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Show Jf aiC 'S'? I 43 - TOK CmZEN - li wwww-.- ' VVWiiir rrViP'.W'.y ' 3' V. LawtatM, UMhJanuiy IS, inf company. It wu copied and included in fboir Chriitmn Mes bobk, Waxy had 80,000 sent sage," For her work out by mall. aha received a tea dollar check and a nice letter. Some of her other warfca ac-M-n. -- Eva AMsop t Jensen, tamer rertdent of Grace, et her home Jn Salt Ctty. Funeral services were Md Saturday, January Bannock Stake 1, in the home In Grace wtth Blahop Gad Rqr ofRdrtlflg. llr. and Mrs. Ken Lloyd of Grace returned Monday o f the paet week ham Qaafor-ni-a where they had been via Maf relative. writer, Ftomla of Grace, a rattrod have been pubtiahed in the tamer Ham Parke aection of The Salt Lake Tribune. book, VStanley Harriaon'a .This Way But Once," la Hated a firat in the Deaerat Neva pamphlet. Mr. and Mn. Melvin lfk a poem and submit-ta- Moon of Lego viftted in to the Wktpe PubUah- - Idaho FaBa with Ida alatar teacher, d and her huabund, Mr and Mra. Raeo Weaver. The firet Relief Society meeting of the new year wee held TUeeday in toe Cleveland ward wMh Far rail Bennett conductlM the Martoris renter mertlng. preeented the theology lee- eon to IS women preaent She waa aaaiated by FsrreM and JaiekHne Bennett and Joyce Bennett. ZeHa Gray the visiting tenchera m to the tenchera prevent. Mr. and Mra. Dean purton of Cleveland left Wedneeday of la week for a vacation in 'Lae Vegu. While they Mr. and Mra. Harold Winn on Wedneeday for a ahor time worn her aiater am d husband, Mr. and Mrs. Renter of Ctovftand. Mr. and Mrs. DwMd Mendenhall of Grand Junction, ado., have been in Thatcher and Cleveland during the holidays to visit Ma paronto, Mr. and Mrs. MUan.Men-denhah- , and hie slater a Mr. and Mra. Norfamily, man Smith. Mias Lealto Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LnVnr Taylor of Grace, was chosen stake MIA secretary the Young Women's orgul-uftin the University ward at Logan. Lo-lan- ai WESTON-V- an McKay, eon of Mr. and Mrs Date McKay, who ,1s serving in the air lone, has boon moved from ijrfcftawi Air Force ban to Sheppard base in WIcMta Falb,Texaa. Van onlled home on New Yens to report he was doing wel and will enter electronic school January 1. Ho enjoyed the letters he has received and ends Ms greetings to the friends Mr. and Ike. Bret Bodily of SMI LafcaCity called on his grandirtothtr, Orta Larson, during the noUttay . haw-home- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Telbot and soa and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Morgan and Kirk and cousin, Robert Otdl of were among the many sttendtag the cutter name at Downey on New Years day. Betty Nkahotes and chlkfrsn Dougtoi and Patricia, cf Salt like Ctty, have been guests of her mother, Mra. Geneva Login, JANUARY . WHITE GOODS WOT QUALIfY- -' NATION-WID- E WHITE SHEETS! Iwftailif csttn drsIIrs! 133cm! Fell W z MT - flat or flat or Twin TP r lF ELASTAFTT ELASTAFTT bettem $1.68zSf 2 for 81c CASES-- 48 QDDDYI nODDY! SAVE OOU Oil PEnHEYT umTE LinnmY cohbed corron pescaus z nr Whah. and Mrs. Bffl and of Dow-ney were dinner gueete on Sunday at her momere, die Neieon. A family gMhertag was joyed at the home of Selma Holler atart A enjoy-- a ed followed pnsam MinU uML preeented teen. Gifts awn ezetaanged All of Sehnae ddUraa won present but Dattenole temfly n CeUforate. Tbnee Russell KoBar and tanily of LeVal KoDarand Evan and temflbr of WeUton, Violet end Devon Dawson of Looul LudUe and Dm Glen and tanfty of Login, Rite KoSer, jsanddeugitw, and Chrl taflUbbo oTsatt Lake City, Ckroi and Cleve SmMh end family of RtetL Dinner guests for New Yeats at the Whitney home were Mrs. Ctoe Jensen of Ttanooton and formerly of Weston, also her sister, Dora, Cor-brid-ge fancit Ponnoy deals Fsl 81 x IN Flat ar ELASTFIT CASES, rz teny $203 FIT t'1 . ' FeDe. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith end children of Ducheno, word also guests of Mk. and Micfcekon on and husband, Henry Hodges, The tether at present is Mn. Mariya whh the nevy at Viet Nam. Wedneoday- of Lewiston. Dinner gueete at the Platt The mother is with her parGreene home were the mar- ents, the Grant Bingham temily. ried children and their Hal and wife, : excepting who attended the races at Abo absent were Downey. Rayota and Data Archibald from page I) and family, now living at (continued Bhtckfoot. their eye they eight the pudMr. and Mrs. Ena T. Ben- dle, than, ai if by some son enjoyed their children. strong power, they are pulled and WlRa and Den Uoyd to It and through tt . . daughter home for the holiGet an RattaaAtylsd aH but sloshing all the way. Oh to be days. The family. on ihft, living at Tunmr, young again, to ran through Ida., were present at daugh- ear own putties, to oc ter, Lea Jepeooi home in through the mud la our ban Grant and wife and eon Eddie were in at-- feet, to bo Udi. flma-IH- ee EAd - 7inter In Pasting PAINT SPECIAL Mr. and Richard Mn. and bar - FREE POLITICALLY f two (continued from page X) h party's state aeeesnbiy many delegatee as it hee lerieMve oerne la toe les-tewpiue delegate 'for each L000 votoL major fraction thereof, out for UA rapraeentatha la toe left primary election. These era too dstegatosee-lecte- d by the county central committee. The county dsdN gains of tatorlar funeral services for Mrs. Peterson's bndher, Btahop Conrad Stutanegger, and visited IbpfHdgy ttiera wtth ntettvas and friends. Guests at the Lems mon home daring the have been eon Harry of Bountiful, aad daujht Bn As mw AOCHNT Joyce of Nempa, Mr. aad Mm. Bob White of aad Boh White end wife of Sandy, Utah, Bees Cbarten and eon Iarvere and wife and and Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Hewtae cf each central committee, of Preston, Nahum Porter and end Steven Porter and wives of Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Wetter Tbomee and her mother, Mrs. Gray, of Logan, tog hi eperiel saaftea wBl Mr. and Mrs. Guy CSrook of veto themselves eel of a and haadlo, roQar and and Mr. and Mrs. of Oxford. was home Bingham Stanley from Ricks college to enjoy Mora toe need the hottdnye with the Giant to reviseimportant, toe elector laws Bingham family. Other guests and the gift ataH roDorSt paint of me Binghams ware the attend delegation e&te eseemMw, Lewettyn Long family of m toe whole bell of Clearfield, Mr. and Mrs. the tpedal eeifton. at Darrell Bingham and baby Ctov. . E. Robert Smylie'e of Granger and Mr. and Mrs. ID vn uHWUUB Strom VernonReeder of Sett Lake primary ooavcnttai City. well known. Many k Arriving just in time for Bean legiftaton are was the new warm to tt. Christmas granddaughter for the Bint There could be a concerted hams. The parents of the effort to iflimhude it and Chrietmae baby are Mr. and return to the Bln. Thomas M. Kuhhnan. izevafling prioroenghnaty e, boR-day- lluti uTeciali for Jnzf pn) ygs to taYnr Inteminiifrih formers Am. FIMNOLY GHOST RAYSi Gef 2 or SM4" Z: VCi-T.- .' A ' Serviceman Transferred Me .Mb 71 (i.'.'ii children of American were away, Ma mother, lira, re Rulon Burton, cared lor their if-- LSE? two none and daubster. UN ji CLEVELAND GRACE AUMAYS - y.-.- Bdds Qndisi-flx-m it ' f i spine-tingli- ng SpcsfccdarSavingi On Pozcolo Daoptono Stripri CTflfl ee Cv CMP WnpM $3.84 .to dauMs effect CASES 4T ;.i Qnamy Pencale WeMrie hades tripes; z V4 ...... 2 for IAS SoUd Colon a beeehfti pwp fmhlaa.FUl M z Mr -- Flat or wtth year ELASTA-FI-T bottom la deeptnes to tejjp On ceased eettoa pereale! CASES 48 Z for z i8V4 1J8 January Qoaranm b How On Shop How FOR MANY, DRASTICALLY MANY REDUC-Ed'HTEM- S Our White Salt Ford was specially ordered and built in quantity to sail at a Mia prica so law you went balieva It could happen this . early In the yaarl Equipped with: in. Deluxe Pleated Big Six Seats THROUGH-k-Z out THE ENTIRE. mo-cu- All-Vin- Deluxe Brlght-MetTrim Deluxe Wheal Covers al WOMEN'S azd GIRLS' Ulnior Cools 1 yl Whitewalls m i' ii tl Luxtmr-so-n i acbyuc theual. i mn buuket roi au sejlsqusi Uas LS3 non Twii ar Fen (9 S14JS .i CUSTOM mo a'M fonoflUJUt iwwn .WWWvV la a V' 5.: hefty left, aaaltty eerylle blaiket The airy eebdar weave keeps yen eeel In summer, eaefly warm In Heaven-- ' topped wtth fast a light cover. t- f r L'Ai.' ; ! . ; ' iiccunE noTon conpiM PREWON, IDAHO Up 7cnr CcnvenieHl Penney' Charge Card I BUY NOW, mi toob rou suussnu PAY LATER t i. 1, |