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Show V I e 4 . -- k k I I i f ..'--i r r T'.X1' ", ", pii- .T y -- PUBLIC nOTICE- S- Muck and wife, and that the helra of RedmMtion of Also, Beginning at a of decedente are their chilIdaho. of 86 35 South links rods point from the Southeast cornu 1. Tbo name and poetof-Ac- e dren, and neither dec haa any other bain; that de addreaa of Am peraon or of NEK of NEK of Section cedente wore reaidente o' 33, Tp. Sooth, Range corporation holding said perFranklin County, 38 E. B. M., and running tains O. E. Ralphs and Ada Oxford, that the deeedanta thence South 14 rods to a Ralphs, Clifton, Idaho. owned aa community proper2. Said works of diversion point 31 rods North of Am ty the foUowina described SE cornu of NEK of said will bo folly completed on real eetata situated in FrankSection 31 thence Wert 86 toe date tor such completion, lin Chanty. Idaho: rods, (hence North 14 rods, nnd Am amount of water The SEK of NWK and thence East 66 rods to the mid works are capable of conveying to the place of the NEK of SWK, of Soc--a place of beginning. use of 1.76 cubic net pu Am Also, Beginning at 39, Tp. South, Range E. B. M. AS of Lots SW corner of BEK of SEK etrnmi. 4 and 9 in Btoek A and of Section H 1b. 13 South, A The use to which said la al of Lot 1 in Btoek 1ft Ranfe 36 East of Boise water hu been applied MARCH A 118 in Oxford Townstts aa P and running Irrigation, purposes and Am Meridian, Am recorded plat North 9 rods, thence Em mount applied to benefld 4:8 FunAy Movie 4 In Plat Book lTptga 34, 8 rods to ttie real point of urn is LWcubic fort pu 1:8 Runtky- 8:11 Superman 6:8 GAUgani U. and aa adjudicated and defmrtnnlng, toence South 40 second. BrtnUu 6:8 Big News 6:8 My Sana diversion of 4. Tbs creed and entered in point rods, thence Bart 10 rods, Nowsreol 6:8 Morta Braun 7:8 SWKSWK Is I of Judgments, page SB1, toence North 40 rods, of said water 6:8 Don. Boons 7:8 Gidfrt Secret Asnt 9:8 toence Wert 10 rods to Am Sac 9 Tup 14 S., R 38 EBI of the tffifa Judicial Dia-tri7:8 Mona Ifo 7:8 Double Life 10:8 NUwi 5. Tbs place when os Chart of Am State of place of beginning, Chukay of Henry Phyfe 10:8 Bert of 13 Acme is meter used la in Lot Idaho, In and far Bannock being partly :8Dma 1:8 Dowttohed Hollywood Block 9ofOxftrrd Town- - SWKSWK, 40 acres SEK-SWAlso, a put of County Laredo :8 1:8 Paytou Pteeo l:30rfews Ftaal 91 SWKSEK acres 10-the NWK ofNEK of Soe- Ntwen :8 Tho Baron Section 9, and 8 acres NEK-NWAm 33, Tp. 13 Sonlh, Range wMh Unite tOMO 4 mar Mews Together right NWKNWK 3 M. acres 1909, and EMra Jeneen 33 E. B. M., described aa decreed to arid from 10:19 Movie died lnteitote Much 17, 1997; Section 16 Twp 14 S., R. '38 13:8 If. GrifAn foflowi: Commencing at Oxford CTeek. 'Steal Bayonet that decedente were huaband the SoadMast com w of Lot Thrt no administrator haa The dote of L Block 1A Oxford Town and no otou A site, running thence East have been insti-- e which sold user li 436J feet, to Am SE coradministration to eateUteh Is June '30," 1961. CARL E. TAPPAN ner of Lot A Block 9, Am estate of either of sold of State Reclamation Engineer Townxite, thence South decedents. 1030-P-ub. U rode, thence West 4315 February 1A That peAAoner la entitled No. unto March A 198. 1966, thence feet, North IS rode to descent of a unto the (dace of beginning. divided interest in Mid proNOTICE Also, put of the EKof perty; and petitioner prays KU8IVTV CHANNEL V Program Bebedato OF PRIVATE SALE OF the NEK of SecAm 31 Tp. for a determination of toe 9:10 Taka Note 13 Brato, Range 33 E. B. times of deato of REAL ESTATE 1:8 8:8 Ex. Uhtverm artd deced1:8 Art M., described 8:8 Branch Cbsf follows: ents, and a determination of IN THE PRORATE COURT 9:8 UL In 10:8 Wnafe Now 1:8 Child. UL Commenckw at the SW their heirs, the degree of OF THE 9:8 World and comer oTErt 4, Btoek A kinship, and the COUNTY OF FRANKLIN, 10:8 Bldg. Btoeks 1:8 Whete Now The Wart desof rig 8c. Gosnu Oxford Tbwnalte, runnlnK cent of said real 11:8 STATE IDAHO OF Brats 7:8 9:8Nhwi property. thence Ehet 387J feetto In the Matter And notice is further giv--i 7:8 Ttenama ) toe SE corner of Lot 4, to all persona interested of too Estate of Chair ) toence Sooth 14K rw ) in mid estate, both creditors EUA MARTIN thence East 739 feet, more and heirs of said ) decedents, PETTERBORG, MARCH 4, 118 teei. to toe Beat line of that uid petition will be Deceased, ) aid Section 31 Umhu mud on Tuesday, March NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV lUbf South 103 rods, thence West Snd, 1988, at ten oclock EN Thrt (he umtersined Mui chits egy almost any merx a kmd of sandwich tutoo new ana 5:15 Superman 38 rode, Amoco North 73 A. M., at the court room of D. V. Days of toe Estate of 6:8 wondorful when yeu uee jMlSand; toe above entitled Probate EOS Martin Prtteitwrg, de-a-ll 4:8 Family Movie :4B Big News 6:8 Hogens rds, more or lets, to a MichSprand. Now In a Ivato 1:8 Court, at Preston, FfeankUn ceased, wto a at Nntitaam Heroes 6:8 p 37 point rods South and County, Uaho, when and ate, for SMO KUTV 7:00 Tammy 7:8 ISO feet East of too tto con-th-o WoofcrtFll point where any person Interested moved, subject 7:8 Addams of beginning, thence West may appear and object to too fhnsrtfou or Prftbrtt 6:8 Crtnp 8:15 Family decree as 130 feet, toence North 37 Court, the following describPmhriholl 6:8 Honey Wart fern nld MHtton. prayed ed reel property mated la 7:8 Hank Fannen 8:8 9:8 rode to Am place of Dated Fmruary 19to, Franklin County, Uhbo. awazdi 7:8 Mr. Roberts Daughter ( S E A L ) News Man IVem at a 9:8 8:8 9:8 Oommendqg point Jimmy S Grvid D. 18 rode East of Am Sonto-we10:8 Movie Unde News U:8 Probate corner of tho North- 9:8 Sam. Dsvli 13:8 WtmAtag "Horrible Dr. oCSdo News west Quarter of Am North- 19:8 Newmad 1:8 "Reptihcus" bate Court, Frankto east Quarter of Section 3A 19:8 Tooite Ocurty, Idaho. Township South, Bunge 13:8 M. Griffin P. M. Oondto, 40 Best of toe Boise MeriPreston, Idaho, dian; and running Attorney for Petitioner. North 160 rode; Feb. Beat LegalNb. 1037-P-ub. null; thanes' South 17, M, 1966, and March A toence Wart 13 18 rode; 1986. rode to the place of beginning. NOTICE OF PROOF OF Aa undivided KU8U-Tf II . IfeHCSRBlhSfove OF rert In and to toe foftow-inNow Whatfs UL 8:8 Challsngo of 6:8 UCsLPWtoani described real propert- 9:8 EL Giant Today 7:8 It. 9:8 APPLICATION OF WATER yFesL of Arte 7:11 BriL CaL 9:8 9:8 TO BENEFICIAL USE Commencing at a point Marie New Whrtli 7:8 rods Ekrt of the SouNh Notice Is No. 7 :8 Tople corner of too Souto-o- f at 10:8 AJL, on' the 9to day of Much 1906, at tho FOH PROMPT PICKUP of Section 30, Chanty of lkunMn, Idaho beflon Ted B. Larsen, Wtet jgjpMt Jrf AmD&oBS Notary Public, at MARCH 9, tunteag toence UMBf ITMOD WHIP, pniOK MO will be rode; thence i! of Am s , CAM Pay) fiF 84 rods; toence North of works for the TM0 6:8 of L7S cubic fart pu nto; toence But If ; nmr- -i 7:8 7:8 of underground water rods; Auks Sodto 18 rods; 7:8 foroce Wort M rods 7:33 n :8 Perky Fig from a welL and of toe Cartoons :CI fooes Sonto to la-ik- i 9:8 Roams rods mi tfaenco :X3 Wart 11:8 Neka By-Predu- cto 9:8 to Am rods ., la 11:8 Tm. Trade 11:8 Am terms and 9:8 Top Cht Cartoons 11:8 ttoni of Psnntt No. 049083, 9:8 Firry HI Shoppe First Look by the Do-1:8 Penpotnt Ed. 1:8 Movis EtiPkriag Northwest 11:8 Movie 1:8 Rowfom Tour 3:8 Movie l:8Bswkrtban 3:8 Golf 3:8 Sports Rmi 30, Townahip 15 South. 3:8 Golf 4:8 Outer limits 4:8 Detectives Bartrt toe Bdm 4:8 Adventure 8:8 0. Ik Harriet 4:8 News Mertdlan, and 4 Donna Rood JO 8:8 Movie 6:8 Report running thence North 160 rtxteT 1:8 Dmdrtag Ed. 6:8 L. Walk 6:8 Lost la Space toewe Eiat NOTICE OF TIME-OHEARING PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF TIMES OF DEATH OF DECEDENTS. AND A DETERMINATION OF TH1 mm OF DECEDENTSi THEIR DEGREE OF UNSHIP, AND RIGHT OF DESCENT OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE PROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO In Am Milter of Am Ertates of HENRY A. JENSEN and ) ELVIRA M. JENSEN, BoAi Deceased. to an order dated February Uth, IMS, notice li hereby riven that Bevy A. Jensen, Jr., haa fled In Am Probate Chart of franklin County, Idaho, a petition aotdiM test that the hove named Henry A. Jen-ee- n dtod Intoetato May 4, . 8 1 W eeklv Schedule ui CMP mil SATE CMP 8 6-- SATE i 8 ct net K, K, On-fo- 8:8 rd one-teu- ft u l!ow to liven up a lunch box ", .. M-M- en KRAFT Run-amu- i M-M- en A M-M- en Sandirffchpread MARCH 6, (AU Day) srrv a 8:8 Sdenca to Ag. 9:8 Sacred Heart 1:48 From Cathed. H. of Thrth 6KItf IFflooEaoo G (SCnocDfSO 0 of Faitb Movie 2:8 Big 3 Golf 3:8 W. Kingdom 2:8 4:8 4:8 4:8 5:8 - g 8:8 8:8 or Dead And Useless 8 Animals on g"".. appti-yrtto- Co. Utah SgOtoo oSof & jvrriisrgai3.fe5 pgwijg 10:30 Newe 8:8 Wtbar., 8:8 Big sat jg f? tree sm m w E sou aosi SEBO 8Z74 SZ7S SJM 188 sat azeo SMS SPSS 3PS4 3ZS4 4061 4062 arse 4E92 4ESS 4ESS aw asm IZ72 SE72 Si to any 4062 40S3 SKII 9K32 SZ7R 11747 Mrch31it 429 first prizes. amt sjm BW7 SZ74 3Z76 au7s au7t awsi awu 41367 41467 41767 41167 434 48967 4X2 4X11 4X22 4X41 4X42 4P52 4Q6S 4N1 4J2 4J32 4S93 4SM en Sat . k- tovnrd . . first - taton the Bulck dJrif rNowsoM your ei 72 wtnnera pooMdjn - Ho .! hio ohowmom.. If you 10 SaM sale will be held on the 14th day of bide In writ- - "after acministoatrix 4KI LegW No. ruary Invent no puzztaa to eptve. In fact.yoy dont wen have to own e Bulck to hove vrinnins number. While yotrte In tho ihowrawn.jt a sood took at the Sitet Spodal. Tito $2aOIP hopporato bo Ho I MW pto Or Wriri V4Mr.efc Pita GwMMm 24, lOUp-Ai- b. Feb- BRIEFS Dee L Woodward and children visited retativee on Wednesday and were overnlriti guests of Pad and Ivan A. woodward and femtiies. Y I I New eeMyf NewSml NrtV IAVATOKY PAUCltl ThoreeMMtfwfiodauIckdwtor WhSr, 8:8 1:8 Movie fata. 7:8 Hollywood 7:8 ProGnme 6:8 9:8 Big Valley Long Hot 8:8 Double Choc hod esei me, toe. ALL CHANNELS 8:8 8:8 News, wthr. 8:8 Sports Final 8:8 Movie 11:8 11:8 Ouriya U:8 Days ' LYNN FACHREU. PLUMBING A HEATING 6:8 8 Brit Your Life A. WUUras 8:8 8:8 8:8 Most O'clock 7:30Legend of Jam James 9:8 Griffin Movie , Show .... I'i 2:8 Am. Hhu 4:8 30th Osntuzy 4:8 W. Adventan 9:8 Lasste 1:8 Far. Martiae 8:8 Ed Sumvaa 7:8 Parry 1:8 Candid 8:8 White lfy Una? 9:8 Trials of : . I 5 !1 I! i 88 t a KML 6:8 6:8! 7:8 A. 7:8 9:8 9:8 Movie S:8MfaOritod 8:8 Nows 8:8 BaakrtboD 3:8 9:8 1:8 News F Payton Place 10.-0-0 11:8 Bart of i Hollywood I or. 8:8 8:8 Ibd. 8:8 MovU18 8:8Man on ? i if a l- -e f s KIJSU-T- CHANNEL V 8 Pragmas 9:8 Ad. sf sdsnes 1:8 Thte to Utah 9:8 Bldg. Blocks lJOSctonootend 9:8 UL GBmpsos 1:8 Bklg. Hlooki 8:8 WhrthNrir 6:8 What's Ntw 8JO UL te 7:8 Land of Hoc 7:8 U of U Pros. 8:8 Pm. of Arts 8:8 Am. Criaos 9:8 Legacy 11:8 Child. UL MARCH TDEOT, (mate) urr I BM a s SJO Mother. Chr 7:8 Fleam Don't Eat to 7:8 Dr. 9:8 Movie 8:8 8:8 8:8! 4:48 I 1:8 1:8 Rf Nowi 6:8 Combat 7:8 McH. Navy 6:8 F Troop 9:8 Anatomy of 1:8 6:8 Rod 7JO Prillcont l:8Dritteri 9:8 TsL 8 J9 News l:39Psytea U:8 8:8 8:8 8:8 Movie SpMts I i JCL 8:8 CBS The Roil J of Hollywood BJSKews 1 8:U 8 - Program Schedule CHANNEL V Taka Note People 1:05 Tangnaga Thte te Utah Child. UL 1:8 Whats Nrtr 1:8 Bldg. Blocks 6:8 8:8 8:8 11:8 Sc. Cornu MONDAY THRU TODAY Whafe New a I 6:8 Virginian 8:8 I Star 9:8 Bob Hope 4:46 Superman 9:15 Yogi Beu 5:45 Big N ews KUTV 10 MO 8:8 8:8 Mery Griffin 5:8 5:8 News News 6:8 7:8 Patty Duka 7:8 Blue Light 8:8 Movie U) KM) 4 10:15 10:8 Movie 8:8 "The CUndwn UM0 The Nureee UJO Time for Us 12 12 dO Art UnklotOar News (P) 1:8 Gen. Hospital 1:00 Ten The Ituth 1:8 Yotmg Urn 1:8 CBS News rleds. 1:8 Edge of NlgM 2:0bM. Douglm 3:8 Soerot Storm 3:8 Cap L Scotty 3(8 Met Movta 3:8 Nows 3:46 Supermaa 4:8 GspL Seofar 3:8 Adm. Bernto 4:8 Gigantor :8 Sc. Reportsc Loi Arte 88 4 (NlshU (NtohO i; iV' 7:8 No. 7 St 7:8 hi Europe 8:8 Groat Doc. MARCH 9, (Daytime). 8:8 Donna Read 8:8 Search For 8:8 Fath Knows 10:45 8:8 8:8 8:8 3:8 2:8 TsL OBrien 4 4:46 Bapuman 1:19 Hock. Hound 9:48 Big Nemo (Night) KTTf ran 9 6:80 HdUbaloo 7:8 J. Forsythe 7:8 Dr. Kfldan 3:8 Rim For 9:8 9:8 Big 11:8 Ben Casey 11:8 Boy 11:8 B. Bunny 8:8 Journey 8:8 BaahrtMl 8:8 Sports face. MARCH 7. KU8U-T- : 11:8 P.D.Q. 11:8 Lot's Make a Dari . 8:8 Wonhte FaoeNaflGn 8:8 Astro Baeketfadl 9:45 Post-GamShow News Movie 4 P. 8:8 Plur NO of Utah 9:39 Tab. Choir Show 5:45 Farm Report 6:8 Oar World 6:17 Guideposte 6:46 Tbday In wert 6:8 Farm Report 5:8 Town, Count 7:8 Today 6:8 Sunrise Sem. 6:8 Oper. Alpn. TOO KUTV Frank 6:8 M. Wallace iW 6:8 TMC Today TMB nraman Frank 6:8 News 8:8 Eye Guam 8:8 I Love Lucy 8:8 News 45 Ktar A 8:8 News 8:8 Ooncantratlon 8:8 Never Too 9:8 A. Maybeny 9:8 Mon. 9:8 D. Van Dyke Young 9:8 Pu. Bay 9:8 Om. Swoop 1040 Leva ct Lite 8:8 Jeopardy 9:8 Dating Game 10:29 CB5 News 8:8 NBC 3 Worid 8:8 Newt 8:8 8:8 11:8 Philharmonic H Dunn Show of Uvae 11(8 The Doctors 1:8 Another world 1:8 You Dont Say 1:8 Match Gama 3:8 NBC News 3:8 3 on Airis JJoMnto BgSwariirgltt'a SStaadhswaftti embamajwaaawas near you. 9:8P$per 9:8 1 Dram 8 6:8 Got Smart 7:8 Movie 9:8Nawi 9:8 Movie 1M, March 3, 198. FRANKLIN 4WB2 ptfco. rods; Amocs rods; toence DATED Alia 23rd ebruary, ML S Florence ESIa Jeneen Kir PGOlpalion numlis? Is hors, yoiunloMHoorJlnn1. hew 8:8 HO. 4X91 4069 12 3 gfgsss 4N72 4N74 4N7S 4N7S HiftOflPOlDQrtOJlOUP n 8:8 8:8 8:8 8:8 9 JO Dtt. 1 8 Bmmoaa$2332a(a8fll tnwiBrtMiwvwMkfrom non, until IWi 8:8 8 8 8 Cartoons 9:8 Camara ; KB 8 8:8 8:8 11:8 8:8 Basketball ' 8:46 Movie 88 oom-pteti- oa Cartoons Cartoons BoDwtaUe 2:8 A. Sportsman News. Views 1:8 Bowfiag VaL Yean 4:8 Acrou7 Seas TeL Hour 4:8 Movie World of 6:8 Vojrago to Am Color Bottom of Sea 6:8 Branded 7:8 Proud Land 7:00 Bmimmo c 9:8 Movie 8:8 Movie 8:8 Nawa, 9:8 Nows, andSpera a V :8 11:8 CoQ Bowl 8 one-hsd- a 6:8 9:8 11:8 Mart Press 9:8 Dtecovuy 11:8 FTOnAus 8:8 88 0 6:8 Farm Show 7:8 Fatto Today 7:8 Cartoons 8:8 8:8 Aniwu st VGu -S LnrMait Utah UN S, 5 (NifM) 4:45 Mickey Moam 9:8 Evetdng News 9:45 Nows S:8 America 6:8 Beverly mnhUTi 7:8 Green Acni 7:8 D. Van Dyk 8:8 D. Km 9:8 WHd Wart . . NOws 8:8 Bast of 8:8 HoQvwood M KtmU-T-V CHANNEL 9:8 Ad. of odsneo 9:8 EL Music 9:8 Growth 8:8 Whnfs 8:8 This Paapla Is 11:8 Now V - 1:8 BUg. Btoeks 1:8 Yew Osmm. 1:8 CfaUL UL 9:8 Whafs NOw T; 7:8 Dtoeoorory 7:8 CBuy 1M 9:8 :8 Intersl 9:8 sr-i-V- t ! T |