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Show i me churn. Utah May 23, 1964 ir fdivlnrCiids nlrviow Hon InOhio, Worlds Fair . a ; . FAIRVIEW Earl Jen rto Dopp, Mra. Lbrna Harris for . Clave- - Jones of Loa Angeles, Calif., M left Sunday ' ho to at Mr. and Mra. Ldand Harris of Pingrace, ktoL, Mr. and to Mra. Vernon Hams and dauwite Mary going to leave torNew York ghter of Downey, Ida., Mr. City Taeoday where aha win and Mra. Ua L. Santo and met her huaband and attend on, Xanm, and wife of San r, too World Fair. Their Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mra. Phiyma to staying in Ronald Harris and family o Ogden withher cousin, Cathy Vale, Ore., Mr. and Mra. Hal ftohar of Smlthffeld, Ut Mr and Mra. tynn Bodily o in New York. GilUt' They were Demar Mra. Lewiston, and lir. bert and family of Inborn among many who attended pent Sunday visiting with toe funeral of Morris Harris, v feafe andRalpi! Gilbert. Wednesday. Ab. and Mra. Oliver Chou-la- a Sunday visitors of Mr. and .were Monday evenlai Mra. Frank Gilbert were her upper gueeta of Mr. and sisters and husbands: Mr, Mra. KeffhVCtayaon of Pree-to- and Mra. Norman Larsen of The supper was in hon- Mink Creek. Mr. and Mrs. or of . Mra. JudyMerrUls Grandvllfe Barlow of Lewiston, lit, and Mary Webster pntncMqr of .Ogden. ;rJ i.,ft CLARK INGLET and Van Farbor of Seattle, Wash., MB. AND MRS. Orion toe weekend visiting aon of Preston visited Sunday But ; andMra. Bernard Li- with hto mother, Muy and hto stoterand h ght and family and attendedtoe Preston High School com- band, 'Mr. and MrsBarnard ' Ingtot and family.. Mr. and Mia. . Edto Rawl Mr.'.and Mra. Ed brain of ings Berkeley, CaUf.; An, after speudtag - the per gueato of Air. winter. They win spend the Wedqr Hyde,' Saturday eveMBMHSF S'- S1& i 'J . t yWr ;Vf- n- dan-ride- - ' -- 1; . 1 VS f n. f Wtamers, doaor and Holstein breeders of toe K.S.L. dairy award at toe Rldunand Black and While Show held lari worit. Loft to Bmdtoy Lamen, Falrvlew, fYenklta Counr, Idaho, toird place winner and ncfeieid of a 60 savings K8L WINNERS rlit: C&-o-n; - hfff. ' the vtaiton at the t ; ning. I; bond; Robert Rklauds. AmaricaaTUrk, redpieut of 'o MOO eevtags bondDouglu Warnick, fint bim winsier and redptent of the reghteiatf Holsteta heifer calf; Jimmy Pappygeorge, Plain CMy, Utah, Pmrident of toe Utah Holsteta Breeden and Wendell Batten, holdtag toe award heifer, breeder ri the ewiard heifer. The heifer was - Iff. and Airs. David RoMr. and Mrs. Orval berta and Mr. and Mra. Dono- Santo. wen Mra. Ora Bar an i umiww of Among nne of A .i i )S . . awarded to young Warnick at the noon ceremonies at the mmusl Richmond Black and White Show, Frktay, May 32, 1961 Mr, and Bra. Norte Nlckto-o-n of Lewiston visited with Mr. and 'Afro. Nonnan RoWED THUBL FRL, SAX. berta, Friday. They an wen Norman Roberto with the MAYSV.HLM,a to Grace to see their graduate Friday .r evening. Laura Lee Chambers tailed to Los Tho Bounty" j with . . ii-1- ' w re- rutetri.b- - Angeles,' Calif., and lira. Perry Air. and family for a short it J and Mra. Earl Boar-cu- t' cfa&dran of .Mole-toand f visited with her. mother, " Menr Olson. Sundav. Mr. andMnTDetoert Knud-ae-n vtott- spent too with their lng family, .Mr. and Mr. n, SUN. ANDMON. U MAY JUNE , , 1 lf' fttJLewL Thttdrenbf And Desfro" I "JS In Jackson Hole, ,7 STARTING JUNE - Uniform ton JUNIOR CHAMPION BUU. Welcome, ftrat ana wnue how, Richmond, Utah, lfeg end Junior champion bulL UN Richmond ftueton, Idaho, BSD 1. .. visited with Mr. and owned and eridhitod by MariTv. Mrs. Paxtoy Infitat and Mr. and Mra. Barnard Ingtot and Z U. PissIsi KIsb family one day last week.' and Mrs. Mr and Aba. Afarlin Roland, Gison of Salt Lake CoffdbudriT; v' Esfia Tuiaiif and Mr.. and .Mn. City visited with his mother, VJ-Oecar' Rawlings went to Otoon, over the week-enMuy Leaving by Greyhound Bui ' Idaho, to vtott with Mr. -- 4 i rr;. for Salt Lake City, bed S Bert MR. AND MRS Wllk-inso- n , r Etna-GSbar- of 4 Big The ' ' "Toni .. V Vir-gfad- JquT Tins L ' Raw-liiig- a, a, df To LaRaev Mrs. and childran of Los Angelas, CaUt, visited with her parents, Ab. and Mra. Buttto HalL ' Sunday, Mr. imd lbs. Han-an- d .LaRae Hall and childran went to .TTemonton and visited with Ab. and bs. Eugene Hall who are too parents of a new baby Rev." lb; Benjamin M. Weir, for more toan 10 years a missknaiy for too United Presbyterian Church SNAPDRAGONS UUtea States of Ammca, TOMATOES," PEPPERS, speaki at ssrvtoaa,, at , the r neston and Logan Ppm PERENNIALS AND terian Chunchu Sunday, ILw girl dm Friday. SI. He will dettver'the 9 a.m. Mr. and Airs. Lawrence aennon at Preston, and tha af Many Largs Varieties Flfield and Rodney 11:00 a.m. aennon at Logan, Sunday dinner gueito of Mr. fntlflri "lOssion at. the FiratNarto rs. Edward Draper of Crossroads,! . based on- - CoL and n, Utim ' 1:3-1Smlthfleld. At a 7 pen. special n H Sunday evening service- at Logan he win fllustrate with slides Ms work on this misWE JUST RECEIVED sion Held, titling the service: ANOTHER CARLOAD OF "Why Be Concerned About toe Bflddto Eari? Vbttora are most welcome at all m "s vices. Rev. Weir, following graduation bum Princeton TheoloIN AU. PREFINISHED gical Seminary in 'I960, first served as a chaplain for THE BEAUTIFUL WOODS. CDEUDQ Unde Sam. In March of 1061, ho and hto wife. and baby their .service for tin Presbyterian Church BEDDING PLANTS Many Varieties PETUNIAS, ASTEBS, -- v : . I . btoa . . 1. . '1 a 1 - Writer,' Phillip Neeley and Gtona Taylor flaw to Denver and on to Dallas, arriving at Lackland Air Base, San Antonio, Texas, for basic training in the United States Air Mrs. Force. Sons of Ab. William Lb Weber, Jr., Mrs. Lowdl Neeley, and lb. and Mrs. Heber Taylor, the GRAND CHAMPION COW cow, champion -E- 1964 - OAVinoo uu $7.99 DAQDOUS firsws only , W,JUS i iOuii rOuM. non ad at the -- QFTS report they are housed In the sa hay or barracks, and have bMun their preliminary mmations and training a r Inka, first place four oU White Show, JUcfamood, owned and anzEn PDESTon AUFETEI- E- OF of uto. . PAnELinG edaMww Richmond H as fraternal workers in Lebanon. As evangelist, and as a recreational director hto u Cemplrie Set of 27 Vdbmes first five you term meant Mr. Weir was related to a Protestant parish of churches. Following hto first furlough, and increase In hto tomlly with the addition of two more children, lb. Weir ares fwiHwifte for the Proa-Chur- REGULAR ch in 1960. Tha work of Syria and Lebanon to blown at tha Synod. Tha dangers, challenges, experiences of wImUmij god educational feedfffMp Mr. weirs presentation oacmng and thrilling. Currently, IS ordained out toe active program cany fat the National Synod, serving 60 churches. There axe 30 schools In Lebanon and 8 in Syria, Including Aleppo College and the Not East School of Theology. . In too medical ministry there are tome, 300 bed howdtals. Refugee waxk and radio, broad-ar- e but a part of tha In the area. Interested in the Near East' , and its meaning to America am Invited to this fint hand report of tag on the front lines Christian Church. X h $150.00 WO Accidents i'! v; : r,' REDwocw - t i Iii A AhnniQum .COMBINATION STORM fS 4 Galvanized fe ' Saddage enus Jk SCREEN ooons .. S BIG HeavyDety GALLON - HEAVY METAL Cfi happen, even on a . golf coursel; Protect jmemK with Farmers superior coverage against injury to others... property .damage.' v Lowcott coveragt for aU tporta WITH COVER : BOOK DIG B00E OF SALE MORMON "ft 'i i., i ri i i, 4 ; LIVING SOUND i' v . . 1 to i mss F WOW m-on- a Ray C. HSrt Daau Shaffer Wltaa CHURCH, ' NOVEL, NON-FICTIO- ;;i49;95 .! N r. VALUES TO ISJK $ jL Each RECORDS Waal Onrida, nr-no- n ds Friday ' i COMPLETE SET OF LONGPLAYING DoberlU. V. ; j f, ga-191- Ph. 4 - i THE PRESTON CITIZEN t f |