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Show I I TOE ORBDV, Lewltiou, Utah PP fta operation of Bw tat July II, IKS CQBlbottOB 9BIB9 ftOd .Uqo cocoplsttoC flu pir flftl Uttexs To The Editor to During the iW week mb of Mrs. cwfcw, be vat trained la Mi MiniwBa XTlF fa nriratiftn and J Wk aaea af mUtteiy vshklae op OODfMM ft bfcle driver cour IWD ftOB lPCTlMlnft 09 and oaaladt too tract tAmay IUswvtat on him also given In duty at Fort (W, GUI., In Pvt Robert H. Cti-Jrl- k W I Mother Rises To Defense tod of active dufr, ba will return to fab Netiotol Guard Of Zeta Pi, Initiation Ilf Paaapoibfl unk,tf Ftiriamkn, Company, Atae-fa-n. asperated mother, but efter TO TOE EDITOR, - I am Bw mloBwr FI member. Bfaren tuang one took at her, Z a f a Bata knew ehe hadnt been out trying to attract the opposite marts Brathavebm note Yee, aha had egg. to her fatir. and aha mowed to Ugh mined la this attaST vS heaven of onion and game I kept reetiDIa bowMn. bode, f Sfae dktot look much unkto WowteardstaM Bad per Uke any Greek Goddess, but Baaaa faepe wa can Ua a It tM mare then from tha toady animal. By eus dothee end pmlumo to tatibmt (ha y wBl not permit moke e boenttoil otben to commit oBsuai and food wtSSr iMttiw floottah but I knew also jaung.1 Bud there are two kinds of animal la tha Iff Mbyte kind (hid gate deep atfact in ma, lor I hava baaa tiit-B- w to ivlda and soda yopr and your aouL I waa to of theeevouag n Jammy to' Oraaee'to d wua mod whan (hair hdflaOoa to soma wu peialMloa on tha ouMdeT wera at tbtir Gmtic tottora such tonne ae,edistic,ab- know several paapia ritouajppo her fank. As I did names "tenia -- leff' aa, laaid, "1 wonder If from ha BUs.1 wonder Silence to a situation Uke v r 'j i TK3 HAJALWAYS BEEN TRUE, Ajp U B AT IBB TDfll . , ..THEBE B-SRSA- B NOTHING XJDB MONEY BV TO BANK LEWKTOH STATE BAHX .. . ... ri nju ,V w, ; BAHK0G ;M . ? ' ,. a CD. PaaAook IRAVEUERH GHEOD - yv 9 t were ' k THE LOWEST BORIC CP tSSt She ZNDRNRY. WMhtoet I fled STldak of te d nrae--. Bmas of Bw flee dm ton come home in the some By you Bud Is prartisnt ovw to end evening. If I havent been around ear own coBegee end up tor .by, she has togh acheols. lfanowyou ere cww into my beftoom, told rftomkterydtoBmpoputor gw Shout bar eventug custom of gdng on mnfcw then Ussod ma good ak Her breath baa pustim at gmdu been sweet and clean. Bpn tone. t j' One of our pmmtoent Not once have X ever smellhmch lendm apohe of ed the slightest trace of lim cUbe whore tirto are quor or tobacco. "I am not acuuahdad wtth all the gills fan the dub but I toRti s married man, toeCqvm be- feel But I do know Bw flue ing accepted into Bw chib. Elia from our wart very He sekl,. You parents need-I- t wdL I am their lltodfald titbnek end. think its leader. I have okan heard hetog done by ottwr ymmg them diseun thtir innermost petapto, Ml BrnimMs amt leakage. I vouch youth. for meir chamctsr. X am among o jtK, ' . - vs- i i. fpt. mutity titoars : v m 3- - i. 1 .i?a r:v. i1. . - : lUJI. i, "' ' ; uoi1. . t FHOH BLOCK'S IEGOUV STOCE JL i 1 ' I - . tiL LADIES' HEELS And Casuals MHlE. E7rrT 'MflBflL HHfiBiltiE. church nwnuwra, they bra beyoqd rapronch and seam-inE- y npifik and honart enouEi. But Iks madkalhr pun water, if Bwm Intivto under a utis wwa spiritual microscope, foreign to the long of $5.88-2for- Arpeggtoi ravft anofi The tadtoidUel whose besot Is pore vrtfi Stand any eam-inatio- n or toot "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they ulsee God. (S NepU 1 $l UJi Vahweto LADIES FLATS flbdoda Mr. Gus $3.88 2 for $7 -- USE TOE CONVENIENCE OE YOUR BLOCKS CHARGE ACCOUNT "little Angsta with dhty faces are hetowttelr these pedntti tout wMdi wee mention- ed week, hut X would also Uke to suggest that n tow of you Irate youn. OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT P. IL T. Wtagari doctors would not prmafba so maqy: of them tor their ato. f Mr. EatiBU 12:8) that Bwae girli are X mggert Bat wo mothers strive n XtHe henler to heto our tomEken pem Bwt test X am afrtidtt will take more Bam egg ante, or gerife to cooivtoce ma that pattottto 5 dtotfiled, Is .. al-m- an knmHoo, . I.).. n, Ytium to tlflilS Eormof typtoal Zeta PI members r and I cannot condone their indfenfiy A yew ago when my dau- being called autistic, Immorghter canon home from Beta al end vulgar. ntattlaUon, rwni an ez-- Now IB hove to admit Bud my daugfdir has always bean pretty fbdeky about bar dlSt Fl have to Eve Bw Zeta His cretit for convincing her qf (faje toed value to one raw egg. Hum Is food vshw to rawMgo, or Lewiston, Utah !A:I I LADIES HEELS Smaay so-w- id Now 1 THAT la r tf 7.88-2for- $l Wffiy y1 .. LADIES fl SHOES toting lor .boars wtgi y sfi yoRa on ay toes n atinngem for poy atatad that , . 19 M . wee young at basting wbAm end rtotsg Ud Lewiston State Bank eobttmdag to ' aett-vtoa- a, Cache Valleys Most Convenient Bank ftinrato Bw QICMft flOBOMBOD rStoSawsto B-- TT yv w , '.I","' -- WffWSFW Yah hate to (hUk 1 JMrfti&tiou ittm y 4 it's CMdao niat of tiL k waa i tiering IbeSdBno IAYING6 ACCOUNTS ' lent 8!r2&,T I jaAdfi tiLi UU. m I!' ob-tai- of Inraolf Indndlnj , Court Justice Tom CL Cteit, dadrawn of Bw Board of Directors at Urn Ooisge, iphv to the parBctowali thto weefc at a tonohaan given in Mf' SrLK&j&TSB I! j tod third 11a CMtega dee-oret- towir Now fc.v Dlitrict Jhdga . Raamuasen nportod Bwt ha hu begun Bw weak of a fourweek course for trial court Judgm on Bw campus of Bw Unfventty of Nevada at Reno. The course la cctitartod by toe National OoDogs of State Trlti Judges under a grand from Bw Max C. Flatoofamhmt Foundation. tencls-J- 'I this to to year of opetetirai, Iba fti-mhii-m tof : j whereby toilet tlaaue bed to be umo lor one apodal pur paee. I know boueewivee who keep a roll af k in their kitchens to wipe off pots, pens, end dirty uttie fiends end facet. Relief Society deters use it to work meetings for M"f dainty carnations. They abo put It between plastic down and give as attractive and useful Kttie for eur daughter! to gtts fiot thtir Bputtek (maybe RED Upattck even.) and CUb Scouts and o IRA members floals and to thtir programs and aldts. Now who wptdd bo moan aooigh to XtflaSoto H 2Sa wthattwaa fun of using k to mtir la As ter Ma X noad a MBs (Stitt tamer k was i egg-uog-s, - Iba Eds wow todiuotad a pidt of act. Like soma of shu mothers 1 considered tote a waste of ttaw gw asaid of her tether signment. Together fbey set up ant traps. Together they checked on them to see bow they wwe coming with their collection. I feel that tide week of association wu good' ter tfaem.'Mher and even If dauEder together they wen being a Bttia foolish and 'young. Could be Bw trouble with too many WereTat of usi 'petenti? taking our and act like "grow up adtito. Xteriwpe we need to see oureetvsa from their view eerastanagy, end try to act a Xttie ymmg once u a whiles we do, 11m sure Bat when they do grow up, Bay wtt meal these as aome of their tones spent wMh us. At the itittation she was told to ctwem one at toem tiny UBto creatures ter bar to gather ywa into 1 , . to "II" ' t. POQTEDS MIUGEiaTIOn SSM53 ' t1.. ", , 'i ri i ' . memtTjhspeeBy that "one lieve '. i.-- r:.' ! .i 1 i j.' h ' i ; . 13 r. dont stogie CSAL osariflir ':-- -- Mil) fiitj .wLh; ! ?r' 'M-- rrn-- , ,;c ant Wice-c- ttte Iwportaat Jsh. HO j".. . y. - During Bta tost toMtotioa three glrii came to my house.My denEker had Even Bwm Bw assignment of wuridng outside vnndowi that tin knew she would have to wuah If they didn't They m imaged to wain one and a half large windows, with Bw eseietiuice of my hutimnri who was home recuperating from an opera- TOn Jiii II . "i4; : nd t. , Air CMtittswri. ; i ? .. HTttEfiqto'. .x bee had to. - end - ANDDOMEVRC RETR1GERAT0B IBOXlL i be- Slr'iStt tuteftHRJ! a o ; DEU ' t U1i) i bep-plea- t w ." A How Scrvlco mo-men- te 1 . . . mm mi .Ftm W-t- He to atoe a i " i i , i ! l FOR IMMEDIAR, GUARANTEED RUfUGUpL AggON SERVICE AT BEASONABXR RATOS CAXi, iM-V- US. ; tion. These glris wore wearing red Bptikk. (You know, the kind wa mofliers wore when we were young.) It was on their lips, where It belonged, and on no other part of their free. Two kdtos from Utah who were irtstflng me commented on how ctita they looked and Joined la the ltdttotton Am. ' Woodward stated that the face wwa painted so thick i r --;r-- . ;;,-- t 7 : . I.' i 'I 7 m r . ji n wtth ladtitHeTlipstlck that Bw plain titfa was hard to find between marks. If some of Bw gUa faces looked like that, perhaps there is a great need tor Bw beauty ITT liana G). - - f'. 10 Swlh SfctJ r,r ' Prodcxldnho counsetag that fans been Even in Bw I dktot mafias there bad been any spockd law decreed t umamsnn h, Vr I f t k ' J nuo C3M1C3 ' |