha. Lacy Btaf- - - ,vU.inr FLA von ; -;- ; , sa lftn. Farrell BeckatavL end on at the iwoopSoa. n a eoto by Mm Bre-jr- a Qmene, an amt bom Barfcd; . .t -- 'r;f ; ' SEK.W - v ' U. CELLO PEGS. J i l at Logu. YOUR ' , e. A ahori program wm gto MAKE ' . wf r e ;. ; ' ' I . , : I ,l ry U, t . mlsrion to ie praewifjy .1 t ; . - - ri I - 1 . ; . and church and wm. a to Qbti Strte. Cto-- a V 1DB t . f - For Ml Band Feet i .lit M f. fcf . lit ao t ' A . n jii - 1- Wt -- . . . . - in . '.. JOLLY , BOMB DIPBOVEMENT 11ME It.-- fj - pop conn f CEILING TILE . n irf" 'n- Oadm Marin RIB DOU '."V ii Jk of the BMaitaso numtay evented, Aqjuri ML E3da at IBn LouAsn Cation of at toe home of lira. 150 Best Christo Oeterioh, B. FreOtoa and Dr. UDB8L JTMML a AL Of 11 HlWtMTi wB Bmp Drand lira. ' The bride, ' dander of make toelr home aT riOBN. lira. Ebb Cartoon Oriarioh sand st, ia noadx. and Sw late. AMa C. Oari- - HOME FROM SALMON a graduate of Utah OXFORD Mm beta She Ini UntvonMgr. returned home on taurid donee at Weehraod Mr S horn Salman, Ida., in Meet, Aria., toe wm her eon, Dean and Julia and aranddaiahtw Efput two yean.'. Dr. ' Stagttttt, sonof rMr. im. She had been vktttqg MTK. iNhW AJmIUI OK for a week. Anderson .woe Btdfton, ini, is a graduate H" of DoPfcuw Urtantty and on ia Downey hoapfr brittne- Unlvsntty Joedieal al Wednesday. School. He eerted hia in Friday Mr. and Mm Iked at ifmu M Giilanl and three cfaUdien of St Spadix, Ifort., via ai la South Bend, tad. Stqadffl ia arranged ta pri tied lfr. and n v 1 Fad W. v Open house wHl Hum .. CUSON HOUSXjfY JuAImx muI IKHe Hi O. Merrill attended the M. i hat oofood 'MIL AND, MSS, PILUBUHY TunA Mr. and lAra. neonny MTe itm Wohr of StjPjattM, Mont, Mr. and and lira. . . . SI Danes $51 i1. parties. nan im vor am - mo? it - ppnssB's "UDautt; jEAts I- .i TfriSiit.- , every farm end ranch operation. He's the capable, trained men, too, to advise you on tho Ido Insurance program which will boot protect your family for tho years ahead within your financial ability. ; r; ' i(VV ' ' normns noun ' Md : LV tynDacTc 5 Tonrs io Payt A: . i ' rv;t ,v! & ry f ilf YOUR UIEDEDS INSURATJCE i !: . ; " a m: 11 ; Wtsuggityoucll . '.jm 1 UTAH PHONE GH MM I f ' fNM WjuuW . SWIFT PBE10UN i v tabs UR KSMUNCI COMPANY iuuu wm ssSisa gmnmv of bmo I, n . I 3 51 UM Ui. Phg v Gnoena . M D5t?-::4-x PURE BEEF 4, b.1 K . kj Mm "r t & J c - |