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Show ..... - Trutu Exitfi Pfiffy April 33. Ward Variety Show Presented Special Easter Program Given ' 4 RICHMOND Monday evening the Richmond ward MIA enjoyed a program, We Irritant" Mn. Bonnie Ann Bfllter directed the var-let-y ebow. Mn. Donna Hania conducted the program which skits and constated of ether numbers. Participating were Connie Johnson, and Nelda Housley, Iflke Bants. Klmber Brown, Ronnin Lewis. mn, Na-De- an Arm Theura, Ef. Halverson, Vldde Re Hodson. Sharon Wi nd, JaSei Hawktae, BfadV Christensen, Man Bair, Diane Hb-kSally iLandgmn, Janet SMrtey Ifhuchiey, Miller, Imn and Edward Miter, .Bonnie Ann Miller and Fatey flump. She also accompanied the music. Lighting was under the direction of Robert t: . : eoutb ward sang: JtaUe Peart, Unde Johnson and Sharon Thompson, accompanied by Betty Bair. Mrs. ftuby Rex, matron of the Logu temple was the speaker for the evening. The affrir was conducted by Mn. Faye Cottle, stake leader. She was alio honored. There was a huge crowd of girls and mothers present Word of the fawn of two grandchildren lor Richmond couples has ranched town. A baby boy was born on Saturday teat week to LL and Mrs. James (Gloria) Heiner in National City, CsUf. Grandparents include Mr. and Mrs. l Heiner of North togaa and 'Mr. and Ifra. W. L Tbompaon of Richmond. This te three grandchildren for tha Thompaona. Mr. and Mrs. Don (Joan) Beckstead of Preaton are uraente of another baby girl bon last wash. Grandparents include Mr. and Mn. Ace Beckstead of Pne-to- n and Mr. and Mn.1 Carl Or-vu- Spadnnan. ..Tuesday evening In the stake center the Laurels of tte stake met lor their Stan- Murray: w! dards night A trio from the gnandchlidrrn Mir. and Mn. Irwin Stoddard returned home on aftra apeadteg a most pteaaant week hi Colorado Bprinjp witt their ion, Mr. and Mri. Dan Stoddard and . Wed-nead- ay Dow Dealer SPECIAL family. They flew home. Mn. LaVerna Btersden returned home Wednesday teat WMk after spending a very . PMMi WlQuF VICliiOfl IB with her daughter, Mn. Marjorie Stuart ana Mir. and Bin. A1 (Lynn) Christy, granddaughter. While there n great granddaughter (CSrol- HawaU o) was bom. Mn. Stunt ves in Honolulu and tte Iron rue For Honor's Day Iranitoie need end appra-date- d eveqr swk of the year! It does better and a eB boning bate and is poaftive aid to bettor rs7V!alt uur atom and. see howquicUf youcan hon need ironing to sanMve wrinkles, IUI a FBEE ment Mrs. Rachael Anderson and two eons, Austin and Robert returned home to Holden, UL after speadtag a month at the LfwtftW 1 Week HEALTH CHAIR Witt cask Parckaie His (laying Shop A TRENTON Easter program was held Sunday morning in the Sen lor Sunday school Scriptural readings wen rival by CaroHen-selyn Read and Richard A vocal solo. "I Waited n. Today When Jesus Walked, by Ruth Button, accompanied by Pat Griffin, both of Gtariceton, after which Lewis N. Godfrey gave a talk on the Ufa of Jens. Class work followed. Tha stake offleen wen visitors of our Sunday chooL Tha entitled . end Sing, was presented at sacrament meeting Sunday evening under the supervision of the Primary presidency. Every primary cUd participated on (he program of short readings and aongs, pantomime,. and dsmonetrnticM. music was n duet, Ludle and Ohorlsten won Note Griffin Romde Lewis, m and Orris Mao Hanson, with Norma Reeder accompany-inby Adonia Dennis. Members of the Richmond Pm. Wends Andrew indub enjoyed an even-te- g troduced the program and of bowling in Preston on Thunday averring test week. Following which they returned to Richmond ana enjoyed W. S. Holt A special duet a delicious supper at the was sung by Ethel Rnwlni home of Mts. Elaine Mviaon and Melva Oolite and n solo with Mrs. Laura Lu CUmpbeH by Marian Andrew. as cfrhoileis. Attending were Spackman was advanced to the office of e Teacher In the Mrs. Elaine Jenop, Mrs. Mrs. Patsy Aerate Priesthood. Stoke Murray, Haitem. Mrs. ESatee BuHen, President Peggy Murray, Mrs. and purtna Ekta Ifiltar were Nason, Bln. Menu In nttendencei Bel, Mrs. Khixan Sanders, Mr. end Mn. E. N. Butter, Mrs. Anne Erekson, Mrs. ion Stanley and n nephew, pea, drove to kho Ksrren Erickaoa, Mrs. Ssnd-r- a end spot tte weakHUL Bair, Mn. Dixie Anderson. with Mr. and Mrs. Dee Recovering from major surMr. and Mn. W. 8. Holt gery In a Logan hospital Is and Mn. Lola Ltttled&e wan (Mrs. Ina Andersen. dinner gueeto ef Mr. and Mn. The Sponsor Carp of USU KefforaBL Peak of Ogden returned Tuesday after k 13 Saturday. They also visited A. alortenoon. EnMn. day trip to Waddngtoa, D.C. route Mary home they called and New York CXy. They Mr. and MnTOtto Nye made the trip to participate Bin. EBa Pidtom of Ogden L and at Brigham visited with in the cherry btoanen LaNoa Dalian. to Wednewtey Saturday. BU and Bin. W. 8. They dM n thill routine and Sunday Ur. and littlwHka Hottand Bin. marched In die pamde. They dinna guests at n Mrtfada; made the trip by boa, then at the home of Mr. an were SB girts, a driUmister Ralph Holt of Smltfafleld and Oapt and Mrs. Beach. the orryfay bated the birtt Emouto home they barely day anniversaries of Ralph ana bin eon Ned. missed the tornadoes and the AtMr. end Bln. floods in the middle west kinson wH BfiesJoseph E. AtIterlene Penny Plant accompanied the at Hyrum Saturday. Bir. and group- Ten-Speake- rs g. V-B- tta La-De- an i feetl-vm- Bin. Sidney Anderson (Kama Btabop and Bin. Veloy Lamb) were moved into their Griffin end family of Ogden Friday right end nqw home. Marlene poured Bir and assisted In serving. Griffin and Bin. Aubrey Mr. and Mn. Joeeph E. Mr. and Bln. Melvin Grant and Bfarisna attended Mr. and Bin. Lloyd Button a birthday party Sunday honand Bfri. Louise ; Heath of oring her other, H. L. But-ta- n Salt Luka City apart Sunday of Clarkston. Others ipn-si- t wen Mr. and Mn. Dean visiting in Trenton. Bir. and Bin. David Ends Phillips and family of Preston, Mr. end Mn. Ross But- and family drove to Ogden ton and family of Clarkston. on Sunday. Bfc end Bin. J. E. Eteck-re- ft Quentin Peart of the stake wen dinner guests Sun- YMMIA visited our Mutual Bir. and Bln. Ira Tuesday evening. ) Jard tea and font Ferris Chimben, Elmar Clarkston. Otter guests Marriott, Robert H. Reeder, Included Ur, and Bin. Jama AtRead and Flossie Doyle of Cterkston. The kinson attended tte Demo- Jiadlne also was occasion Margarets cratic rally held Friday birthday anrivenoy. In evening Logan. RoRoland Blortenaon Bir. and Mn. E. W. Bing- bert H. Reeder and eon Brat ham attended tha funeral ser- attfiidfH the Lions fatten vices for Lenard Hancey of and eons banquet at RichPark on Friday. mond Monday evening. Mn. Willard Pitcher Speaka was LeDell Aadenon totted over twenty five little of ttaUSU. Special gueeto guests Saturday at her home, wen the Sky View vanity honoring their damtttor, Rsy futifflUMH team. Ann who was observteg ha Mn. Wtenda Andrew and eighth birthday, " Jin recently apeat refredunents and rift openand Saturday with ha ing furnished the uhmuons . Bir. and Bin. Evo entertelnmenL ettCtaunch of Storilng, Idaho. Sntur-viritt- LEWISTON Word has and Bin. A. ft Packer bean received in Lewiston of tte death of Myron tarSwend-se- n of Sift Lake City visited in of Boise. He died Boise Lewiston this week with Bin. on April 15. A sister4n4awf Packers lister, Mill WHO Bin. Florence Pond and ha Wba. on, Guy Swendeen of Lewiis-to- n Mr. and Bin. Harold Wood attended tte funeswl ser- and daughter Marilyn spent vice In Boise on Bfionday.-Bishotte past week end in Senna, and Bfin. T. 8. Niel- Utah visiting relatives and 1 sen apart Friday and Satur- friends. s, Mn. Bessie Hendricks of day in Salt Lake City on Sal Lake City visited at the BIT. and Mn. Jed Hart and Marvin Rawlings home the family of Hunter visited over past week. Bln. Hendricks the week end wttt Bin. and Bin. Rawlings are listen. Hart's parents, the p bus-jnes- . The children of Bir. and Bin. Jack Bryner of Keanu were vision at the home o their grandparents, Bir. and Bin. A. B. Smith, for a few days while their pnrente tte funeral of Mr. Bryners parents In Emmett; Idaho, who wen killed In a traffic accident at Btassacra Rock In Idaho. Bin. Florence Pond visited In Ogden toil week with her daugnten Elna Clay and Beatrice Bell and their : r- - JJ W 4 r. Fnday. Aprfl 30, 1965. Thundayi April 29, lo TO COVE COHCDETE m uni so loans sumr . DE mu, connnoE Mi ftMial cMditrilHkHtam, lacliliai Hack tonia,, pwbg (Mmb dfl kuUa,. k. fiafaUaf, at if ora UEi'ira uwinocr seuds VALLE7 PAVID6 Weit Oneida Blade Cal Bool POTOOAST stems ennen U. POBB STEABS Lb. Fnmn Bacon Lkc LB.... sutdu cuoms - ruun: Specials TUTSHHU- P- 7Phgs.$l end Carrots Con, BOsad Veg., Peu HI-WE- Cab . 6'FZrgs. $1 6 Pbgi BLUE GOOSE $1 4 for $1 Baqibenies ROYAL GARNET r IMa. - HabBaIaj SCasiSI POIX A - Hut's . .......... 4 Cass Ik TOILET TISSUE - Hsitka .... 3 Pscb 11 TUNA - fkAnrAte 9 Csu 9k POP -- Skssta.. 13 Cam SI CATSUP - Gftiiti 9 EaUIas 91 FLOUR - Git ldf .... 13.91 - Swift's 3fnl7c m CAN- i Car Tie - ICnsICc TOMATO JUICE -- 3 Cass Ertllt 41c STEMS AND PIECES I ' Pirnt's 7k i 9 - SlftfAs - DneAR Hill .... 3 PfcfL 17c Ocuaa Diaaen . 2 for 93c M PDIEAPPLE BEANS ii-W- - Am Citst I3USHBOOI2S - ErUsi CANS 1 LB. CANS 2Ciss Tie .... DILL PICKLES . , - Tcopl ... 3 Cm SI - Swift's .. .... .. S Ctss II SPAGHETTI St HEAT BALLS SHIFTS N CAM r SWIFTS .... u. ra l tea cracnn a Dunninfis BLUE GOOSE PEAS 49c Doand Dana Sleahs CHUCK WAGON . . Vegetables pop . roar-jif- fy REG. Me . 3 CANS JEWEL OIL Z4-S- X. - Swilt'i - BOTTLE LA. ' REG. Me Car I7c ktOa 3k TAXXALES REG. Ik 30 DETI KING SIZE 4 ' NO. 1 FRUIT SO LAs. -- Ben's Electric and Furniinro Co. b Darina T ."v a Cwapleie Liguidaiion Sale. Solo Starts on I I1EADY - HE DUSHIESS ag CANNED m . s . . H. . - 2 lbs. . LETTOtE Bairary Days ? FDUIT DOLLS KhM Be Closed m J , Horh Prices Down far L . JIASPBERRY - LARGE HEADS REG. Ste 2 for 45c DADD nOLES BEG. Me - 111 SmiUCES. TV. IVUTTHne - Dakar's Dei. 39c . DEB POTATOES 19 Lbs. DBSSTICULT SSMCSS . . . . ELECTRIC AND FURNITURE 6 CO; ' jS Preston, Idaho Phone 852-01- C9 - A .cISSflS'cOLWCT - LBV...39c PACKS rjs '" THE CITIZEN. Lewtotan, Utah PORK ROAST SMi 7 c ' ! HAVE SOLD ODD V7E . Wifi Relative Dies In Boise, Idaho W. ( At-Mu- - - NOTHING DOWN ONLY Christya live in Pearl City nearby. While they v sited all tte istenda, attended two sesrione of the temple, sew many points of Interest and attended the basketball game between the and U8U. Mrs. Ifsndm flew both ways. She spent n few days with Mrs. Elisabeth Bauch enroute home and aim spent several days in Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mn. Ailtan Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin John-so- n and family left Monday to make their home in Denver Martel has employ- home of bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MendenhaH and family. Church services In the South ward on Sunday were conducted by Ethan Thomp- Prayers were offered by Blaine Bril and Cyril Funk. Special music was tendered by tha choir. Wayne Larsen and Melvin Greger were voted on to he ordained Priests. Elder Albert Robinson, recently returned from tte North OaHfonila mission, was the speaker. In the Richmond pmrd JB1 shop Rukn Thompson conducted the services. Prayers were offered bv Eteri Bair and Cyrus Lewis. The membership of Lucy Lae read. Eleven Bnucfcman was voted to be ordained a were Rose lM if Preston, Idaho M ri W-- |